Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Monday, October 2, 2017
My Seminary kids all seemed to be sleeping this morning. I felt for them. I had woken up at 3:00 a.m. with a horrible headache. It took me a while to go back to sleep, even after taking the ibuprofen. After Seminary, I asked Ken to go get Analiese and took a one-hour nap.

I awoke to find them counting Monarchs in the back yard. It's mesmerizing to watch them fluttering through the yard.

I fought headaches all day. Ken and I went to lunch; I had a headache right after. Later in the afternoon, I had another one. They've been in different regions of my brain, too. I have no idea why.

I made a cheesy chicken and rice casserole for dinner, throwing in some broccoli. Jonathan wasn't pleased about the veggie (his least favorite), but it didn't stop him from eating two helpings. It was good, but garlicky. It will keep the vampires away!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017
After a drought of pecans last year, this season looks promising. Fat clusters of green pods hang heavily from the tree boughs. Analiese, outside clearing trash so Jonathan could mow, couldn't resist picking up a few of the early-comers. She's concerned that Steve the squirrel and his family will take the lion's share!2017-10-03 10.27.56.jpg

I was greeted by a Monarch as I left for work at noon today. I know they have no ears, so it couldn't hear my friendly "hello." But do you think that it was aware of me? I know, only too painfully and too well, that other insects have taken notice of me. It would be nice to be recognized by such a beautiful butterfly!2017-10-04 07.32.38.jpg

Plenty of books and audiobooks were waiting for me today. Though by the end of the day, I was finished with all the books and had made a dent in the books on CD. Here's a cute children's book I processed today: Pigeon P.I. 2017-10-03 16.13.09.jpgThe artwork and story had me chuckling literally from cover to cover.2017-10-03 16.13.15.jpg It was quite clever.2017-10-03 16.13.58.jpg

I have a headache tonight. I'd managed not to have one all day until the sun set. My only consolation is the bird chorus going on behind me on the power lines behind the library. Cheery fellows, the lot!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017
It was a drippy, wet morning again. It was only sprinkling when we dropped Analiese off at Seminary. But between Walgreens and back to the church, it really started coming down.

It had stopped by the end of her class and we left the building. On the sidewalk we met a new friend... a little frog was enjoying the wet concrete. Analiese christened him Freddie. He started hopping toward the parking lot, but out of compassion and fear that he'd get squished (we've encountered a lot of animal squish lately), we shooed him back to the sidewalk.

It was a normal workday. Books and whatnot. Jonathan came from Walgreens around 3:30 to wait to drive me home on my dinner break. He was pretty tired, he tried to take a nap on my book processing table!2017-10-04 16.57.27.jpg I told him he'd better wake up if he wanted to drive me home.

This evening at work a storm really hit. Some lightning and thunder, but definitely a lot of rain! It got loud for a few minutes! When it's a thunderstorm, we have to be careful at the library because our electrical system doesn't always handle it well. Tonight, though, it wasn't much of a concern.

Thursday, October 5, 2017
This morning found me too busy for the luxury of a nap. Bummer. Bills needed paying, emails needed replies (Seminary and EPIC), thoughts needed juggling. Before I knew it, morning was over and it was time to go to work!

I left Analiese with a personal project of her own to do while I was gone. In her Seminary class, they take turns taking goodies on Friday. Tomorrow is her turn and she wanted to take muffins - pumpkin muffins in particular. So we found a recipe she liked on Pinterest, bought the ingredients, and this afternoon she made them. She said they didn't look as nice as the photo on line, but I told her...they never do. I bet they will still taste great - she's taking after her mother, you know!

What a surprise this afternoon: we had a large, unexpected rainstorm. And me without my umbrella! It slowed down enough as I left for my dinner break and was good when I returned. But not long after...rain, rain, rain! The neighborhood streets are so flooded!

Friday, October 6, 2017
Analiese's muffins? They went over well with her Seminary class. I had some for my breakfast. They were moist and very tasty. Success!

Today dawned bright and sunny with many muddy patches and puddles! You wouldn't believe how many and how large the toadstools are!2017-10-07 12.06.55.jpg I told Analiese to watch out for fairy rings!

The insect population is out of control, too. The mosquitoes are a constant annoyance - I'm eaten alive - and the ants seem to have multiplied overnight. Today I also saw lots of dragonflies; I guess they're in response to the mosquitoes. I only wished they worked better.

I got a pedicure today. I decided to try the nail salon in Walmart. It's small and it wasn't busy, so I got right in. I've chosen a neon orange (think traffic cones) to brighten up my October!

This evening I made bean with bacon soup for dinner. It was a new recipe - yes, it was from Pinterest. The kids really liked it and Jonathan polished it off. No leftovers.

Saturday, October 8, 2017
Altus was swinging today! Besides the traditional 1st Saturday of October Cotton Pickin' Chili Cook-off (which now also includes BBQ & salsa), there was a Turkey Trot run today (they do know it's only October, right?) and some community yard/garage sales in business parking lots on Main Street. Oh, and the Downtown Marketplace was open with hayrides, bouncies, etc. It all meant that I had to take particular streets to get to home for lunch and back again to work. But it was a gorgeous fall day for it all. Bummer I had to work!

On my lunch hour, I set up dinner in the crockpot as per my norm. It was creamy spaghetti with everything (even the pasta) thrown in the pot. What makes it creamy? Cream cheese. It tasted good, but the spaghetti all clumped together and cooked into one gooey mess. The recipe told me to layer ingredients in the pot. If I try it again, I'd mix the pasta with the sauce, rather than layer. That should help with the sticking.

Sunday, October 9, 2017
Our Sunday started out with a challenge. You may think no WiFi/Internet is no big deal, especially on the Sabbath, but you have to remember: my calling DEPENDS on it! Everything from live lessons, to studying, to scheduling, to communicating with students, it all takes place on the website which means...Internet access is VITAL. Ken suggested that I take my laptop to church and work on my class stuff that I would usually to at home Sunday afternoons and do it during Sunday School. It was my best option at the moment, so I found an empty room on the other side of the clerk's office (so I wouldn't disturb any classes if I had to watch or make a video) and spent all of SS and part of Relief Society working on it.

After church we went home to find the connection status unchanged. Oh brother! I have my online class tomorrow morning...I NEED connectivity! We decided that this was an "ox in the mire" scenario and Ken went to Walmart TWICE trying to find a router that would work. No go, the problem wasn't the router. He spent quite some time on the phone with AT&T...we get a technician. Friday (eye rolling here). What to do in the meantime? In particular, tomorrow? Ken drove over to the church (he was really my hero today) to find the best WiFi signals available in the parking lot. Because I have my class at 6 and I don't have keys to the building and the Altus Ward teacher won't be there until after I need to get in. So I'll be doing Seminary in my car.

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