Sunday, October 15, 2017


Monday, October 9, 2017
That was awkward. I sat in the passenger seat of the Honda in the back parking lot of the church with the laptop in my lap. Teaching a video conference Seminary lesson. I could hardly see my notes or the scriptures because, even with the parking lot lamps and the light in the car, things were very dim. Class was very stilted and hard to hear, even with my earphones. No bueno.

No rain + 2 days of sunshine = PAINT! Angel Cousin let us borrow his sprayer, but...two problems: 1. Missing parts, 2. a little cup holder for paint and a big ol' house to do. Oh dear. So we headed to Walmart to see what we could get. They pretty much had the same stuff, but, since I was there, I did my grocery shopping. We went to Ace and they had what we needed - for $250.00. Ouch! Then we tried Rent City because maybe it's cheaper to rent a sprayer. Nope. $100 a day. So I called one of my VT sisters who had offered her sprayer and then we drove to her place to check it out. They couldn't find it. Now what? We couldn't afford to waste more time - already being 3 1/2 hours behind schedule because Ken had to unplug a clog in the A/C line first thing in the morning - so we decided to do it the old-fashioned way. He and Analiese got rollers and brushes and went to work!

Me? I was go-fer, safety monitor/ladder holder, and equipment cleaner PLUS I did laundry, picked and cleaned some pecans
, put out ant bait, picked up Jonathan from work and wash up from dinner (Jonathan grilled burgers
). BUSY!

Tuesday, October 10, 2017
It was bitterly cold this morning! Most of that was due to the icy Northern winds that blew all night. The internet was still down, so Analiese went outside to do some detail paint work on the house. Even in the sun, she was freezing!

She ended up coming with me to the library this afternoon so she could do her lesson work using their WiFi. She went home with me on my dinner break, staying there. It's a pain, but until we're up again, we have little choice. I did some Seminary work at the church this morning, but some of it had to be done at work in the evening (like opening up tomorrow's lesson). My boss is okay with it, though I try and do it on my break and use as little time possible.

I processed (besides books) some movies on DVD as some music CDs. I think I'm getting the hang of the movies by being a little sneaky and looking for information on other websites. But there's no hope for the music; I end up duplicating and older CD's record and just changing the information, which takes a bunch of time. Blech!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Still cool in the morning, but the day warmed up nicely. The wind has moved on to freeze out other folks.

After Seminary, I went to the medical lab to be there right when it opened. I needed to have some blood taken for my cholesterol levels for my doctor. He won't refill my prescription until I do. Oh well, it didn't take long; I was the first one there.

Analiese and I left early for the library today so I could first stop at the optometrist. One of my nose guards on my glasses broke off and was scratching my nose! They replaced both guards (they're impossible to clean so they get gross) quickly so we had time to stop at Walmart for ingredients I need to make a cake on Friday. The Sister missionaries are coming to dinner.

Analiese did her school work in the back near me and, when she finished, found a book and sat in the front in the Young Adult section to amuse herself. Jonathan came in at 20 after 3 from his job, staying until we all went home for dinner. My last fifteen minutes before leaving, they stood around me, breathing down my neck. I felt rather claustrophobic and very distracted!

Thursday, October 12, 2017
It's cotton pickin' time. Not just because the Chili Cook-off was last Saturday. Not just because the fields are bursting with fluffy white puffs. But because wisps of white are floating around town.  Who needs to buy fake spider webbing when pretty soon cotton will be festooned everywhere?

I'm so over this no WiFi thing. I spent extra time at the church this morning working on tomorrow's online lesson, so I didn't have to try to squeeze it into a break at work. Between emails from students and parents, grading yesterday's work and going over tomorrow's, I had a lot to do.

All of my books at the library were done yesterday. So I worked my way through eleven donated DVDs. Yes, a whole day's work for only eleven movies. Four of them were for one season of a television show. That takes a lot of coordinating because the labeling for each disc has to be precise. Then I had a trilogy of a popular movie which required a bunch of creative case-making: copying labels, cutting and pasting, etc. Most cataloging is pretty straight-forward. However, DVDs require a little more creativity.

It's been cold at night, warm during the day lately. Back and forth with these temperatures makes my throat hurt a little. It's like the weather can't make up it's mind.

Friday, October 13, 2017
I was up at 5:30 a.m. so I could teach Analiese's Seminary class this morning. They were all pretty squirrelly so we didn't get through all I wanted. Its's Homecoming tonight and I think that had something to do with their attitudes.

The AT&T technician was supposed to be here between 8:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.. You know that generally means I'd be waiting all day at home. I planned to sneak Analiese over to the library so she could do her lessons and pray than in that 5-10 minutes away from the house nobody would show up. Gratefully, the AT&T truck pulled up around 9:00 a.m. This 6 foot, 6 inch cowboy (yep, boots and cowboy hat), had to stoop in my doorways to get to our computer/modem/router sets up. He looked at that a few minutes, then left to looks at lines and cables in our neighborhood. An hour later he had it fixed - I can't tell you how relieved Analiese and I were. She could do her lessons at home and I could work on next week's Seminary.

Plus, I spent my time making a zucchini-pineapple cake with cream cheese frosting and baking chicken alfredo lasagna rolls. The sister missionaries came to dinner. I could only eat one roll and a little bit of was so filling and yummy. Overall, a very good day!

Saturday, October 14, 2017
I had about seven non-fiction kids' books waiting for me at the library this morning. And a "collate and staple" project on my desk (they do know that $50,000 copier can actually do that, right?). My boss had been to the Hollis library yesterday and returned with boxes of withdrawn books for me to delete off of the system. On top of that, I cataloged 12 donated DVDs. Looks like I had plenty to do.

I took some leftover cake to my co-workers this afternoon. I don't need to have that cake tempting me at home. So the Carbohydrate Devil strikes again! They were thrilled. One of them thinks I ought to open a bakery. I do NOT want to have to work continually around hot ovens. That is a job for perpetually skinny and cold people. I need not apply.

I was alone this evening after work for a while. Jonathan was at a priesthood barbecue by the reservoir and Analiese was at a combined YW/YM acctivity with the Vernon and Seymour branches at the Vernon building in Texas. It was a pizza and movie sort of thing. She got home around 9. She even me a couple of my online students!

Sunday, October 15, 2017
We had a good conversation in Relief Society today about how to reach out to other faiths. Our teacher was a recent convert and her perspective was enlightening. There was a lot of good discussion.

Ken texted me at the end of Church, saying, "See you soon." I thought it meant he was leaving Chickasha right then after his meetings, early for him. But as we got home, we saw his car in the driveway. He had left right after sacrament meeting to deal with a work issue and then came straight to Altus. He was laden with treats and made popcorn so we could have a movie night together. But first, the kids had to show him some clean comedy routines they had found. One in particular addressed a spouse with Aspergers. He just had to hear it.

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