Sunday, June 11, 2017


Monday, June 5, 2017
Analiese was anxious this morning. Ken was to take her to Chickasha so she could meet with the branch's Young Women and go off with them to Norman Stake's Girls Camp. He had planned on leaving here around 10 a.m., but ended up leaving shortly after 9 a.m. She had been pacing!

It made for a quiet morning with them gone and Jonathan was off at work. After a little indulgent nappy-poo, I did normal boring stuff - laundry, dishes, and grocery shopping. The day got warm and humid quickly, which saps my energy

So I spent the afternoon keeping cool in the house. Jonathan got home shortly after 4 p.m., but went back outside to power wash paint off the house so more. I rewarded him by making some dinner. Then we spent the evening vegging in front of the t.v.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017
I didn't get any work done this morning, other than a laundry load of towels. This is because some friends of ours who'd moved to Texas came to visit us for a couple of hours before I had to go to work. Their kids were excited to come play games at our house (Karla, I think we have a reputation, now) and I enjoyed talking with my friend, the mom. They're a cute family and I've missed them.

I fought off a headache at work this afternoon. This was mainly due to the city people doing some pipe work in the alley behind the library. Guess where I work - yeah, at the back of the building.
The guy kept glancing at me, wondering what I was doing. I could ask him the same!
At first it was a whining sound with a concrete-type smell. They switched later on, though, to some heavy pounding that echoed in my skull.  My left eye began at one point to twitch in time to the blows...and it didn't tickle!  What a relief to come back from dinner to find them done!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017
It was a nice, mellow morning. Jonathan did some work outside; I did some inside. We had a lot of cloud cover this morning, so the temperature has cooled off some,

I was able to wear jeans and a t-shirt to the library today because my boss and I had to go out to the garage and find/clear out/clean up a workspace for her to clear out the old computer hard drives before we get rid of them. It's always "charming" out there. After that, we cleared up some shelving in the back to make room for those orange playaway table learning thingies. Yes, thingies.

I haven't posted a cute book in a while. We haven't had one. Here's my choice for this week:
Mo Willems is a popular children's author/illustrator. His new picture book is a "guidebook" for babies, aka "new arrivals." It's cute and a hoot for parents, too.  Look at this page:

My biggest problem today, though, was my right leg. I'd done something to it yesterday at work and I was sore coming home. Today it was worse. It hurt to walk on it, to bend it, all the way from the outside of my knee down to my ankle. I don't know exactly what I did, but I need it to stop hurting. It aches terribly.

Thursday, June 8, 2017
I made a doctor's appointment as soon as their office opened at 8 a.m. They got me in at 9:15, but I wasn't happy with the diagnosis: strain/sprain/ maybe torn ligaments in the knee going down to the ankle. He prescribed heavy-dose Naproxen, a knee brace, crutches, an x-ray (just in case), physical therapy and possibly a visit to an orthopedic doctor. Really???

It took forever at Radiology over at the hospital because the doctor's office sent the x-ray order for the WRONG knee. Crazy. Then at the medical equipment store I had to try on several knee braces and adjust my crutches The last stop was Walmart for my medicine. I actually managed to get to work only 15 minutes late (yes, I'd called them and advised them beforehand).

There, I was subjected to all sorts of questions and pity. All I could say/admit to was my chronic, klutzy stupidity. It's terribly embarrassing. It was only going to be me and FD2 tonight and they worried if I could handle it. I did. I just sat down and put my feet up a lot. We survived. It's what I do!

Friday, June 9, 2017
I woke up TOO early at a 3:45 a.m. to the sound of really hard hail. We'd had intermittent small rain showers yesterday and I wasn't expecting this. It didn't last long, but it took a bit for the adrenaline to empty out of my system so I could go back to sleep.

Considering it's only been a day since I went to the doctor and I only started taking my medication this morning, I'm feeling pretty good! Things are still a little tender, but I can bend my knee with a lot less pain. Was it the brace? The crutches (which, BTW, I hate)? The elevation? The ice? I'm not ready to do jumping jacks or climb a mountain, but I'm highly encouraged. From what the doctor said yesterday, it looked like a long, painful recovery. Today belies that.

I drove out to Chickasha to pick up Analiese from Norman Stake's Girls Camp, much encouraged. I stopped at Ken's TB to ice my knee and rest while waiting for my daughter. They dropped her off there and I got to meet one of her leaders and prove to the branch there that I actually exist. Analiese glowed...from sun (more freckles!) and happiness, chatting away at me about camp. For knowing practically no one, she had a great time! They seemed really happy to have her there, too!

Analiese and I went with my boss to the movies tonight to see Wonder Woman. The movie was okay, morally suspicious in parts, but I enjoyed our time out. Analiese was cuddly - I think she may have missed me a little at camp - and my boss seemed to have a good time, too, because she said we should do this again soon. We're becoming good friends, her and I.

Saturday, June 10, 2017
At work. On crutches. So NOT graceful. My left knee is being more problematic than my right. It isn't used to taking the burden and that old mission injury flares up from time to time. So it's been clicking, grinding, and swelling. Sigh.

Work was deadly dull. Off of my feet, I was stuck at the computer cataloging all day. Besides making me stir-crazy, my back is aching. Oh, and my shoulders do not like the crutches. Actually, all of me does not like the crutches. I can't wait to get off of them!

Ken came home tonight. He was set apart as the Elders Quorum President for the Chickasha Branch at the Norman Stake Conference's leadership session. Then he headed to Altus. I think he felt he needed to come home to take care of his clumsy, gimpy wife.

Sunday, June 11, 2017
Well, that didn't last long. The Chickahsa TB people called Ken this morning in a fluster about not having enough people. He encouraged them to try and find some people to fill in for absentees, but after not hearing back, he decided he'd better go out there. He's coming back here, again, but - oh! - the mileage, gas, and frustration!

Because it is our Fast Sunday today (last week we had Stake Conference in Lawton), I didn't take my heavy-duty Naproxen because it would have required me to eat something and drink a full glass of water. I really wanted to fast. The downside of that decision was that I saw that I'm not as completely miraculously healed as I'd hoped. I made it through Sacrament Meeting, after which Jonathan suggested I go home; he and Analiese would walk. I looked that bad, eh?

So I did. I took a nap, followed by icing my knees. I also have a little headache, too, but I'll survive. This is all so terribly inconvenient!

Ken made it back this evening to give us a nice Family Home Evening message. It came from a talk he heard at Norman Stake Conference. He'd brought us some cold ginger ale, too, to cool us off on a warm day. Yeah, it's summer.

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