Sunday, April 9, 2017


Monday, April 3, 2017
Even though I wasn't teaching Seminary today, I was up early and (after a visit to "Donuts and Fried Rice") off to the church to open the building for my substitute. Then I went home for a quick breakfast before Analiese and I ran to Lawton to be there at 8:30 before her 9:00 a.m. state testing for EPIC at a church there. We battled near London-like fog going - I could hardly see a car's-length ahead of me! Trust me, it was very scary and I was going much slower than usual. Fortunately, it cleared up by the time we got to Lawton.

I dropped her off at the testing site and then made my way to Chickasha to take some stuff there. I also made some measurements of certain areas, to see what we can fit where. The bedrooms are not as spacious as our home in Altus. It looks like Ken and I will get the first bedroom (sorry, Analiese) because it has the largest closet!

After my work there, I went back to Lawton to do some shopping (I even did my grocery shopping there), picked up Analiese, and headed home. Lucky me...I get to do it all over again tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Repeat of yesterday morning, minus the doughnuts and plus Jonathan. He went with us to Lawton and with me to Chickasha. He was curious to see the new house. We thought we didn't need the third bedroom when we rented it, but the Lord knew we would, so Jonathan has a room...or will when we finally get there.

We did some more work at the house there, but didn't get very far. See, yesterday was Math & Science testing for Analiese and she used the whole time. Today was English and Writing...her bailiwick.  And since she's doing 11th-grade work and the test was 8th-grade skills, she was done with all of it in an hour and a half! So she had to wait for nearly an hour at the site while Jonathan and I packed up and headed back.

Testing being over (whew!), we fetched Analiese and went to lunch (There's a Five Guys in Lawton now. It's not In-n-Out, but it was still pretty good), and then went home. I got in a little nap (tired from all the back and forth of the weekend and these two days), studied for Seminary, did some needful stuff around the house, and then went in to work at 6:00 p.m. to get in three hours. I had to take off part of the day due to the testing.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Tired or not, there is always something to be done at home. Instead of sleeping the morning away, I settled Analiese into lessons (she has to catch up from all the intense math study) and sat down with Jonathan to do some planning.

I left them both with assignments while I headed to work. Let me tell you about cataloging children's books: I love 'em and I hate 'em. I love the great art and clever stories of the best ones; I have ever since I took Children's Literature classes at CSUF. But they are a bear to catalog sometimes and even worse to cover. They don't often have enough information for our database and I have to go hunting on the internet. And the physical books themselves...there's no standard size, they can have funky shapes, covers, and constructions. Adult books are fairly standard; children's books often take a bit of creativity to work around.

At home, it was Christmas in March. Analiese's EPIC laptop came today (finally) and we got a big (really, too big, you spoil us!) package from Karla, full of games and gifts. We're going to have a lot of fun in the next few weeks learning to play these games!

Thursday, April 6, 2017
I thought setting up Analiese's school laptop would take a good bit of my time this morning. Nope. EPIC had it pre-programmed and ready - just plug in your password and go! Sweet!

Work was work today, though my boss looks terrible. She's not feeling well and it shows. I seriously hope she can get some good rest in this weekend.

I took both Jonathan and Analiese back with me to the library. He's doing some volunteer work for the Literacy people and will probably do some heavy lifting for my boss in the near future (better him than me!). He needs to keep busy. And Analiese? She wasn't happy, but I will not leave her at home alone in the evenings.

Friday, April 7, 2017
Analiese had a dental appointment this morning to have two baby teeth pulled (my children are stubborn about losing teeth). Jonathan and I dropped her off to go run errands...we got a lot done! We refilled water at Walmart, gassed the van, paid a bill, dropped off donations to Goodwill, and went to the chiropractors to figure out an insurance snafu. I felt like we had a productive morning!

Analiese said it felt funny to have her mouth numb, but by evening, it had worn off. Pain? Nope, not really. Good for her. Though I made black bean soup (her favorite) for dinner, just in case.

We were going to have a craft night. We were going to put spacer beads on Analiese's chains that she hangs charms from (she has a lot) so you could see them better, not all bunched up. Problem was, the heads didn't go over the end of the chain. Bummer. Have to think of something else.

Saturday, April 8, 2017
My boss came to see me this morning, mainly to show me how to replace the ink in the book label printer. It ran out Thursday, which kind of stopped what I was doing...luckily it was nearly the end of work. She could have replaced it yesterday, but decided to come in and show me. That was good, I really needed to know how, I just felt bad she had to come in on her day off. She did look better, though. I was happy about that.

Analiese has been invited by the Chickasha branch and the Norman stake to go to their girls camp. I spoke with the YW leader there and she thinks it would be a great idea for her to go and get to know the girls in the branch and stake. She is going to be one busy girl this summer!

This evening the kids and I watched "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" for our Saturday movie night. I had seen it in the theaters with a friend, but my kids hadn't seen it before. I enjoyed it the second time and they seemed to like it. Analiese loves everything Harry Potter, so it wasn't hard pleasing her.

Sunday, April 9, 2017
Ken stayed in Chickasha long enough to go to the branch there. Then he came home here in time for some special visitors. A ward member who's been at BYU-Idaho came down to visit his folks and brought his fiancee...and we had a special visit from them! She's a cute gal and knowing him, she must be a special gal!

Ken's watching the movie now. I had to sit with him during one scene because, when I saw it in the theater with my friend, we both laughed at it and our socially-awkward non-romantic husbands. He laughed at it, too, and agreed it was pretty correct.

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