Monday, September 18, 2017


Monday, September 11, 2017
After two days of peace in my lower GI, we're back to square one. The stomach pain is back, along with the headaches, weakness and dizziness. Are we back to last Wednesday? I REALLY need to be over this!

The sister missionaries came over this afternoon to see me. One, because I wasn't there Sunday and they missed me. Two, because one is being transferred on Wednesday and wanted to see me one more time. They are so sweet and their spirits energize me and my testimony!

There was a bat flitting around our backyard this evening. Since this has been such a summer for bugs, I wasn't too surprised to see it. If I'd know they'd come around, though, I might have put up a bat house for them! As it was, I saw a neighborhood cat staring at it, too. I chided the cat, "You leave that bat alone, hear me?"

Tuesday, September 12, 2017
This is getting soooooo boring. Shall we recap?

  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Body Ache
  • Diabolic G.I.
I have a doctor's appointment for tomorrow at 2;30. Not that I really think he'll be able to do much. I probably just have to ride it out...but it's sure a big wave!

I tried to go to work. They kicked me out and sent me home and are waiting to hear what the doctor says tomorrow. I really need to work, but apparently a third personal has fallen ill. They're just a bit nervous.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017
My G.I. was all bark and no bite last night. Which meant it kept me up for a bit, but it was painless.

Since my doctor's appointment isn't until 2:30 and I need to do whatever I can to feel better, so I went back to bed and slept for four more hours. Being that I'm sick, this can't be a bad thing.

Eating-wise, I had a protein shake for breakfast and a banana with Powerade (change-up, it was on sale at Walmart) for lunch. Right now the thought of crackers makes me nauseous.

At the doctor's they made me wear a mask
until results came back from the flu swab test. It was only a ten-minute wait, but I felt very self-conscious. It came back negative, so apparently that meant I wasn't contagious because they told me to take off the mask. The doctor figures it's a virus and he can do nothing for it. Rest and fluids. What I was already doing. Ride it out. Sigh.

I did go to work for a few hours at the library tonight. I was feeling tired and ragged by the end. But at least I could work.

Thursday, September 14, 2017
I actually felt better today. Still a little tired, but everything else has gone away. I am tentatively positive about this. Erring on the cautious side, I took a short nap.

Analiese needed clay for a project for her art history project. Why don't they give me a heads up so I can assemble what I need BEFORE the day of the project. I had to borrow some Playdough from the seminary closet. If there wasn't any there, I would have asked the HL if she had some. She has every craft supply imaginable!

I worked the whole day today with no more fatigue than a normal day. Everyone said I looked better from even yesterday. Cross your fingers, knock on wood, whatever. Things are looking up!

Friday, September 15, 2017
This is the first day in a couple of weeks that I haven't had a nap. We'll see how that affects me.

It's a very busy day. I had more Seminary stuff to work on because I'm subbing in the Altus class for two days next week. I've decided that one of those lessons will also be used for my online live class on Monday, doing double-duty and cutting down on prep work.

Jonathan had behind-the-wheel lessons this morning, but after that we went to Walmart to get stuff for tonight's dinner and to (try and) get paint for Monday (YAY!). They didn't have the light base for the color I finally chose, but I called Ken and he picked it up at the Chickasha Walmart.

The sister missionaries came over for dinner, one of them being new. I made pork chops with apples, Amish noodles, salad, and totally-from-scratch chocolate cake (with Jonathan's assistance). We haven't had a nice sit-down home-cooked meal in a while so we appreciated it!

Saturday, September 16, 2017
I started my work day doing some machine/technology/computer inventory in preparation for an audit next month. I did it out front and on the floor for that hour before the library opens so I wouldn't be in the way of patrons, especially since computer access is one of our more popular options. There's still the back, the offices, and the garage to be done, but like Rome, this won't happen in a day.

I feel completely justified/vindicated. This past week, having sold all the genre boxes on the table on the floor, the library staff got generic boxes of books and put them out. Not a one of them moved. So this morning I replaced them with my genre box collection and sold nearly all I had - about six or seven! In ONE day. We have so many books to get rid of, we have to sell them and my way works. Though now it means I need to sort some more. I kind of ran out of what I had.

Sunday, September 17, 2017
At the last minute, before leaving for church, I was asked to sub for the Primary chorister. I grabbed a piece of posterboard, some yellow star sticky notes, and some little stickers. The Primary is getting close to having their program, so I did a review, writing each song on a star. Then, while the kids sang, I gave them stickers to place around that corresponding star. It worked really well for the Junior Primary, but only so-so for the Seniors. They tend to get cynical about singing time the later we get in the year.

However, the best part was in Senior singing time. Our last song, "I Know That My Savior Loves Me," is very spiritual. I asked them to sing their testimony, especially at the chorus. Oh, the Spirit was so very strong! "I know He lives! I will follow faithfully! I give my heart to Him. I know that my Savior loves me!" It literally made me weak in the knees, it was so powerful!

But I did sing my voice out. After church I was squeaking. You can't say I don't put all my energy into these things!

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