Monday, May 22, 2017


Monday, May 15, 2017
I taught my last New Testament lesson today - Revelation 21-22. Tomorrow we practice for the Assessment, which is Wednesday. It is the beginning of the end...of this school year.  I guess I'm feeling a little blue.

I finished painting trim and doing touch ups in the bathroom. I discovered a few more as I removed tape, but not much. Now we can put back fixtures, clean up the tub and sink and floor, and make everything shine!

Ken climbed on the roof this morning to look at what damage we may have. He thinks it was just weaknesses in areas where the roof meets with other things. So he smeared all the suspect spots with Flex-all. Another storm is due later this week; we'll see how it all holds.

Analiese and I went through some storage drawers, weeding, throwing things out, organizing and minimizing. There was so much dust, I had another headache over that left eye again. What's up with that?

Tuesday, May 16, 2017
I woke up with a sore throat this morning. It's high grass allergy season right now. Maybe that's it. Maybe it's from the dusting yesterday. Or having a big fan blow on my all night might not have helped, either.

Work was work was work was work today, for the most part. But it pays the bills.

Coming back from dinner break, I saw that there was a potential for a storm. But it was like a game of tug-of-war, will it or won't it hit Altus? Erring on the side of caution, the Library Director decided to close the library by 6:30. The wind by then had really picked up and the skies were greenish. For the most part, the evening at home was uneventful. We did get a bit of rain later towards bedtime, but it wasn't nearly like last week.

On the interesting side, Ken and the Chickasha Branch President went to Norman to see the Norman Stake President. He called Ken to be the Elders' Quorum President for the branch!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017
My throat is somewhat better, but I'm developing a slight cough. Stop it!

Seminary assessment was today. They all passed, which relieves them and makes me feel like I did something right, though that's not my best measurement standard. That came from one of my students who surprised me with testimony-like comments about apostles and prophets. Now THAT gives me "job" satisfaction!

Even though Altus didn't get hit with much yesterday, 30 miles north of us in Elk City did. And hard. I saw pictures today and my heart filled with prayers for them!

I baked bacon (yes, in the oven) and made a lot of crepes in anticipation of tomorrow morning's family breakfast during Seminary. On my dinner break, Jonathan & I went to the church to set up for tomorrow morning. The families are supposed to bring the rest of the goodies tomorrow morning.

Analiese is happy. For YM/YW they are going swimming at a ward member's house. It's warm enough to do so and my little fish loves swimming. Heavens...even if it wasn't warm, she'd still go in the pool!

Thursday, May 18, 2017
Seminary breakfast went off well and in good time, not going over, in fact a little short. One student made a game of New Testament Jeopardy as a way to make up attendance. I was impressed, that took a lot of work! One family presented me with a lovely necklace and my third-year student gave me a buffalo figurine along with a special note that I'll always treasure.
I'm trying hard not to be overly sentimental. Trying.

Storms are on the horizon for today, but I went into work as usual. We kept an eye on things, but around 2 o'clock the tornado watches became warnings as we received news of touchdown outside of Duke...ten miles to our west. So we closed up and raced home. In a pinch, we could have sheltered in the public bathrooms, but I didn't want to be apart from my kids, who were at home.

The kids and I sat for nearly an hour in Analiese's room, but nothing hit our town, sweeping to the north and heading east instead. None of it hit Ken in Chickasha either, thankfully.

Just as well I was home early. I'm really not feeling well. And by bedtime, around 9-ish, my right eye started watering. Not quite watering, more like weeping something. Not a good sign.

Friday, May 19, 2017
Ugh! I could have slept in today, and I did, but I feel just awful. My chest is congested and my right eye was glued shut with gunk when I woke up. As soon as I could, I called the doctor and got a 2:15 appointment. I want to nip this "whatever" in the bud before it gets worse.

That didn't mean I could rest much, though. The sister missionaries were scheduled to come to dinner and I had planned on making a peach pie for dessert. The frozen peaches were already defrosted; what was I to do? Also, I packed up my Seminary stuff for this year. I had wanted to go over to the church and clean the closet, but a nap took priority, especially since I was having a hard time staying awake.

Doctor said....mild case of bronchitis. He recommended OTC medicine, plus rest and fluids. Stuff I was already doing. Actually, by the time of my appointment, my eye was doing better. I'd been using allergy drops because this isn't my first eye infection rodeo. Mainly, I was just dragged out tired.

But dinner with the sister missionaries was nice. We like having them over to visit. I think I enjoy our gospel discussions afterward best of all.

Saturday, May 20, 2017
I was still feeling crummy this morning, but I've lost so many hours this week to storms that I went in to work anyway. I'm back by myself most of the day, so I could take things at a reasonable pace. Though when I went home for lunch, I had this internal war going: eat lunch, or take a nap. Sad to say, I didn't get a nap. Oh, well. I can always go to bed earlier.

Actually, I made it until three o'clock, when my throat was starting to really bother me. A coworker was going to the corner gas station to get something from the convenience store and I asked her to grab some orange juice for me. She took a good look at me and said, "When I get back, you're going home." At that point, it didn't take much convincing.

I went home, kicked off my shoes, flopped down on the sofa, and fell asleep for a couple of hours. The kids tip-toed around me, but I was pretty oblivious. When I awoke, they made dinner and I ate a little then sat on the sofa watching silly YouTubes with them. Then I got up and went to bed. End of story.

Sunday, May 21, 2017
Not good. The throat has popped up again, I'm coughing gunky and I get worn out just walking to my bedroom. I went to sacrament meeting and then went home to have a little soup and a lot of sleep. The kids walked home; it was a beautiful day and they didn't mind.

I would like to say that I spent the rest of the day in bed relaxing. I spent MOST of it doing that. But then I had to head out to Lawton in the evening for Seminary graduation. Kind of one of those things that - barring terrible, infectious, life-threatening illness - I ought to try and go to.  It was nice, as always, though my sentimentality at the end of the school year was definitely starting to show!
I was able also to resolve some family seminary issues (I can't believe Analiese will be old enough for seminary this fall!). But by the end of it all, I was reeling. My throat felt like it was on fire and swallowing was excruciating. And I still had an hour's drive home!

I was a wreck at home, but Ken gave me a blessing. I also took some Tylenol, sipped some warm cider, cried a little (hey, who knows but that it would help clear up the eye infection stuff?) and went to bed.

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