Sunday, April 16, 2017


Monday, April 10, 2017
They'd been changing the locks at the church the past week. I had received my key to the building, but not to the library. So this morning it was no TV and no PowerPoint. I recognized today how important a tool is is with my class. I have some students with reading disabilities. It was hard to them to read the tiny quote off of my phone - I sympathize, my old eyes have a hard time, too. So I sent a message to the bishop and got my key. On a positive note, all of my students were in attendance today...that hasn't happened in a couple of weeks!

Today we prepped the bunnies to move to Chickasha with Ken. We need to repair and paint the bathroom they are currently in, so they get to move ahead of the rest of us. They weren't happy to go in their carries and I'm sure they didn't appreciate the nearly two-hour trip to get there. Sorry, buns, time to get a-movin'!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017
Ken took the van yesterday, so I have the Honda. He took that car last week. Now it smells like Fruit Loops! He had received a sample urinal deodorizer (among other things) from his trip to Arkansas last week and had opened up the deodorizer, thinking it would make the care smell better. Reeks, more like it! He had to remove it for me yesterday because it was so strong when I traveled to-and-from seminary that my eyes watered. Today, it still smells strong!

Work was productive in more ways than one today. I cataloged thirty-two books and my boss says I'm doing better, making less mistakes. Plus, I talked to someone who's going to take all of my homeschooling books. And...I spoke to two different people who are looking to buy a home like mine! I appreciate these shots-in-the-arm of hope. I needed it!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017
It was clear in the morning when I left for Seminary. When class was over, though, we were socked in with fog again. That made it difficult/crazy to try and cross the high school-bound traffic to get home.

Of my thirty-two books from yesterday, I only made mistakes in two! That's not bad at all!
My boss is worrying less about my ability; we get along great, too.

On my dinner break, I went to Dollar Tree to get a birthday balloon for the last birthday this Seminary year. Hard to believe, but it'll all be over the middle of next month. Bittersweet.

Jonathan is probably going back to work for Walgreen's temporarily. They basically begged him to come for a bit until his things are resolved. But the Literacy gal at the library loves him and wishes he could be there in the evenings helping her - he resolved some computer issues for her tonight and has been patient with some of her students. In between helping her, he had fun checking out the "treasures" in the back of the library. Here he is sporting a sombrero (and an attitude):

Thursday, April 13, 2017
The rain started coming down after Seminary (never before, weird). It kept going off and on, hard and soft, all morning. It's going to be very squishy wet out there.

Jonathan is working on cleaning the bunny bathroom (floors, walls, etc.) so we can fix and paint it. There are terrible (read: gross & disgusting) rabbit urine stains on the tile. I was so afraid nothing would get them off. The first cleaner did absolutely nothing. I went online to desperately find something. CLR's website said that it would work specifically on rabbit stains. Oh did! I mean, amazingly, with no hard scrubbing. I was so pleased that I emailed the company, something I rarely do. But then, I was grateful.

Waded to work today. My boss and I cleaned off her area for most of the afternoon so it would look like my book processing table (stickers, covers, etc.). Then she taught me how to catalog books on CD. I guess I am ready to be trusted with that!

Friday, April 14, 2017
There was no Seminary today (Easter Breaks), but I still had to get up for a 6:00 a.m. video conferencing inservice. But it didn't want to work, so after twenty minutes of trying, I left to go make some breakfast. Sorry.

This afternoon the kids and I went with the 4H Rabbit Club to the Air Force base. One of the squadrons was having an Easter party for their families which included a bounce house, an egg hunt, and real-live bunnies!

Our rabbits, being in Chickasha, weren't there, but there were more rabbits than handlers, so we were able to help. That was good, because Analiese has been missing Alice and PomPom so much. She held on to male Himilayan for over an hour!

Saturday, April 15, 2017
Here's one of my favorite books that I've processed this week. (There were two non-fictions I'd really love to tell you about, because they were fun and fascinating, but they're gone out already). Despite my love-hate relationship here with children's books, "Be Quiet!" had me chuckling aloud. It's about a mouse who's going to have his very-first very-own picture book...with no words, just beautiful art work. That is, until two other very-talkative mice come in to try and "help" him. The results are disastrous and hilarious. If you feel down, pick up a book like this, it will cheer you right up!

Even with one of the front desk workers out, leaving only three of us in the library, it was still a quiet day and I spent most of my time in the back. Mainly, I spent my time trying to figure out how to catalog books on CD. Even with my notes, I'd still have to have to go on the floor occasionally to borrow an already-processed one to see how it compared to what I was trying to do. It was a painstaking, slow process.

I went right to church after work for the ward Easter party and dinner. It started at 5:00 and I got off work at 6:00 p.m. I managed to get a plate of food made to take home before they cleared off. But I missed the program they had about Easter week.

Sunday, April 16, 2017
The kids weren't really interested in Easter candy this year (Jonathan is trying to eat healthier and Analiese seriously doesn't care). So we gave it all to Ken...who loved it! I did get Analiese a sweet stuffed rabbit, though, since she misses her real ones so much and we won't be able to see them for at least a couple of weeks. She holds it just like she would Alice!

We were invited to have a meal this afternoon with a ward family after church. But they have a dog, which is no good for Analiese. However, they insisted on packing up food for us and we picked it up. The kids loved it. It was very sweet and generous of them.

Ken missed sacrament meeting in Chickasha today because he had to go to OKC to pick up something (drop off something?) for work. And on Easter Sunday! He got to attend the latter part of the priesthood meeting, but was bummed for missing the sacrament meeting. Good thing we had goodies waiting at home for him to try and console him.

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