Sunday, September 24, 2017


Monday, September 18, 2017
We had a raucous thunderstorm last night and an actual gully-washer this morning. By the time I left the house to pick up Analiese from Seminary, the house was surrounded by a swamp! Driving to the church and back was tricky because the water came up through almost both lanes on each side of the street. The corner where I turn to come home at Broadway and Navajo was completely covered!

I guess this means no house painting today. Rats!

I got my birthday package from my bestie ME today. I didn't care that it's really for tomorrow...I needed the boost NOW! Seven books, a journal, a biscuit cutter, cute mini kitchen tools and two mint truffle bars later
...I felt so loved! By the end of the day, I'd read a snippet of nearly every book!

On account of the rainy day, I made some chicken and rice soup (a new recipe). This is the first "soup of the fall." It smelled and tasted great.
But one batch didn't make much, as demonstrated by Jonathan who had three bowls!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017
It is my birthday today. I am now old. 50. Half a century. Brother.

I started today with a 5:30 alarm because I was subbing in the Altus Ward Seminary class this morning. Yes, Analiese finally had a Seminary lesson from her mother. She said I did fine. One of my old students complained about their current teacher, but I reminded her that everyone has a different teaching style and has much they can learn from! I certainly don't want to get into that kind of an issue! The current teacher is called and set apart for them now, not me. I have my own class to deal with, thank you very much!

Analiese gave me a necklace as a gift that she's made at the family reunion in Oregon.  It is very pretty. Jonathan gave me a nice picture from for our most recent family photo and a large bag of pistachios. Ken texted me birthday wishes and said we'd do something next week. Plus I got phone calls, texts, and Facebook greetings from many friends and loved ones. Thanks, everybody!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017
It was another extra-early morning today to sub in Seminary. We had a great discussion that nearly everyone contributed to at the end. I like that!

Analiese is enjoying - for the most part - her EPIC high school classes. Today she had to do a slide presentation on Ancient China. She was very interested and involved in learning about it and in assembling her slide show.  She likes to be creative. Sound like anyone you know?

She made French toast for dinner tonight. She did a good job and it tasted great. She added a bit of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves, not going overboard. She's become quite the little cook!

Coming home from the library, I was treated to quite the light show. No thunder, no rain, just clouds filled with lightning headed east. Jonathan texted me on his way back from Lawton that he had a good view of it!

Thursday, September 21, 2017
Not having to get up at 5:30 made 6:00 almost feel like sleeping in! Since I still had to leave with Analiese a little earlier to let her teacher in. I still had his keys.

For my class today, I was able to spend about twenty minutes over the phone trying to help a family operate the online Seminary site. I think the mom got it by the time we finished. I hope so - that family has two of my students!

I finished cataloging all the books I had on my cart this afternoon. This left me time to start sorting withdrawn books by genre again.

Friday, September 22, 2017
I had an utterly delicious "lie in" this morning. You may not think 7:30 is sleeping in, but to me, it was the height of luxury! No alarms. Sweet!

I took Jonathan over to the Highway Patrol office and then to the Tag Agency (think DMV, only much better) to get him his driver's permit. He has to have that for at least thirty days before he can get his license. He happily drove home. Then a little later he drove me and Analiese to Burger King for lunch. It's attached to the EZGo gas station at the end of town and they've been doing a renovation on it, so the place, including the parking lot, is a mess. That's okay. It was good practice for him.

The remainder of the day was filled with laundry, Seminary study, and dinner prep. Jonathan had purchased me a copy of "Hocus Pocus" because ever year I'm looking for it online around Halloween time. So I indulged myself this evening in ushering in the Fall by watching it.

Saturday, September 23, 2017
I knew I was down a person due to illness at the library today. That left three of us to hold the fort. Fine. We can make that work.

Except...FD2 decided not only to be coming back late from lunch (I had okayed a little bit late), but NOT COME BACK AT ALL! Her father called fifteen minutes after she was supposed to be back, saying she had problems (car?) and he was going to check it out. I told him she HAD to be back here by 1:00 p.m. After the call, I heard nothing for the rest of the day (yes, she has a phone).

This threw everything off. I watched the desk so FD1 could have her lunch (under the assumption that FD2 would have been back long before the other one returned). Then I ran home (unfortunately it left her alone at the library, but what was I to do?) for ten minutes to pick up Jonathan from home so he could help me with the Lego builders group at 3:00 p.m. That was the only break I got!

I was so exhausted by the end of the day! However, I was so extraordinarily grateful for Jonathan's help. It was really cute watching him help a little boy
(the group was ages 3-7) build a "house." I think a little hero-worshiping was going on.  The activity was successful and we had six kids. Here's a showcase of all they worked on (the apple tree in the middle was my contribution!).

The Women's session of General Conference was tonight. I was too tired and my feet hurt, so I didn't want to go over to the church. Analiese was okay with that. Thank goodness for BYUtv! I did enjoy the conference, just even more in my own home on my sofa!

Sunday, September 24, 2017
There was a Linger Longer after church today. Someone decided to bake brownies in the oven during the last hour of church. The Relief Society room is only a few doors down from the kitchen. It was an excruciating hour!

I took a salad. With me working (especially as crazy as yesterday was), I just don't have time for making anything complicated. So I made taco salad, more of a kid-pleaser, but still healthy. I even "made" my own dressing by mixing Ranch with salsa. Hey, it tasted great.

The sister missionaries came by for water refills this afternoon and got to meet Ken. Yes, I actually do have a husband! They were cute, as usual, calling me their best friend. I truly am a friend to the missionaries, with all my heart!

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