Sunday, June 4, 2017

CHAUTAUQUA (Shaw-talk-wha)

Monday, May 29, 2017
Gee, I slept in until 7:30! That's pretty late for me! Still, I had to get up, because I have much to do. Even if it is Memorial Day, it's still Monday and my regular day off.

I went grocery shopping alone this morning while Ken kept working on the outside of the house with Analiese by his side. They did flaking and chipping away at the wall surrounding the power box. We're borrowing a gas-powered washer today and he wisely decided we shouldn't use it around electricity.

After lunch, I helped Analiese with the never-ending math, put away laundry, and packed up some stuff for Ken to take with him. Meanwhile, he transferred the paint on the house to himself via water (ha-ha). When Jonathan came home from work, Ken showed him how to use it and hopefully finish removing paint off of the house this week.   It looks like we'll have some wood repair/replacing (a little) and then...paint!

After Ken left for Chickasha, the sister missionaries came over. I cooked up a couple of frozen pizzas, we brought out games and had a fun time. They couldn't do any work because everyone is busy with the holiday (seriously, the stores and food places were practically deserted), so they spent time with us. It was nice, after a busy day, to just relax and have fun.

Tuesday,  May 30, 2017
For the record, acetone (nail polish remover) works very well at removing latex paint from tile floors. It took hardly any scrubbing and went quickly. I was quite pleased. Thanks again to Pinterest!

After dropping Jonathan off at his work and before heading to mine, I stopped at a ward member's house to load up the Honda as much as I could with packing boxes. This moving thing is starting to feel real...

I cataloged DVD movies today for the first time. My boss didn't even show me how, though she'd said in the past that they were similar to audiobooks. I picked an older one off the library shelves, looked at it's computer record, copied it, and made necessary changes. I showed my record to my boss...and I got it right. This old lady can still learn!

Wednesday, May 31, 2017
The sister missionaries came over this morning. Not to play games, but to give service by weeding our front planters! Analiese helped by picking up weeds and debris. I went outside for a bit, too, to deadhead roses and remove diseased leaves. Jonathan worked some more of wall washing.

Then I went inside to work some more on the front bathroom floor. I think I tried three different cleaners, trying to get dried, soiled bunny stuff off the tile and grout. Nothing really worked, though all the chemicals left me dizzy, headache-y, and breathless. Rather stupid.

Work today was mainly going through juvenile nonfiction books for every basketball team in the NBA! My eyes were swimming when I was done. Please don't mention basketball to me for a while.

Thursday, June 1, 2017
Today was really boring. Seriously. Normal stuff at home and more junior/juvenile nonfiction cataloging at the library. Either that or easy reader series books, which I loathe. So boring that I never let my kids read them. They are so dull they'd put anyone off of reading. Cataloging them is no more enjoyable.

I did work some up at the front this evening because FD1 (Front Desk Employee 1 - she took my spot) wasn't here. Just me and FD2 in the library alone. She was surprised that I knew/remembered what to do for the FD1 duties. C'mon, it's only been a couple of months! It's one of the reasons they had me closing alone with the FD's so soon instead of "babysitting" them for a couple of months. I know how the front works!

Friday, June 2, 2017
Boy, I slept in today, until 8 o'clock! I must have needed it. It set my plans back a little, too, but not bad. I spent the morning mainly helping Analiese with linear functions (lines, graphs, etc.) and after lunch I popped over to the church to clean out the Seminary closet.

This week has been Chautauqua - living history week - in town. The library and the museum sponsor lectures, workshops and events every year around a certain historic theme. This year was "Cowboys and Cattle Trails." Analiese and I went to the museum this afternoon to hear a lecture on captivity accounts of people who were taking from their families by Indians.
It was fascinating especially because part of one woman's story took place in this part of Oklahoma. There is a road in Lawton named after her son, who was the last Comanche chief. We enjoyed it and Analiese even read a piece of an account for the lecturer. Afterwards we toured the museum and saw the re-done grounds; they were lovely.

It made for a nice afternoon off.

Saturday, June 3, 2017
I took Jonathan up to Lawton to a meeting with a member of the Seventy who'd come down for our Stake Conference. Elder Nielson, the head of the Church's missionary department, wanted to speak to prospective missionaries and Jonathan was invited. It was a very interesting, informative and spiritual meeting.

It meant, though, that I took the morning off of work. So, after getting a bite to eat, we headed home. I dropped him off and then went to the library. I stayed primarily in the back the whole time because the crazy temperature system in the building had the heater ON in the front. It was roasting!

Sunday, June 4, 2017
We had a beautiful drive to and from Lawton for Stake Conference. There was a little rain, but mostly blue sky, clouds, and sunshine.

Conference was wonderful, as always. The Stake President had a great talk on being extraordinary and growing spiritually. The temple president and his wife spoke (obviously) about the temple. Elder Nielson spoke, of course, about a variety of things, touching mainly on points made in the other talks. At the end he pointed his remarks toward the youth, telling them that God's laws set the universe in motion and there are consequences for defying those laws. Like, jumping off of a 40-story building in defiance of the Law of Gravity...relating it to spiritual laws. I really liked it.

We went back right away because Jonathan had to work this afternoon, having taken yesterday off for the meeting. Ken came home in time to take Jonathan, bringing some rented videos and goodies, proclaiming a movie afternoon/evening!

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