Sunday, May 28, 2017


Monday, May 22, 2017
Still feeling slight pain in my throat, especially on my left side. The worst part is that I'm so tired. I took a nap this morning and after doing some laundry and eating lunch, I was ready for another one!

Ken and one of our home teachers spent this morning trying to power wash the flaking paint off of the house. Apparently our water pressure is too low for it to do much good. So how we have a lot of scraping to do. Ken purchased a bunch of cheap scrapers - it's going to be a family affair!

By the end of the day, my throat was raging again. I have too much to do to be sick! I took pain relievers, gargled with salt water, filled my diffuser, heated a rice sock, and went to be armed to do battle with my tonsils.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017
I slept fairly well and this morning didn't feel as bad as I did last night. Still, I think the doctor should have said tonsillitis with a touch of bronchitis, not the other way around.

I'm still terribly tired and took another morning nap. Obviously, I'm not getting anything else done. My to-do list is sitting all alone; sad.

I did go to work, equipped with more pain relievers and lots of water. We have so much work to do - look at all the books (nearly two carts full!)

and the new educational tablet-like gadgets we have to figure out and put in our system.

It's going to be a busy week. But I don't think I've convinced my boss that I was doing better because she told me that if I still felt bad tomorrow, to only come in during the evening shift when I'm really needed. I said I'd "take it under advisement." We'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow.

On dinner break, my throat was hurting again, so more meds were called for. At work, for the last three hours, I was mainly just tired. If only I could get my energy back!

Wednesday, May 24, 2017
I was feeling MUCH better this morning. There was only a little pain and residual swelling on the left side of my throat and neck. (TMI?) I was still tired, but not as wiped out as I've felt the last few days.

I did take a precautionary nap this morning, but only a short one. I had promised Analiese that I would (try and ) help her with her math. Fractions - Good luck!

Oh, boy, we're busy in the back at the library. On top of all the other books, my boss gave me some invoices of audiobooks that are coming in. No chance of me being bored with nothing to do!

As it was, I mislabeled a bunch of children's non fiction books between yesterday and today (about fourteen) for the HL for the upcoming summer program. She spotted the error. Oops! Good thing we figured it out now before I get into the 150+ other children's nonfiction books that are waiting for me!

Thursday, May 25, 2017
Call it an indulgence, but I napped again this morning. I'm just trying to get completely 100% (redundant, I know) over this thing and that lingering light cough is mocking my efforts! Ergo, I nap. Take that, cough.

I can't help but feel slightly claustrophobic at work lately. What with the carts crammed with books, the boxes upon boxes of the tablet-thingies (which we're still trying to figure out how to display, catalog and protect), the now-in audiobooks and the piles of requests from the front "please move these to storage," etc.), the walls seem to be closing in. I walked out into the front a couple of times just to get a feeling of space. Breathe!

Jonathan came back with me after dinner to help the HL with some 3-D foam puzzles of  U.S. & world architecture for the summer program displays (Theme: Build a Better World). She'd had trouble with them and I volunteered Mr. Lego champion. One of them, though, flummoxed even him! To be honest, it was defective, with pieces broken or misshapen. So she's not getting a Big Ben for her display.

Friday, May 26, 2017
I didn't want to wake up when I did this morning. Surely, I would wait another 30 minutes to an hour? Nope. Mr. Skunk had been outside, close enough to permeate my bedroom, and I cannot sleep through that.

Oh well! Now that I'm better, I've lots to do and catch up on. First thing was to harvest my garlic. One garlic head from California (Mom brought it out last October) became...SIXTEEN! It's like magic! At least I'll get something from my garlic this year.
Two doves sitting on a hay bale on the corner of my garden boxes.

Then it was on to the front bathroom. My motto for today is "Finish the bathroom, or die" Which, in my case, may kill me yet. I had pretty much finished my touch-ups when my visiting teachers came. Oops, I forgot. Sorry I look like a paint-splattered mess!  It's never a clean project, no matter what anyone says.

After finishing up the painting, I went to get a manicure and pedicure. The former was a step outside for me, but I 1) needed to give the last paint in the bathroom a chance to dry and 2) my fingernails really needed it. I've been considering (and putting off) doing it, but my cuticles are awful, I'm hard on my hands, and maybe I'll leave off picking at them if I take good care of them.

Okay, so I didn't totally finish the bathroom. The touch-ups are done, the cabinet is put together, the floor is swept, and the hardware and blinds are up. Everything is up except the mirror, which I think I'll let Ken deal with. Plus, I got so much else done. My piano music is all packed up, I went through and tossed a bunch of old, irrelevant files, finished laundry, and made dinner. Oh! And my piano is gone! My HTs came with a U-haul and took it away. The dust under and behind it is horrific, but I no longer have to worry about it! Another thing checked off my list!
A picture of my 20 yo and my 14 yo playing Legos together. So mature!

Saturday, May 27, 2017
The weather has shifted to definitely summerish. In other words, too warm for my liking!

I spent all of my work day (until closing procedures) on juvenile nonfiction. In particular, a set of biographies of all the presidents of the United States. I tried to finish them all, but was six short when I had to stop.  Their faces were starting to swim before my eyes!

Dinner was nice and easy tonight. I try to do crockpot meals on Saturdays for that very reason. This morning I put a small pork roast and some red potatoes in the pot to cook. Upon arriving home, I was greeted by a delicious smell!

Ken was home too! He had thought to come home and do some work on the house, but it was too hot late in the day. So he decided to take his wife on a date. We went to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie. Verdict? More plot holes than a Swiss cheese. Still, I laughed in a couple of places and shrieked out loud in surprise at a zombie shark attack. I can only say you have to see it in 3-D to know what I'm talking about. Ken thought it was funny.

Sunday, May 28, 2017
Ken didn't sleep well; I'd had too many late nights; Jonathan worked until 3:00 a.m. this morning. We all felt a little dozy in sacrament meeting today. I woke up more in the next two hours, but the men-folk were flat. We were all going to go directly home after church in spite of the Linger Longer, but my ward "cousin" and his wife invited Analiese and I to stay. They would take us home.

For not many people (it being Memorial Day Weekend), there was a pretty good spread. I ate too much - and it was all so tempting - that when I went home to organize my week, especially my menu and grocery list, every idea sounded gross! I really can't see me wanting dinner tonight.

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