Sunday, October 1, 2017


Monday, September 25, 2017
It looks like it's going to be a damp, soggy week. Once again - SIGH - painting is not in the cards.

But Ken is here today and we went shopping earlier because he needs to leave by 3:00 p.m. Apparently he has to work at TB tonight by 7:00 p.m.

We did have time to go to lunch as a belated birthday present for me. We went to Applebee's, which sits just north of town, past the college, but before the movie theater. I had their four-cheese macaroni and cheese with honey pepper chicken bites (a nice combo, actually) and a Caesar salad. Not too much food, but just enough to answer my cheesy cravings.

Jonathan took Analiese and I to see the Ninjago movie tonight. It was okay; I'm not into that sort of thing. I enjoyed the Lego movie and the Batman Lego movie more. But the kids are fans of the Ninjago TV show, so I heard comparisons and critiques all the way home.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
SOGGY morning. Jonathan gets some more rain-driving experience, but it feels like I'll be swimming to work.

When I went back to the church after dropping Jonathan off at Walgreen's, I saw a frog on the church sidewalk. Of course, this exciting encountered had to be announced to Analiese's Seminary class. They hadn't gotten started yet, so I wasn't interrupting!

There was plenty to do at work today, lots of books. Jonathan walked here after he got off at Walgreen's so that he could drive home. We've told him to take advantage of every opportunity.

There was a really weird thing going on across the street from the library around twilight. Birds - thousands of them - all perched on the Church of Christ's roof and annex, or huddled in their two parking lots, or on all the power lines around it and a house across the road.

There were even some on the power lines behind the library - I heard them chirp-chirping away - but it was very strange. Hitchcock-esque. They were gone by closing time!

Wednesday, September 27, 2017
It's another wet morning. Lather, rinse, repeat. I'm feeling somewhat waterlogged.

No strange animal encounters today. More's the pity. They certainly help break up the monotony.

I received a strange compliment from a coworker today. She said that, for a religious person, I was pretty cool. I said I would take it as a compliment and asked her to elaborate. She said I wasn't super-serious or pious all the time. I told her that I believed that God has a sense of humor. She laughed at that. Well, we're created in His image, so if I have a sense of humor, it only means so does He. And, "men are that they might have joy." The gospel means "good news." I felt happy to be a good example of how being a believer makes one happy.

Thursday, September 28, 2017
A morning without rain is like a breath of fresh air. Literally. The day is still gray, but at least the dampness is subsiding. For now.

I had let the LD borrow my special booster for my chair (for my back) today. Since I got my new chair, I don't need it and she's been really suffering the last few days with bad back pain. It helps you sit right (posture) in a chair. She told me later that it made a world of difference. I was glad it helped because she's been so miserable!

It's a very quiet night at the library this evening. Thursdays usually are. It's just three of us tonight and probably will be on Saturday, too. They did some interviewing today to fill the FD2 position AGAIN, but aren't too thrilled. Believe it or not, a lot of people don't even bother to show up for the scheduled interview! As a coworker said, "We have bad ju-ju!"

Friday, September 29, 2017
A friend the next town over posted on Facebook today that the Monarch butterflies are migrating. Sure enough, I saw at least half a dozen this afternoon in the backyard. They were smaller than I thought they'd be. They were also beautiful!

Other than basics, I didn't get much done at home today. Mainly, because I was just feeling blah. I mean, I got a lot of Seminary stuff done, like finishing off the week's assignment grading and prepping for next week. This stuff all seems to fall on Friday.

For dinner, I made a tortellini soup with fresh spinach. It was a definite soup night and, yum, was it good! I'd wanted to make rolls earlier, but the blahs prevented me.

Saturday, September 30, 2017
I'm loving the purple the Mormon Tabernacle Choir is wearing for Conference this morning. It's a deep purple dress on the ladies, with light and dark stripes on the ties of the men. And...I love being able to watch General Conference at  my job!

Before that began, I met another homeschool mom (anyone who comes to the front talking about that, I get called up). This one has moved to Granite (30 mins. north, where the prison is that Ken used to work at) from Hawaii (?!?!?). She has a daughter Analiese's age. She's also quite the mover and shaker. She's heading up some 4H stuff for Mangum with chickens and rabbits. Apparently while they get established, they'll be meeting for rabbit club with our group. She's already met a couple people from the Jackson County club. She has more energy than I do, that's for sure!

I heard most of conference, both the morning and afternoon sessions, with only a little break when I went to lunch and picked up tacos (from, seriously Pick-Up Taco) for the kids. The peace in the back of the library is quite conducive to listening!

Sunday, October 1, 2017
We stayed up too late last night. Mainly, we were waiting for Ken who'd been delayed because of TB, plus we were watching "The Apple Dumpling Gang" on BYUtv. It made me too tired and irritable this morning. No bueno.

Conference was great anyway. Listening, trying to be aware of spiritual messages unheard, helped to calm and center me. It put Analiese to sleep, though.

I had an hour nap between sessions, but I woke to find out that one of the Apostles, Elder Hale, had passed away in between. He hadn't been at Conference, being in the hospital, but it was still sad. Such a gentle giant of a man!

Of course his passing was mentioned during the afternoon session. The last speaker - Elder Andersen - even had a brief message that Elder Hales had wanted to give if he'd been healthy enough to come. Talk about enduring to the end! It was very touching. Apparently President Nelson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, had left right after morning Conference to be by Elder Hales' side (and his family) and was there when he died. These men really love each other!

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