Sunday, April 30, 2017


Monday, April 24, 2017
100% class attendance this morning, though only 50% were awake. You have to take Mondays as they come sometimes!

Ken and I tried to buy paint for the bathroom today at Walmart. But they were all out of the blank tint they needed to make the very pale grey-blue I wanted. Rats! I really need to get a-movin' on this project!

The kids and I didn't walk around the reservoir this evening. My heel hurt and I wasn't feeling good - head-achy and blech! Analiese wasn't feeling super, either, with a sore throat. I hope we're not coming down with anything!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017
I don't think Analiese was thrilled at the assignments I gave her for today. But we've got to get everything fixed and cleaned up if we want to sell the house. Plus, she's still got to study some math (to keep it fresh in her brain) and learn how to take notes. And it's not good fort her to be idle all day!

This made her happy, though: she got a package today, just for her! It was from Ken's Aunt Cathy. Analiese is going with her to a family reunion in Oregon (with some time in CA, too, to visit other family) in July. Well, Cathy sent her a large duffel bag with her name on it! It is blue (her favorite color) and green...very cute.
What a fun idea! She immediately said, "I can take it to camp(s) as well! No one else there will have that name!" No honey, you're one of a kind in every way!

More audiobooks are on my cart. This week I don't believe I'll be facing the problem of nothing to do. My back was killing me from sitting in the chair for most of my day, so I adjusted my desk to the standing position. Now that I've figured out how to work it...

Okay, I think I should be flattered. This may be a sign of their extreme confidence in my ability to hold the fort. Head Librarian and Library Director are out of town at the Oklahoma Library Convention. The other two day desk people left at 6:00 when I came back from dinner. It's just me and the used-to-be-new gal and the brand-spankin'-new gal. Cross your fingers and pray it's a calm night!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Yesterday's weather hit 92 degrees at its hottest, even though the majority of the day was overcast. Last night there was a very little bit of rain, but this morning was comfortable, not too humid, and clear. Going out to Seminary, I didn't need a sweater and I had short-sleeves on my blouse. By the time I got out of class, the wind had picked up and the temperature had dropped into the low 50's. Yes...a 40 DEGREE DROP! It was cold! I really don't know how to dress this time of year; the weather never seems to make up its mind.

I spent most of my time at work before my dinner break working on ten children's books. Nearly 4 hours to process, label, and cover them. I think they are my trickiest, most painstaking work! But my boss said I got them all right. Woo-hoo! Next is making sure I get the audiobooks down pat.

I forgot to do my "book review" last week so here's two of my favorites from this week. The first is my absolute favorite: Escargot.
He's a little French snail who wants two things: to be someone's favorite animal and to get to a salad on a picnic table. He's funny and, for a snail, absolutely adorable. Here's my favorite page:

The second book is Priscilla Gorilla.
All I'm going to say about this book is this is the book that would have been written years ago had Analiese gone to school. Only it might have been about sharks. Just sayin'.

Thursday, April 27, 2017
By Thursday, my week and schedule have caught up with me and I'm dragging. A poor night's sleep last night didn't help today, either. So I took an hour nap and felt completely recharged. I highly recommend it!

Work was pot-luck today. I cataloged some audio books, worked on removing Hollis library's withdrawn books from a national database, changed the status of last year's school reading program books to normal, and swapped out two new donated books for their old, worn counterparts on the shelves. Still, I feel good!

Jonathan worked from mid-day until 8:30, so Analiese had to come with me to the library. It's the first time in over a month and she didn't protest. She did, however, find a book, snuggled down in a comfy-ish library chair, and read to her heart's content.

Friday, April 28, 2017
The kids and I headed out to Chickasha today as I'd promised. We saw Ken at Taco Bell and had lunch there. Then we went to the house and did some needed work: vacuuming, putting boxes in our storage area, and shelving books (so I can reuse the bags I put them in). Then the kids spent some quality time with the bunnies. I don't know if Alice or PomPom have missed us, but we have missed them!
Kids watch Alice frolic.

Pom likes to get on top of things and have a look around.

Pretty iris in our back yard!
I even took PomPom out on the back porch to give her a good grooming and brushing. She's been shedding her winter coat.

We stopped over at the local Walmart (bigger than the Altus one) to get that bathroom paint I needed. Analiese needed some jeans, too, so since we were there... It's right across the road from the Taco Bell, so it wasn't hard to find. There's a lot in that specific area, just off of the highway.

Then we headed back to Altus with a stop in Lawton first. We went to Hobby Lobby for craft supplies for Analiese that she has to take to the Norman Stake's Girls Camp. I had to go to Sam's, too, it's almost a given. But the ride home from there was dreadful! I was SO tired and between the warmth of the day and the sameness of the road, I wanted to doze off! I rolled the windows down and cranked up the music, and made it home in one piece. But, oh! It was hard!

Saturday, April 29, 2017
There was a big thunderstorm last night and this morning. The wind was blowing sheets of rain when I got up and I wondered which route to work would be less flooded. Jonathan went with me and when I went on lunch break, I took him to his work.

So we swam to the library and, upon opening the back door into the garage area, we were bombarded with the klaxon of the fire alarm! That was a first for me (and for our poor new person - her first Saturday!), but I had instructions on my cubicle wall. I dropped all of my stuff on the desk, tore down the instructions, and got to work! I shut off the alarm, called the police who sent the fire department, and called the Head Librarian. I had Jonathan stand guard at the front door, to let in the fireman, while I coordinated coworkers on procedures. Big problem, though. The alarm box was lit on Zone 3 - but what was Zone 3? It was embarrassing to not be able to tell the firemen, though they assured me that most businesses don't know. I had to call the HL back - she didn't know - and she called the Library Director - SHE didn't know! There was no map or instruction sheet or anything! The firemen (mostly older fellows, the younger ones may have been cute - that's for you, Dee - but they looked like kids to me!) reset the light and it went out. They checked all over the building and didn't see anything. The only thing we could figure was that the lights aren't working in the women's restroom, probably because of the storm, which may have set off the alarm. I was maybe expecting some power issues because of the building, but this definitely pumped my adrenaline and woke me up!
They sent THREE fire trucks!

Fire gear around the front desk.

Sunday, April 30, 2017
It's super-windy this morning. There's whistling and shaking all around the house and I wondered if there would be debris flying around. Going to church, I could see branches and stuff strewn everywhere. It stayed this way pretty much all day, interspersed with light sprinkles. I think it affected me personally, because by mid-church my right ear was aching and by the late afternoon my throat hurt. Ken said the wind pretty much pushed him all the way home.

One of my students' sister complained today that "all the good teachers leave before she gets to them." This referred to her attending Seminary next year and me moving! I laughed but it was bittersweet. I would love to stay and teach. Plus...the Book of Mormon! How could I not get the chance to teach it!?!?!?! That's probably the biggest bummer, besides not being able to teach one student for her senior year, after having her for the past three years. We've gotten close, and I will miss her.

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