Sunday, September 10, 2017

TMI...but if you really want to know...

Monday, September 4, 2017
Labor Day: no Seminary + no work = Sleep in! I did, too, deliciously, until 8 a.m. My day is made already!

Jonathan and Analiese helped me with my Seminary social discussion this week by debating Marvel vs. DC comics. It was silly and fun. I hope the kids enjoy it.

Ken had help with the house this afternoon from a brother in our ward and his father-in-law who was visiting from Mexico. This meant we got to practice our Spanish, something Ken adores. The FIL was pleased to have a conversation he could understand. He was very sweet and I spent some time practicing and chatting with him. Especially as he came in to beat the heat; temperatures have rising lately.

Tuesday, September 5, 2017
Today was a video lesson day for Seminary because of Labor Day yesterday (Did I say "day" enough for you?) I had eleven students, so that wasn't too bad, considering.

Analiese had to be at the library at nine this morning to take a pre-ACT test. This was to see how she stood and where her weaknesses lie so they can work on it for her to take the real thing next year. Her teacher said it would take her four-five hours and she wasn't to get upset because she probably hadn't encountered too much of it - especially science and math. Well, she completed the test in under two and a half hours and aced everything, including science, excepting math and even that wasn't too bad. She was so relieved and I was happy for her. She won't have to do too much extra study to prepare for it. I think she is going to do well in high school and adjust quickly to college, when the time comes.

Let's work I unpacked five boxes of books (about 72-75 total), cataloged six more DVDs plus some large-print books, re-organized my book label collection, and helped my boss go over the book order inventory list. Busy day.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017
I had a rough night. I spent most of it in the bathroom with horrific stomach cramps.

So this morning I awoke feeling rather flat. Like a zombie, except zombies wouldn't feel dizzy, headache-y, and have the need to be near a bathroom at all times. This meant that after Devotional, I went to bed and slept it out as much as I could until 11 a.m., when I got a shower with the intention of going to work.

By 11:30 I realized that wasn't going to happen. The zombie feeling wouldn't stop and I still had a very close relationship with my commode. I reluctantly called in sick.

And spent the rest of the day on the sofa or in bed. I ate toast and crackers and drank a lot of water or Gatorade. I vegged out until I dragged myself to bed for the night at nine, praying for a better day tomorrow.

Thursday, September 7, 2017
I slept through the night with no nocturnal toilet visits! I was a little tired, but there was no dizziness, headaches or cramps!

To be on the safe side, I took a short nap in the morning. Then I jumped in the shower.

Like a stalker, waiting in the shadows for its victim, it hit me. I am grateful that my toilet is but mere feet from my shower. I groaned, but took some medicine, crossing my fingers that this was just a final shot.

No such luck. I was ready to walk out the door to go to work when it hit me again, this time adding the cramps back in. What am I supposed to do? I called my boss...again. Apparently there's a nasty stomach bug going around and lucky me found it.

Back to bed for a three hour sleep (really too long to call a nap). Veg day #2 - no bueno. 😖

Friday, September 8, 2017
Today's illness analogy is brought to us by the Great Plague. I am waiting to see if the death carts are going to pick me up and cart me to an unknown mass grave. However, I am not to the point of blaming rats yet.

I continue to feel dragged out. I thought I'd try to get a pedicure I really needed. I hadn't been ill in the night. So I went, no problem. Decided to go get gas since the van was nearly empty (those prices were enough to make anyone sick to their stomach!) and that was okay. Well, as I got back the house, a Pepsi truck was on the road in front of my driveway and I was feeling hungry. My stomach was saying it's hungry, so I figured a small trip to McD's for a late breakfast sandwich with OJ. Right, some real food!

BAD IDEA. It didn't take 30 minutes and I was home and sick all over. Stomach is stupid. I hate crackers and Gatorade.

Saturday, September 9, 2017
The last time I was overtly ill was yesterday morning. No stomach cramps, either. Just fatigue and dizziness and my left eye keeps twitching?  I'd missed so much work, I figured I go in, work quietly and gently (not too fast or eager) in the back, rest on my lunch break and make the day go okay.

I lasted three hours. I made myself last three hours. By then I had stabbing upper stomach pains, felt dizzier and wanted to sleep. My co-workers said I looked like death and persuaded me to go home. Which I did after a Walmart run for - you guessed it - more cracker and Gatorade...with a little soup thrown in for good measure. I even went home and ate some of it. It sat heavily for a while but, no rejection.

Then I slept. And repeated the last few days ritual. This is boring, but I haven't been able to do much else.

Sunday, September 10, 2017
Progress! I had a banana for breakfast.

I threw up the white flag of defeat today and only left the house to drop the kids off at church. It's been the bed or the sofa all day. Ken came home to find me groggy from the latest sleep-fest. I still have stuff to do, sick or not. Like this blog. Pray this thing goes AWAY!

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