Sunday, April 23, 2017


Monday, April 17, 2017
No Seminary today. It's the last day of Easter break. I got to sleep in! 😊

Just so you can see how busy my life can be, here's my three basic lists for this week. They're on sticky notes so I can set them up every week and put them in my planner.

I proved myself fearless (or at least less fearful than my son) when a large wolf spider was found in a pile of rags by the washing machine. I truly believe the critter was more scared of us because, while I left him alone at first (Jonathan having freaked out at it's discovery), later I found it scurrying across the dining room carpet. I think it was frantically trying to find a way out. I helped it, trapping it under a glass, but I didn't take it outside without a couple of documentary photos, of course.
But it was funny to see Jonathan jump and yell!

Ken and Jonathan cleared out the front bathroom today, removing all the baseboard and trim. They also began dusting and cleaning off the walls. Now I need to find some paint - pick a color, really. I'm considering a seafoam green or a very pale blue with a touch of gray in it. Something very neutral.

Kent also went to help with the Eagle project of one of my students this afternoon. Considering how many hours he works in Chickasha, plus coming home to work on stuff here, I feel bad about him traveling back and forth. But he wanted to go help, so - bless him - he did.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Greeting me this morning in the bathroom and laundry area were some tiny specks (and I mean teeny tiny) of ants. Lovely. Also, there was another spider (an ant wrangler?) though not nearly as hefty as the big boy from yesterday. Hoorah, my house is an insect menagerie!

My boss checked my work from the weekend and those audiobooks I was so nervous about. They were all okay! Yay, I actually did them right! They have extra steps from regular books, so it made me a little anxious.

Not many books arrived in the mail yesterday or today; I hope we get more this week or I won't have much to do. I have a couple of side projects, but when they're done, then what?

Jonathan started back up at Walgreens today. He was gone by the time I got home from Seminary and was waiting for me by the car (with a self-satisfied smirk) when I left the library for dinner.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017
It was one of those mornings: I had a headache and could hardly stay awake during devotional. Nap time! After that, I felt refreshed and ready to go!

It was jeans, t-shirt and tennis shoes day for me and my boss at the library. We went out into the creepy garage in order to inventory at least two decades-worth of computer equipment. In many ways it was a blast from the past! I remember many of the old machines and companies from other jobs and computers I've used: Okidata, dot matrix, floppy discs. I filled up three pages of inventory of monitors, towers, printers, etc. That didn't include the keyboards and mice that we didn't count!

It was nasty, dusty work, which made it hard for me to call her in the evening near closing time. She goes home when I go to lunch/dinner and she was going to shower and take some asthma medication! But our library system software froze - both in the back and the front - around 8:30. She did come in, poor dear, and agreed with my diagnosis (not the internet, the program), but all she could do was wait till morning to call them. I try very hard to figure things out without having to call her in, but this was out of my hands. I felt bad having to do it.

Thursday, April 20, 2017
At home after Seminary, as the morning progressed, the wind picked up and the sky grew darker. gave us a 30% chance of rain. I think that 30% is on it's way!

Then, it only spat and sprinkled. What a letdown!

We received only one book from UPS today. Like that'll keep me busy Saturday! Luckily, my boss has been working on a bunch more audiobooks for me. That WILL keep me occupied!

The HL told one of the front desk gals (not the new one, but the young one who replaced The Dude) that she was being "let go" today, but offered to let her stay on until the end of the month. They've already hired and have been training her replacement. The young gal was understandably upset and went home, so it was just the other gal and me in the evening until the HL came at a quarter to nine to help us close. The gal and I were fine; she is very nice and works well. But I do feel sad for the young gal!

Friday, April 21, 2017
There was a little rain last night: the streets are wet. But if there was a thunderstorm, I slept right through it!

Today looked to be sunnier, but about mid-morning things got dark and drizzling. Oh well, a little here, a little there - it's better than nothing!

Analiese and I had a busy day. We did laundry, made cookies, and cooked rice and chicken. Yes, together! She learned a few things and she does like to cook.

I delivered some of the cookies to my boss at the library - she gave me a big hug. It was her suggestion to make oatmeal cookies (I put Craisins and walnuts in them), so it was only fair I gave her some. While there, I unloaded all of my old homeschooling curriculum to a patron there. One thing to check off my moving list!

Then I got a pedicure, went home, assembled the casserole (sister missionaries are coming to dinner), worked some on next week's Seminary, went out and delivered more cookies to a sister in our ward and picked up Jonathan. Went home, put the casserole in the oven. Whew!

Not done! A guy came by to look at our too-huge-for-our-tv entertainment center that'd I'd posted for sale on an Altus FB group. He came back with a guy, a pickup and money (yay!) just as the sisters pulled up for dinner. But that's another thing to scratch off my moving list! My living room is looking larger without it.
I'm feeling good!

The sisters loved the casserole and the cookies (you didn't think I gave them ALL away?) and we had a great discussion on overcoming/facing fears. I left the kids to finish clean up while I finished Seminary and then we all flopped down in front of the tv to watch something light and funny. I'm exhausted, but I feel like I've accomplished a lot. BUSY DAY!

Saturday, April 22, 2017
The young gal isn't going to stick it out to the end of the month. She decided it would be too embarrassing. Poor dear.

I spoke too soon and I imagine my boss laughed yesterday. We got a big delivery of books. Plus, being down to three people again, I had a plenty busy day! And no, I didn't finish them all. They take time, if you want it done right!

After work I took the kids to the new video store in town to look for a good movie to rent. I'll be honest, the place is small and cramped, dark and smelly, and doesn't have a great selection. Plus, when the kids chose a movie off the shelf, they couldn't find it in the back.  After a while of them searching, we chose a second one to rent, but I don't imagine we'll be going back anytime soon, other than to return the movie.

Sunday, April 23, 2017
Great sacrament meeting today. All three talks were excellent. I also really enjoyed Relief Society. The Spirit was very strong talking about the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

Ken texted me right after church. He was on his way from Chickasha. He's coming home earlier than expected. Good. More time with us!

I did have to pick up a new ward member from her work this evening to take her home. She lives in Blair, ten miles north of Altus, but is moving to here to be closer to her job. Also, she doesn't drive but has a bicycle, another reason to move. But I have no problem taking her home today.

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