Sunday, August 27, 2017


Monday, August 21, 2017
We made it! We survived our first day of seminary. I had eleven students attend with minimum difficulty. My PowerPoint worked fine and I even showed a video. Progress! Yesterday was just like a really, really bad dress rehearsal.

The problems aren't over and I imagine the next few weeks are going to see us working on and ironing out tech issues. I've already had four phone calls and two emails about stuff today. Connectivity to the learning site is one of our biggest challenges.

I picked up Analiese from her Seminary class (which I heard went smoothly) and we went for a walk before returning home. I think I'm going to need these times to help me decompress!

Ken worked outside alone today; Jonathan had to work. But Analiese used her glasses (courtesy of the library) to watch the eclipse. I was surprised how well they worked, even through cloud cover. We only had a 73% totality, so we watched some of the other places on on YouTube to see what 100% totality was like. It was pretty cool!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017
Walking with Analiese this morning, I actually got bit THROUGH my clothes! And both kinds of "skeeters" were out: the small boys and the King Kongs which are 5x larger. Ugh! Okay...tomorrow - repellent!

I think we're making progress in Seminary. Most of my communications today had good news or at least positive thinking. OKC South Stake has called another online teacher to take some of my load - that is very good! More families are connecting and successfully getting online. And these kids are amazing! Already I'm getting testimonies, experiences, enthusiasm and humor from them. They, for the most part, seem to genuinely want to make this work. I think this is going to be a wonderful experience for them in spite of all the bumbling of we adults.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017
During our morning walk, Analiese and I passed through the middle of the city park. Besides lots of toadstools - all the moisture this summer has brought out the fungus - there were so many robins! We must have seen thirty of them at least. I imagine they are here in response to the increased insect population. Go robins!

At work, my boss brought back from the Hollis library seven boxes full of books for me to remove from the system. I spent a good bit of time just organizing three boxes of Western paperbacks.
Those will be popular for our book sale. But my desk was covered!
Actually, there were more before I remembered to take a picture!
I spent four out of my first five hours going through most of them. After that, my eyes were tired and I needed a break!

Thursday, August 24, 2017
I am really enjoying my interaction with my seminary students. They are very perceptive and their desire to be close to the Lord is strong. One student had me in tears as I read of his desire to have faith like Nephi's. It's only the first week - this is going to be awesome!

Analiese and I didn't get very far on our walk after class because I took a step and ping, twinge, PAIN! I do not know what I did, but my left ankle did not like it. I tried to walk it off and hope it would click back into place, but we ended up going back to the van and home.

It was still tender by this evening, so I was careful walking on it at work. Which ended up with me sorting books by genre, removing them from the system, and boxing them up for sale. Today they sold two boxes of my Westerns from yesterday!

Friday, August 25, 2017
With hurricane brewing in the Gulf of Mexico (prayers for Texas!), we were expecting some weather. But by the time Analiese and I left for Seminary, everything was rain, no storm. Until we got to the church building where it immediately started to rain. Good thing my rolling box (for my laptop) has a lid!

We didn't go walking today, but it wasn't due to the rain. Instead, we went home to get ready to go to the EXPO center for Children's Day at the Jackson County Fair. We volunteered to hold rabbits so kids could come and pet them. What a sacrifice! I think I held at least five rabbits
Brown mini-rex on my lap
(we'd swap them out occasionally to give them a rest) and I lowered my blood pressure by several points. I hadn't seen my Rabbit Club friends in a while
My friend, Valerie, grooming her lion-head rabbit.
, so that was great, too.

It poured heavily while we were at the fair, so we slogged through the mud (literally, a morass), me worrying that my minivan didn't have the umph and traction to get out of a mud-and-gravel parking lot. We ran some errands at Walmart and then headed home. I did lots of boring chores for the rest of the day, but also made my husband's birthday dessert - Chocolate Cream Pie - from scratch (well, I didn't make the crust). No pudding here! Ken doesn't like pudding. This was a custard, with eggs. I think he's going to enjoy it. I'll serve it with some real whipped cream on Sunday.

Saturday, August 26, 2017
The weather has cooled some and you won't see me complaining. Analiese says Fall is here, but I'm not quite ready to admit to that!

Besides being Fair weekend, it is also Rodeo weekend. For some reason, the city scheduled both for this weekend. So as I was leaving home to go back to work after lunch, I had to find a different way to the library. The Rodeo parade was coming down Broadway. People lined the streets watching the parade. Darn, I had to work!

Apparently, I am ready to be considered old. AARP reached out to me today.
The kids thought it was hilarious.

Sunday, August 27, 2017
I woke up with a headache and general malaise this morning. I took the kids and my salad (for the Linger Longer following) to church, stayed for sacrament meeting (the most important), and then went home. They walked home afterwards. I slept for 2 1/2 hours and felt a little bit better.

But I needed my energy and enthusiasm back because, after Ken got back from Chickasha, we were going to celebrate his birthday. It's actually tomorrow, but he'll leave to go back by mid-to-late afternoon. So we had his dinner, gifts, and dessert today instead.

He just wanted nice sandwiches, so we bought some meat and cheese from the deli and some good quality bread. I had Analiese make his favorite "onionless" onion dip, I purchased Senorial sangria soda and, of course, we had the decadent chocolate pie with freshly-made whipped cream.

He loves being home with the family and resting, so he was very happy today. We spoiled him, too, because he deserves it!

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