Sunday, June 18, 2017


Monday, June 12, 2017
It's so very hot and humid today. It reached 99 degrees today. I'm not sure what the humidity was, but I could feel it. Yuck!

I kept off of my leg(s) until after lunch when I went shopping with Ken. I'm so glad he came with me because at the end my knees and right ankle had had enough. I spent the rest of the day with my feet up. I only got up to make dinner (a simple casserole) and to put away laundry.

Ken did some more wall washing this afternoon before heading back to Chickasha. He thinks we can start buying paint and maybe get painting by next weekend. Finally!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017
I am SO done with those crutches! My neck and shoulders hurt worse than my knees from my knees from the stress of using them - so they're gone!  I have the brace, I elevate and rest my legs, ice them when I can. It will have to do!

I spent some time this morning looking at and pondering on the Book of Mormon Doctrinal Mastery scriptures for seminary next school year. I know, I'm moving, but I haven't been released yet and I've been itching to study the Book of Mormon in depth. I'm so drawn to it and I feel the need to study the principles in there more.

My boss wasn't at work today; she's sick, sadly. It was a big bummer for me because it made work quiet and lonely. This evening it was just me and FD2 in the library, so I spent some time up front helping her. In between, of course, sitting and icing my knees.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017
There are aspects to my job that I more than dislike; loathe is the appropriate word. I absolutely loathe processing books that are beyond morally objectionable...they are downright foul and evil. One co-worker here likes that stuff and encourages the ordering of it. Today she came around looking to see if we had any new "smut" (her word). I told her no, I had processed it yesterday (true - gag). I did not, however, volunteer to find it for her! I may have to process it as part of my job, but I don't have to hand it over to eager readers! There are so many wonderful things to read; a mind is a terrible thing to desecrate.

Contrast that with another book I processed yesterday. I immediately checked it out afterwards to take home to Analiese. I knew she was looking forward to this book - the next in a series she likes. She "squeed" in happiness when I brought it home and I got a big hug. I also took a book home to Ken about two weeks ago on business leadership, something he'd been concerned about that I thought would help him. I truly believe "if there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things!"

The physical travesty of the day was at the front. The air conditioning is not working up there. When I went up this evening to help out, I nearly panted at the warm, moist air that hit me as I walked through the double doors. The nearby thermometer read 85! Ugh! That is so unpleasant! I made sure the FD2 (because FD1 is out again today; back tomorrow) had a glass of cold water nearby and I teasingly said not to ballroom dancing in the lobby. But seriously....

Thursday, June 15, 2017
I spent my morning helping Analiese simplify equations. That's me, the math genius - NOT! But by the end, she did seem to understand a bit better. By the end of the day, she'd done two more assignments...without me. Atta girl!

Every Thursday in June and July is program day for the library. Today a fellow came into the conference room and sang songs with the kids (around forty) for nearly an hour. They loved it. I heard them from the front desk where I was supply backup. They came into the library proper afterwards still singing snippets from the program. Some people/patrons were irritated. Not me. I thought it was kind of cute (the first one hundred times!).

The evening weather report shows the possibility of a storm; the skies are grey. At 96 degrees, a rainstorm would be more like a sauna bath. Oh well, at least the front desk air conditioning is working (somewhat) better.

Friday, June 16, 2017
I went back to the doctor for a recheck on my knee this morning. No crutches, no brace, but still ice and elevation are recommended. I'll be honest, this recovery was nothing short of a miracle. I'm grateful for the blessing Ken gave me and for the Lord's rapid answer to my prayer. I don't think I would have healed so quickly otherwise.

I dropped by the store after the doctor's appointment to grab a few things for a nice, early Father's Day dinner for Ken tomorrow. The kids are going to cook for him while I'm at work. Then, after dinner, he'll open his gifts. Can't wait until he sees what I got him!

A friend of Jonathan's came over this evening to play games (told you, we're gaining a rep'). His mother stayed a while to chat with me, she was one of the first friends I made after moving to Altus. They're moving, too, only farther, to a suburb of OKC. This is one reason why the kids weren't so broken up about us moving to Chickasha - their friends are moving and we'll only be 45 minutes away from them versus 2 1/2 hours!

Saturday, June 17, 2017
I have a hodgepodge of things to do at work. A little cataloging, a little withdrawing (aka "getting rid of"), a little record fixing, a little organizing. Hey, it breaks up the monotony, so I'm good with it.

At lunch I went home to help Analiese with her preparations for Dad's dinner and to do a little on my own. I made dip and lemonade and helped her to make graham cracker toffee for him as a present/treat. I also gave her the instructions on how to cook corn on the cob; she knows how to husk it, she's done that many times. Jonathan, when he gets off of work, is going to grill hamburgers. I think that dinner will make for a nice treat for Ken when he gets home this afternoon!

Sunday, June 18, 2017
Ken was so thrilled with all of his Father's Day gifts! I wanted them opened yesterday so that he'd had time to set up and charge his new Fire tablet (my idea...I was so excited to think of something for my hard-to-shop-for husband) for church today.
He appreciated that and all the work put into the meal for him.

So instead of dragging the old, falling-apart laptop (the space bar is broken off) he usually takes to church, he only took his new tablet today. He enjoyed being able to use the Gospel Library app and follow along in the lessons and the scriptures.

The fun was soon over and, while I don't like him having to do any kind of work on Sunday, this house isn't getting read for sale as fast as we'd like. After lunch and a brief nap, Ken went outside to work some more on paint removal. Sigh. It's an interminable job. At least a strong breeze picked up this morning and cooled things off a lot. Yesterday was 107 degrees. Today, it's 84 degrees.

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