Sunday, August 13, 2017


Monday, August 7, 2017
Now we're rising at 6:00 a.m. Though I hear Seminary is pushed back another week. Well, we might as well get over it and be up and doing.

Ken and our angel cousin are working on the porch this morning. This is a much louder job than the windows were. When I left to go grocery shopping, they had completed building a brace of wood to hold the porch up as they worked on it. I should have taken a picture then, but thought I could get it afterwards. Nope. When I returned, it was gone. They'd finished much faster than expected, even though one side had been really bad. It was a wonder the thing hadn't come crashing down on us before. Now it definitely won't! That's some sturdy workmanship!

The kids and I went to a ward member's home for a barbecue and welcome home to the brother who just got back from a Middle-East assignment. Analiese swam, but Jonathan and I socialized. That is, until the mosquitoes came out and started feasting on me. Time to go!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017
It's been hard for me to get up so early lately. Even though I arose at six, I was back in bed after eight for a nap. My body just needed it!

I have received my church online seminary training invitation email. My boss isn't quite finished with my laptop, but that was good because we learned today the computer requirements that she would need to make sure it has so that things can run smoothly. I tested the site out on my computer at work and it first. When I tried to get back in, it didn't recognize my username. I guess I'll just have to try it at home.

There are plenty of books on my cart today. I just may be able to stay busy this week. 😁 The new FD2 is now working her full schedule, so I'll be available in the evenings and Saturday to assist as needed.

Wednesday August 9, 2017
Still so very, very tired, but I couldn't afford a nap this morning. I really had to get online and start my training, even if it had to be on our old (and slow) desktop.  But, alas! I had multiple problems. Not only could I not access my course, I couldn't even get into my account. I did everything I could think of (including new things I've learned from my boss): I tried different browsers, cleaned up the histories of said browsers, reset my password TWICE, cried, and prayed. Finally I resorted to calling the OU Institute Secretary, who's supposed to be my tech support person on it (she's learning it alongside of me, but I was hopeful). She had me call another person, who sent me back to her (I must have been a royal pain in her day), and we went back and forth with phone calls and email. We got it all straightened out just as I needed to leave for work. In fact, I was a couple of minutes late, but I wasn't leaving until the issue was resolve. Which it was, in main part, thanks to her.

At least it meant I didn't have to stress about it while I was trying to work today. I had plenty of library work to do and, since my boss will be out tomorrow, we had things to go over.

Thursday, August 10, 2017
I spent a lot of time this morning studying the online seminary training courses. My head is spinning with ideas and questions. I feel like a week's preparation (all I have left) may not be enough time!

My boss wasn't at work today, but up in OKC for a doctor's appointment for a family member. I had enough to do, but it was sure quiet and isolating. The full-time FDG (Front Desk Gal) came back on her break to visit, rather than sit in the break room and later came to do some book repairs on the desk in the way back. I think she was trying to keep me company.

Friday, August 11, 2017
Jonathan, Analiese and I left the house at 7:30 this morning. We stopped in Chickasha for a moment and then headed to OKC. Jonathan & I both had a day off and I really wanted to go to the temple before I started Seminary. This was a very last-minute decision because Jonathan didn't even know he had today off until yesterday!

We go rained on as we headed that way, but all was sunny and clear as we reached the city. We stopped first at Chick-fil-A for lunch
(Yes! I had my peach shake!
) and then went over to the temple.

Attending the temple is so therapeutic. You don't need to have an earth-shattering experience; in fact, those are very rare. Mainly, I come out of the temple all of my nerves are back in place and soothed and all is well with my soul. If I could attend more often, I'm sure my anxiety would be much less.

Saturday, August 12, 2017
It was raining as I left the house for work. You'd think I'd leave the house with a jacket. Nope. It's a moist sauna outside. Not jacket weather.

I have a bunch of large prints books on my cart today. But I didn't get a lot done.  My boss came in today with my laptop and to tell me about some stuff I may need to take care of while she's off of work next week. She taught me how to receive book orders. I won't be in until Tuesday, and orders usually come in on Monday, so we'll see what shows up and if I can take care of it!

Sunday, August 13, 2017
Nice meeting today. We had ward conference, which means we had visitors from the stake and some of them spoke. The bishop spoke about families, covenants, and ordinances. He had some great points about planning for your family for the next covenant they will make. The stake patriarch bore his testimony and the stake president spoke. All great.

This afternoon at home...oh, boy. I did my first video message via email to my students-to-be. They say check your ego at the door when you teach Seminary. Too easy with this one. I do not like having my picture taken and doing video is even worse! But I'm supposed to do it regularly - no just for the weekly video conference lesson, but during discussions, assignments, etc. I'm to be as available and physically visible as I can. All it does for my ego is tell me to lose weight!

Still, it's getting exciting, figuring this stuff out. Probably the most difficult thing I face is the three-stake situation. I not only don't know the kids and rub elbows with them on a regular basis, I don't know their parents, and their bishops. See, we're all supposed to work together. This will definitely be challenging for me.

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