Monday, August 21, 2017


Monday, August 14, 2017
I was rather ill last night, so I turned off my 6:00 a.m. alarm (last time I can do that for a while!) and slept in until 7:30. Oh, well, it was a little better.

Ken & Jonathan worked with our angel cousin puttying and patching the outside. While they did that, Analiese worked on her pre-lessons and I tried to do laundry, figure out my grocery list, and work on Seminary stuff. Plus, the RS secretary (coincidentally angel cousin's wife) came over to interview me for the RS newsletter spotlight for September. Whether or not I did any of these things well is questionable.

I start teaching Seminary next Monday, so this week is dedicated for preparing for an orientation online on Sunday and my first online lesson Monday. I've been looking over my student list and, so far, I have fourteen enrolled. Getting the word out to them about everything starting has been a challenge.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017
Two nights of thunderstorms, showy lightning and a lot of rain. At one point I woke up and heard it, but I went to back to sleep effortlessly.

Right now, managing household duties and necessities while trying to understand the inner workings of the online seminary site, is a difficult balancing act. Which is more important? They both are! It makes me more tired just thinking about it.

I've been working with the CES secretary and the Lawton Stake seminary coordinator today trying to figure out how to reach these kids and their families to let them know Seminary is starting and how to get on the website. I've joined a Facebook group about the site, which just opened in July, this is how new this all is. We're all learning here. The group is to help us understand things to do on the site and is also a forever for questions about it.

My boss is off this week on her vacation. Her grandson is in town and she's busy spoiling him. Cute kid. It makes for a very quiet work week for me, though.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017
We're being inundated with insects at the library with insects. All kinds, many I can't identify, but mostly crickets. The today I caught one staring at me from the top of my wall calendar. Seriously. Luckily, nature is assisting us in their removal somewhat. Someone found a lizard/gecko (?) near the children's section the other day. It was so tiny, we put it in our little terrarium, gave it some water and dry crickets (not off the floor, purchased) and made it a little home. I call it Reader, a very appropriate name! Look at his striped tail!

At this moment, I have sixteen enrolled online seminary students, with at least three more pending. There have been more requests, but I think we need to cap it at twenty. As it is, this is going to be an interesting challenge. My head is swimming, quite literally.

Thursday, August 17, 2017
The storm we expected last night didn't come, thank goodness. They were talking big hail, etc. Instead, we got a little wind and lightning.

Not a good morning for me. I had taken my morning pills and vitamins and was sipping on my chocolate protein shake when all of a sudden I felt dizzy and very nauseous. I slowly made my way to the bathroom (nothing) and went to bed 7:30 a.m. I slept for three hours. It helped, some.
I feel like the cat in this children's book I cataloged.

More phone calls and emails about Seminary today. Now enrollment stands at nineteen - with seven more waiting to get in. Apparently Salt Lake called our secretary about the enrollment numbers - the ideal is fifteen! We had no idea we'd have this large of a response. It's a little late to call and train another teacher, but maybe we should consider two classes next year!

Friday, August 18, 2017
It seems a shame to get up at 6:00 a.m. on my day off. But by next week, it will still be a Seminary day. Oh well.

As it was, I wanted to get up early anyway to work outside and beat the heat. This time I remembered to apply insect repellent to keep from becoming a mosquito feast. I started using the edger until it ran out of the plastic thread. I couldn't find more in the garage and probably didn't know how to replace it anyway. So I got out the gallon pump sprayer and made up a batch of herbicide. I sprayed weeds in cracks in edges, using it all up. Then I went inside to take a shower because the poison had touched my legs and it felt like they were burning. Seems like it might be effective.

I took a little reward nap following that and then spent the rest of the day trying to organize myself for Seminary. I fixed up my binder, cleaned up around my desk, and made sure all of my downloads were done for orientation on Sunday and my lesson on Monday. Other than enrollment issues, which I'm not fretting over because the buck is passed to the secretary, I feel pretty ready. I also felt good that I'd accomplished so much in my day.

Saturday, August 19, 2017
It's Saturday. You'd think I wouldn't get any calls about Seminary. You'd be wrong. Being part of a pilot program is a very intense experience. These next few weeks are going to be telling. I'll keep you posted.

Work was its usual Saturday - quiet and slow. I cataloged some audiobooks (CDs_ and two large print books. After lunch, I filled out a return report on ten books we're sending back to the bookseller, plus I downloaded OCLC records for our launchpad (orange) tablets that we're (eventually) putting out in the children's section. Yep, that's my day.

On my lunch break, I saw the kids only briefly before they headed out with the ward youth to the temple. Analiese was going to do baptisms...I gave her some family names!
Jonathan was going to be priesthood assistance.
That means I'll be home alone after work.

Sunday, August 20, 2017
Church was very "in synch" with my Seminary situation right now. Two talks were on applying the scriptures in our lives and the RS lesson was about the Book of Mormon. I cam away with more thoughts for tomorrow's lesson.

After church, my friend Elaina came over to help me make a wire "tree of life" - including the iron rod! I was so excited to do it (very jazzed about teaching the Book or Mormon) and she was so patient with me. Besides making the craft, we worked at "making" our friendship.
The time was well spent and is well cherished. And see how it turned out!

Online Seminary Orientation...was a disaster! Despite my preparations and multiple notifications, only four students showed up. Some others tried but had technical difficulties. I had plenty of those, too, and my training taught me how to get into the video conference, but not what to do once I got in there. It was so awful, I felt so disheartened. This guinea pig is exhausted from spinning needlessly (or needfully) on her crazy wheel. Please pray that tomorrow's class goes better!

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