Sunday, May 7, 2017


Monday, May 1, 2017
Ken washed down the bathroom walls and spackled holes and rough corners (bunny-nibbled). Analiese and I removed the water heater closet door, the sink cabinet doors and the drawers. We took them outside and wiped them down. I also spray-painted the air vent with a rust-protectant. Then Analiese and I spent the remainder of the afternoon painting primer over the purple area around the bathtub. Bye-bye purple! However, we ended up quite spotty!

In between all of that, Ken took me to lunch at Robert's - a local eatery not far from our home. We'd never been before and it always seemed packed at lunch time. People seemed to like it, so we tried it. Their food was pretty good - Ken's burger looked really yummy and he said it was perfect (high praise from him)! The price was nice, too, for a sit-down burger joint. If we'd done this sooner we might have become more frequent customers!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017
I'd like to put another coat of primer over that purple, just to be safe.  Already the room looks brighter having covered it as much as we have. Not today though. I had to do too many "normal things and had very little time because of work.

Studying for tomorrow's Seminary class, I found myself filling up the edges of my scriptures with notes about Revelation 4 and 5.
With so much symbolism, we have to take it slow and spell things out. Doctrine & Covenants Section 77 goes along with it...and it has plenty of notes, too!

My boss was out sick today. Don't worry, I still had plenty to do. But it was quiet and lonely. I don't know if the HL sensed this, but she kept coming back to my area to show me things she found funny. It made the day more bearable.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017
It appears that most of Revelation is going to be covered with notes. We're taking the last two weeks of Seminary to pick it apart, piece by piece. Today I had a student draw out the vision and we deciphered it with addition scripture. Tomorrow's lesson will have all of them taking a part of the verses and drawing out what is there.
It does keep the kids interested. I have one particular student who's been waiting all year to take it on. He said the symbolism had stumped him and he couldn't wait to talk about it!

Thursday, May 4, 2017
I gave out assessment study guides to my students today. It's hard to believe, but we have only a week and a half left of class! I still have to figure out what I want to serve for the family breakfast on the last day...

Analiese and I met with her teacher for the first time since testing. We went over her grades and her required (math) studies for the summer. She may be going to California with her EPIC laptop!

I did anything but work for the first hour at the library this afternoon. The HL wanted me to look at the finished mural (summer program themed) in the children's section. The Director had me taking pictures of her with the Lion's Club members. They had donated a bench to the library in honor of her late father and dedicated it today. That was sweet.

Friday, May 5, 2017
Today's the day! Time to break out the paint and get the bathroom done. With Ken gone and Jonathan at work, it's my show and a learning experience, to be sure!

For one, it was not a clean experience by any means. I taped, I put down plastic. But I also spilled and dripped. Then, there was the ceiling fan. I needed the air and appreciated the cooling breeze. But I did NOT appreciate the clonk to my noggin from fan blades as I got close to do near the ceiling. Myth Busted: a moving ceiling fan will not cut off your head. But it will give you a bump and a headache!

There is no more purple. Now there is a blue so pale that at first you think it's white. But it's not. And I think I'll need another coat. I see spots I've missed...whole swaths in places. Grr. Though Analiese was a great help
and did a lot of touch-up work for me.

After dinner I painted the cabinet drawers and doors and the water heater closet door...outside. Good thing, too, because I really DID spill paint. What a mess!

And so am I. I totally understand why my dad seriously dislikes painting.

Saturday, May 6, 2017
I was up earlier than usual for a Saturday. A weird bird call outside was so loud it had me wondering if it was in the house! Plus, I had to take Analiese to the church early so she could go with the youth to the temple.

No alarms were going off in the library this morning. Thank goodness! Once was enough. But some of the lights weren't working in the children's section. Not enough to hinder someone from looking at books there, but it caught my attention. There's always something.

Rock and Rumble (the car show event) is today (well, there was a little yesterday, but I was busy). Since's it's all up-and-down Main Street, I won't be able to get across it to go home for lunch today and it'll be interesting to see how I get home after 6:00, when they're doing the burnouts. I just brought my lunch to work; it's not even worth the hassle to try.

The library was a ghost town due to the event. We didn't even get fifty people in, so we were quiet and slow. I thought the day would never end.  I did get home, driving around behind the courthouse hullabaloo. But I'd ended my workday with a headache that carried through the evening. I was so happy just to go to bed!

Sunday, May 7, 2017
Jonathan had to work at Walgreens until 3:00 a.m.; he did come in and told me when he got home, which I appreciated. Still, yesterday's ferocious headache popped right back! I took some medicine and went back to bed, but it took some time to drift off.

So it meant both of us fought sleepiness in church. Jonathan had it worse, though, and he had to teach a class in priesthood! I imagine we'll both be off to bed earlier tonight.

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