Sunday, May 14, 2017


Monday, May 8, 2017
Got the second coat of blue on today! Plus I finished painting the cabinet doors and drawers and gave the cabinet itself its first coat of white (covering a shabby job of lavender). Ken and a brother from our ward installed the new baseboard and replaced the sink, which cracked during one of our ventures in the bathroom.

We did manage to get a late lunch and go shopping before Ken had to head back to Chickasha. Jonathan had come home from work and told us that he had to work all this next weekend, which meant that now I have no idea when to have his birthday dinner!

I had also wanted to take him to the movies for his birthday. So, spontaneously we (including Analiese) went tonight instead. I know, a Seminary night...I'll pay for it in the morning! We saw the second Guardians of the Galaxy. I laughed so hard during the "tape" debate. Both of the kids are real Marvel geeks and loved it, saying it was better than the first movie! I don't know, I really liked that one, too.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017
The Dove chocolate piece (from a package Ken gave me) reads: Be proud of your age. I don't know; I'll be fifty this year. I don't think I have much to show for all those years.

My boss wasn't at work today, but then, her son had surgery yesterday for head tumors (yes, PLURAL) and she had said last week that she may need to be with him for a few days. It was very quiet in the back. Even the Literacy people were gone; they had a special Financial Literacy luncheon today. So I opened and sorted two heavy boxes of new books delivered yesterday and stacked her Interlibrary Loans on her desk. I have no (well, a teeny) idea about what to do with them. She'll have quite a pile to greet her when she returns. I hear that they're very time-consuming. I may have to figure out the new books on my own, too, which I've never done before. Usually, she does a pre-processing sort of thing.

Analiese had to come with me to the library after dinner. Jonathan works until 7:00. She snuggled right down into her favorite seat in the library and I won't see hide nor hair of her until 9:00.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
It was a little drippy when I awoke this morning. When I left the house for Seminary, it was so humid I felt like I'd just got out of the shower! The temperature by 11:00 a.m. was 82 degrees!

I went to work, only to find out that - due to an impending storm of large magnitude - the library would be closing at 4 p.m. I received the tornado watch on my phone at about 2:30 yet it was nothing but gray for the four hours I was at work, though. My boss (who is also our IT person) came in for the last half hour, mainly to make sure everything was shut down, including the server.

I got home about ten after four (I waited with my boss) and then came the tornado warning...ten miles west of us they'd seen touchdown. So we sat in Analiese's bedroom (Jonathan had got home half an hour before I did) for half an hour until the coast was clear...for that.  Because then came the thunderstorm warning.

The storm hit us a little after five and we were flooding in minutes.
At first it sounded like someone was taking a hose to the house. Then came the little pings. Hail, pebble-sized. Then it grew. I think it got as large as marbles and with the driving rain, it hit the house hard and LOUD! I had the kids close the blinds in case things got worse and told them to stay away from the windows. It was a loud few minutes, but was soon over, nothing broken. Thank heavens!

Thursday, May 11, 2017
Okay, so we had two leaks: one around the fireplace (again), but we know how to manage that. The second was a total and weird surprise - my closet! I went in there for something and brushed against my robe. It was wet! So were all of my work pants hanging there as well as the shelf above. Terrific. It's never happened before, so I'm hoping it's a freak thing brought on by the harsh rains and hail. Oh, and the winds. The AFB clocked the winds yesterday at 76 mph. Yeah, a bit more than blustery.

The ground was exceptionally mushy this morning, but then, I think I had about two inches of water sitting in my backyard. All kinds of leaves and debris were scattered everywhere. Even at the church there was a leak (we have one particularly hinky room). But other than a few people with small dents in their cars, most of Altus is pretty much intact.

Analiese was in charge of making dinner tonight (since I was at work) and had chosen to do quesadillas. I can't blame her, she's still learning, but we both had to eat her learning experience. She's not gotten the hang of cooking things without burning them a little; I kind of wonder it she's paying attention enough. Also, she decided that just plain cheese is boring and spiced it up. A lot. Mainly, with Louisiana hot sauce. I had a couple bites and then had to reach for the milk! I ended up settling on crackers and cheese. Even she had to admit she'd gone a little overboard.

By the way, she thinks what I do at work is very boring. I admit, it's not earth-shattering, but to the library, it's important. But it does get dull, so I break my day up into different tasks. My boss is very good about me taking breaks and often we'll stop and talk. Besides, sometimes too much time sitting in the chair makes my back ache or the computer makes my eyes hurt and gives me a headache. Important, boring work. Ah well, someone has to do it.

Friday, May 12, 2017
This painting gig is getting very old now. And painful. I needed the stepladder this morning and it was still in my closet since Wednesday's storm. In trying to take it out of my bedroom, I jammed it up against my dresser, which meant my knee rear-ended the step ladder. My left knee, the bad one. There's a whole lot of pain going on and I had to get down on the ground to paint baseboards!

I spent a good bit of time this morning finishing the sink cabinet painting and taping up the baseboards. I'd fetched my garden kneeler from the garage in an attempt to give my knees a little cushioning, which helped some. Better than the hard tile! But by mid-day I grabbed the kids and we ran away to Burger King for about an hour. Jonathan had his frustrations today, too, and we needed to get away. It helped. Not that the knee stopped hurting, but I'd recuperated emotionally and psychologically enough to get a first coat of paint on the baseboards.

I need to say here how helpful Analiese has been in this whole process. She's been cleaning up dried paint spots, putting hardware back on doors and drawers, doing laundry and washing dishes for me. I would have been a painful, blubbery mess if she hadn't pitched in like a trooper. Kudos!

Saturday, May 13, 2017
My boy is 20 today. Where did all those years go? I've lost my little boy; I did quite a while back, I think.

The wreck on my knee has left a sizable goose-egg on the left side of the patella. Tender to the touch (well, it all is!) and I can hear/feel clicking and grinding in the joint. Terrific. I'd iced my knee last night and elevated it some. I should do it more, but work isn't a great place to try to do that. Perhaps on my lunch break...

Ken came down from Chickasha today to spend the whole Mother's Day weekend and Jonathan's birthday with us. He took me to dinner tonight at Sakura, the Japanese restaurant in town. We both like it - he for the sushi and me for the tempura vegetables. I'm not a huge broccoli fan, but dip it in tempura batter and it's yummy! I could not finish all of my dinner!

At home, we sat and watched "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels," which is my second favorite comedy movie, after "What About Bob?" Third, just so you know, is "Undercover Blues," a relative unknown that even Ken finds hilarious. It was nice to sit beside my husband and just relax!

Sunday, May 14, 2017
I awoke around 5:00 this morning with a horrible headache. I did manage to go back to a fitful sleep, but when I got up a little after 7:00, the headache had increased and was centered around my left eye. Yeah, Happy Mother's Day.

I felt awful, but I at least needed to go to Sacrament meeting. Jonathan had been asked to speak. He does NOT like speaking, he was nervous about this all week and wasn't much less nervous on the stand. But he did it, and I'm proud of him. He said afterwards, "It didn't do you justice." Awww, at least he tried!

Analiese wore a dress I'd bought for her months ago. It's one of those Lularoe dresses and it's beautiful...more so on her! She wouldn't wear it though, saying she was saving it for a dance. At the rate she's going, she'll quickly outgrow it. So she agreed to wear it to church for me for Mother's Day. She was so beautiful!
The blue really brings out her eyes! I noticed, too, that she put on a little lipstick. A sister in the ward commented on how grown-up she looked. Sigh, I know. Still, I love my little beauty!

I went home after sacrament meeting and went right into a deep sleep, apparently, because I didn't hear the rest of the family come home from church. Then I had to get busy, making an ice cream cake (found it on FB) for Jonathan for his belated birthday, since he had to work yesterday. Ken made the dinner for me, though, and did up my dishes. I wish Mother's Day came more often!

After dinner we presented Jonathan with his gift from us and cards. He got to choose our Sunday game, too. Ken loved being home for the extended weekend, because it's so short and tiring to just come on Sunday and leave Monday afternoon. Not much time.

Jonathan loved his cake! It was a lot and very cold, but very good. Ken didn't like the strawberry ice cream much, but the kids ate theirs enthusiastically!

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