Sunday, January 29, 2017


Monday, January 23, 2017
I had a substitute for Seminary, so I could sleep in this morning. Boy, did I need that. I was so grateful for the parent who was willing to step up so I could get better.

Ken found a large LIVE scorpion (?!?!?!) in the laundry room this morning. I can't begin to tell you how happy I was that it wasn't me that found it. How did it get in? Why? He dispatched it immediately (he put a plastic dust pan over it and beat at the pan with something till the creature was smushed. Then it had a burial at sea.). Ugh!

I DID go to work, but only for half a day. Turns out, that was more than plenty. I was wiped out by the time I left. So I went home, ate lunch, and slept a while. Then I sat and read and "vegged."

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
I slept off and on last night. Between the shingles pain and the sinus drainage, it's hard to catch a break. I was actually awake at 5:00 a.m., but still had a substitute for Seminary. So I showered, had breakfast, and then had Devotional with my family. After which I went back to bed and slept for another two and a half hours. Apparently that's what the body said I needed.

I only worked three hours instead of my usual five tonight. The library staff has been so understanding and they don't want me to overdo it. Again, it was just about the right wear me out and have me clamoring for medicine and crashing into bed when I got home.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
I went back to Seminary, honking like a Canadian goose. I only had four students, so it we weren't complete. But if I could be sick, I guess they could be, too.

At work, they said I looked a little bit better today. Analiese says my "spots" look better, too. (Poor thing has had the dubious honor of putting cream on the ones I can't reach.) I'd better be getting better, that medication is expensive!

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Today was the first in a long while where I haven't been able to get in a nap. SIGH. Right now, that makes for a very long day. Because - despite the fact that I'd like to rest more - my life and family needs won't let me be down much longer. I had a meeting this morning for two hours with Analiese's EPIC teacher at the library. (Turns out, what's making her take so much time with her English assignments is the difficulty level. She's doing 11th grade work...on purpose. She takes after her mama!)

I also had to take Jonathan to the bank and to Walgreens (to get a shot, but that didn't happen due to new insurance issues). Then in the afternoon I went Visiting Teaching, returning home to study for Seminary. By then, it was to late for a nap before having to go to work. I will be totally exhausted tonight, I think!

Friday, January 27, 2017
It's such a special day today, I can hardly begin to describe it. It started normally with Seminary, after which I came home for breakfast, Devotional, and an anticipatory nap.

The whole family was ready to leave by 10:30 a.m. dressed in their Sunday best
. The ride to the city was light and jolly, all four of us smiling and laughing. We took our usual stop at the McDonald's oasis outside of Chickasha (pronounced Chick - uh - shay) and then headed for the OKC temple.

It was a monumental day: Jonathan went through the temple for the first time, Ken did work for his father, and Analiese did some baptisms for Ken's family - including his great-grandmother. Me, I wore my "missionary mother" badge proudly (everyone asked where my missionary was going) and blubbered...blissfully. All of my family was in the temple together.

We found a Red Robin nearby (Jonathan's choice) to have a nice dinner before heading home. Two and a half hours later, at 10:30 p.m., we made it; totally tired, totally happy.  Awesome!

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Time to land my feet back on earth after having spend a day in heaven. This will be my first full day at work since last Wednesday. Saturdays, thankfully, are usually pretty mellow at the library. 

At home on my lunch break I was helping Jonathan with packing issues - how to fold a long-sleeve shirt, what to put in the carry-on versus the regular suitcase, how to pack shoes - sighing a little as I did. At one point, I put my head on his shoulder for just a moment. He didn't joke or tease. He just quietly said, "I know."

Tired as I was, with our Friday spent (amazingly) at the temple, it meant I had to go shopping after work. It wasn't quick, either. Not because I had a lot to get, but because I kept running into people..some of which needed to talk to me, like a gal from the Rabbit Club! There were also some I didn't know, who felt chatty and I was the one they directed their chatter to. Actually, one was a cute retired man and his wife. They were too much fun to pass up!

Sunday, January 29, 2017
My emotions are so close to the surface now. Our Relief Society president, who's a doll, got released today and also spoke. That got me going. Also, anyone who wants to talk to me about Jonathan....that got me going. Then, I renewed my temple recommend with a member of the bishopric and a member of the stake presidency who was in our ward today. Double whammy. These next two weeks are going to be HARD.

Sunday, January 22, 2017


This blog is going to be very, very short. Because I have had an awful two weeks of pain and misery. And this is how it ended:


The headaches, the back pain, all of it became an explosion of aches, itches, burning and intense pain.


The sleep hasn't gotten much better. At least, not until the doctor gave me something super strong which I'll only use at night. In the day, we're just asking for some kind of trouble there. Also, there's antivirals, creams, protein suppliments, colloidial silver and essential oils to try and deal with this...invasion.


No pictures, either. It's not pretty. It's on my right side (of course I'm right-handed), with the worst part under my arm. My lymph nodes were so swollen there that for a while I couldn't even put my arm down.


Oh, and I also have a sinus infection.

Mantra for the week: "I am not as yet as Job."


Sunday, January 15, 2017


Monday, January 9, 2017
The Spirit was in Seminary today. These are my favorite class days...I feel like there was progress and some success! It came about from students bearing testimony, too, which is music to my ears! That is what makes Seminary great!

I spoke to the Tech person (she would be my boss) about the cataloguing position today. The current cataloger spoke to her and to the Director of the Library. She, in turn, spoke to the Head Librarian, who then spoke with me. It's pretty much a done deal. The HL isn't happy (since I'll be the second floor person she has to replace now), but recognized that if I want to progress in the library, I need this kind of experience.

I finished the second display case today. I was very pleased with myself. It turned out cute.
The theme was "The Book is ALWAYS Better!"
, with books that have been made into movies. Around them I had strewn popcorn, movie candy, film reels, and film!
I like it - and apparently looked like the cat that ate the canary when I went back to the HL. I'd like to think I was satisfied with my artistic endeavors.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Another Spirit-filled class in Seminary. Everyone participated, too. Makes my calling so fulfilling!

I spent my morning at home making cookies for the Dude (as well as the banal laundering of towels and bill paying). I made chocolate cookies with mint chips. The house smelled wonderful, but I had to save a few for home or my family would revolt!

Jonathan got a letter today from LDS travel. They need another certified document - from the State Department office in OKC - and they need it yesterday. There is no time to rely on the I'll have to skip work tomorrow and take Jonathan to the capitol. Rats!

It was the Dude's last day at work. I'm so sad. Working with him was like having another son, another funny son. Another employee set up crockpots for chili dogs for him. He wrote me the best note, funny and touching. I will miss him. I am not sure, but I think they've hired his replacement.  SIGH. Life goes on.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Busy, busy day. After Seminary and devotional, I took Jonathan to work (for three hours), then hurried home to study for tomorrow's lesson.

Being very tired, I was going to sneak in an hour nap, but instead I got a phone call from a ward member, needing a favor. We spent over twenty minutes talking (only a small part of it was the favor ...Oklahomans like to talk). So much for a nap.

Then it was time to pick up Jonathan, go to Lawton and swap vehicles with Ken, and hurry over to the State Department's Office in OKC to get an "apostille" (Look it up - I did.) to go along with his Visa application to Guatemala.  Luckily, it didn't take long.

So we stopped by the outlet mall for some new work clothing (whole other story), then we made the trek home. My hip feels funny from driving and sitting (Ken's Honda has no cruise control), and I am, of course, tired.

Thursday, January 12, 2017
A big ice storm is predicted to hit here tomorrow morning. I had advised my students to keep an eye/ear out for reports of the school closing tomorrow.

I decided maybe I ought to go grocery shopping today. Apparently so did everyone else in Altus. Walmart was so packed (inside and out) and the lines at the registers were long. Water and canned soups were selling out fast!

As I was studying for tomorrow's lesson I got the text from a student: No school tomorrow. Oh well. At least I can sleep in.

Work was strange and quiet without the Dude there. Another employee split her shift up to help me out in the evening. But as quiet as it was, I probably could have survived with just me and the cataloger.

I checked out some movies and have a supply of books set aside in order to cozy up, if need be, tomorrow. I don't need to go anywhere tomorrow (except take Jonathan to work), so I should have a nice, relaxing day. Right?

Friday, January 13, 2017
No Seminary.
No Work.
No ice or snow.

Rather a bummer. Now I'm behind a lesson for nothing!

But it was comfortable. Nowhere to go. Just laundry and studying to do.

So I made brownies and chicken tortilla soup for the sister missionaries tonight. The house smelled so good (what is it about peppers, onions & cumin?) and kept warm. They loved the soup (so did I, it's a great recipe), and we enjoyed their companionship. Ken was there so it meant telling mission stories.

Now the storm is supposed to come tonight. Whether or not I go to work tomorrow is anyone's guess. I called the Head Librarian and we decided to confab in the morning to see.

Saturday, January 14, 2017
No storm again. Or, at least, not much of one. When the HL called this morning she said, depending on the weather (which you CANNOT depent on), we'd open by 1:00 p.m.

Did I get anything done this morning? Not really. I'd had a bad night's sleep - this time from my right shoulder. Do I know what I did to it. Nope. And nothing seemed to help - medicine, blue gel, ice packs. Finally, around 3:00 a.m., I tried a heating pad and managed to sleep a few hours. But that was it.

I called the temple today to make the appointment for Jonathan's first time. We're going on Friday, January 27th at 3:00 p.m. Analiese is coming with us, too, to do baptisms. It's exciting, having the whole family in the temple together!

I did go in to work at 1:00 p.m., watching the weather the whole time. Just a handful of patrons are out. It is raining some, but it's not freezing, so far. But with the governor declaring a state of emergency (the north and east parts of the state are getting pounded), everyone's being cautious.

Sunday, January 15, 2017
Today, the storm that has evaded us all week hit. With rain, and lots of it. Too warm to freeze, thankfully. The back yard is a swamp, but at least it's not an ice rink.

Besides setting up for Seminary, I also stayed behind after church to practice the song I will "attempt" to sing as Jonathan gives his farewell talk next Sunday. We shall see how it goes. I will try hard not to think about anything except hitting notes and singing the right words. And no looking at Jonathan!

Our Home teachers came to visit right after we got home. The whole family was frisky and mischevious. I think they (the HT) were entertained. Me, I was embarrassed.

Our crazy family continued being so during our Family Home Evening (Analiese was supposed to go to a fireside in Lawton, but that got cancelled due to the weather). We laughed a log, especially at game time. We are actually a pretty funny family, and constantly crack each other up!

Sunday, January 8, 2017


Monday, January 2, 2017
I was sick again last night. I keep it a bug or food poisoning? I'm not sure I want to know.

Ken left super-early this morning to go to Lawton for training for his new job. This meant Jonathan had to wake me up (on the last sleep-in day of my break) to take him to Walgreens by 7:00 a.m. Oh well. I managed to sneak in a little hour nap later.

It didn't mean that I didn't get anything done.  There was laundry, dishes, and Seminary study. I also spent time listening to more Deseret Book music from Michele. I think I'd like to listen to more uplifting music this year to encourage the Spirit...and my soul!

Ken came home with more news about his first little "word" trip at the end of January - to a Disney resort in Florida! Rub it in, why don'tcha!  Next year, I'm going with!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017
I don't know what it is about sleeping lately, but I've been so off. I needed it last night, because I went back to Seminary today. But Jonathan was out late and I didn't know if he had a ride or was going to walk across town to get home, etc. Nervous mama stuff. He got a ride; he was fine, but I went to bed and got to sleep very late. That's got to stop!

It was just me and Analiese again for most of the day. She's finishing up on the last semester, just in time to start the new one next week! While she worked on that, I washed towels, studied for Seminary, and made a pot of split pea soup for everyone's dinner. Oh, and spent some time on the phone with my mom!

After the long weekend, I had a lot on my cart at the library. Plus, the Head Librarian had been doing some shelf re-arranging in my sections (which meant I had to rearrange my brain) and I had several patrons seeks me out for help. Bustling to begin with, but quieted later on.

Wednesday, January 4, 2017
Rats! On top of in-and-out sleeping last night, my phone alarm did NOT go off and I 7:45! AAAACCCCKKK! After a hasty apologetic texts to my Seminary students and parents, I got up shamefacedly to start the day over two hours later than needed. Time to use a real alarm clock, I think. My phone just hasn't been reliable as an alarm.

Surprisingly, the rest of the day was not bad. After taking Jonathan to work, I actually planted the amaryllis that Ken gave me for Christmas alongside some I bought off the clearance cart at Atwoods. I put them all in the front planter in a corner. We'll see how they turn out.

I had a sad chore today at the library. I had to take down the Christmas display case. It had turned out surprisingly wonderful with the packages and books. It's depressing have to tear down all that work and cuteness. But it's a new month and a new year. Time for a change.

Thursday, January 5, 2017
Today is cold. Seriously. The high school's display said that the temperature as I was leaving Seminary was 25 degrees. I'd only taken my sweater and it was not enough. I wore my jacket taking Jonathan to work - it was 31 degrees on the Walgreens sign - still too cold. I think I'll have to take a coat and gloves tonight...which will stun the library staff since they think I'm always roasting (it's true).

In fact, I paraded my winter ensemble to the ladies before heading to my locker so as to prove to them that it is actually possible for me to get cold. They were delighted!

It was a quiet, cold night. Most people stayed home out of the cold and the impending snowstorm. I spent 45 minutes of my time talking to the Library Director about my future at the library. She'd love to have me eventually move up into a key position. But, to do that, I'll need to get my Master's Degree in Library Science. With the kids getting older (and leaving...but don't think about that!), I need to start figuring what to do with myself. This is a good option.

Friday, January 6, 2017
First thing after my alarm went off this morning, I checked the weather online and out the door (the two don't necessarily agree). Cold, but no snow. Snow is on the radar - how soon? How much? Altus schools are NOT closed, only delayed. So...Seminary!

I had only one intrepid student; everyone else bailed. I understand one of them, her brother got home just last night from his mission and their grandparents are in town for the event. But the others? Still, I had a nice one-on-one lesson from the brave student.

The snow started falling while we were in class. Getting out of the building, it was just beginning to lightly dust everything.
I don't have boots. I wear socks with my sandals to keep my toes from frostbite!
The school sign said the temperature was 18 degrees!
 It kept coming down for about four hours...1 1/2 inches.
Not a lot, but more than we've seen in a long time. Ken came home from Lawton early, braving slick roads with not-so-great visibility.

And we went out in it! Ken - knowing how nervous I get driving in it - took me grocery shopping after we dropped Jonathan off at his work.  Then after shopping he took me and Analiese out to dinner, early. Before the sun went down. His tires did not want to grip the road well. I was never so happy to get home safely!

Saturday, January 7, 2017
Yes, I still had to go to work. At 9 a.m., it was 11 degrees! The main roads in town were fairly clean, but the residential streets were more like ice rinks!  And, yes, people were crazy enough to go out in it! I had to.... But I thought for sure we'd be dead quiet; the numbers yesterday during the storm were WAY down. Nope. They kept on coming.

People would call to ask if we were open (I later learned that the base library was closed yesterday and today). I'd tell them yes, but suggest they waited until the temperatures warmed up and the road de-iced some. As it was, I had some elderly people come in my doors. One in particular had a cane. I was incredulous! "Why did you come out in the ice? It's so dangerous!" The Dude said it made him angry. Not because it made us busy, he'd prefer it that way, but because it was so dangerous and we like our patrons.

I did NOT go home for lunch (nobody did). I wasn't going to brave the ice rink roads until I had to go home. I forgot to pick up a prescription yesterday and thought about getting it today. Nope. It will wait till Monday. I have enough pills to last until then. No ice, no way.

I did get to work some on the January display cases. I finished the New Year's one: New Year, New You.
It's okay, not as nice or flashy as the December cases. I started on the other but ran out of paper. It'll have to wait for Monday. Like everything else.

Sunday, January 8, 2017
The snow is melting rapidly in the warming day. Only shady areas are still locked in ice. I avoid those areas. Now, they are talking about a big ice storm next weekend. Please, no!

A young man is home from his mission and this was his first Sunday back. His family is glad, as is Jonathan. But his dad, bearing proud, teary testimony, set me off today. Jonathan, for once, didn't tease.

Jonathan had his temple recommend interview with the Stake President today. It hit him today that there will be a lot to learn in the temple. That, my son, will be a life-long education.

Ken ended up taking the Honda to Walmart this afternoon to fix a flat tire. What with him going to Lawton and me going to Seminar and the library, we really can't afford to be down a car. This was a case of getting the ox out of the mire!

Sunday, January 1, 2017

THE 2016-2017 TRANSITION (such as it is)

Monday, December, 26, 2016
Sleeping in was nice - except for the 5:30 "wake-up" call from someone at our door looking for someone who doesn't live here! Oh well, I went back to sleep and got another couple of hours. No work, no Seminary...what else is a girl to do?

I worked on little projects, like dusting and cleaning off my desk, Yes, I have a desk/table. I've gotta have a place to study and write! It really needed the attention; it was grimey. Gross! I also began looking at Analiese's new semester and setting up my planner for the new year. Baby steps.

There was also some lazing about...after all, it's a BREAK. I watched a couple of episodes of "The Crown" on Netflix. I try not to be too much of an anglophile, what with being an English major and like to read Jane Austen, etc., but this was an indulgence. Munched on a little Christmas candy as I did. Life is good.

This evening, the kids and I played a new game (from Karla!) called Ingenious. They had complained at first that, looking at the instructions, it was just too complex. No, it wasn't. You just have to think and strategize a little. Our first run, we were each about a point away from each other. Not bad.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Christmas Break, for me, has meant working on little projects. Today was taking the tree and Christmas decorations down, which is always a little depressing. I also worked on a new menu planning system (I've been slowly perfecting things for years) and got Analiese's study schedule for EPIC for January finished.

Back to work. And today was weird. I had a lot of magazines to put away (usually never more than 3-4) and the DEA paid us a visit to arrest some problematic patrons (would that they could do this on a regular basis!) who apparently were involved in drugs. I was hiding - a-hem, WORKING - away in the shelves during that time so I totally missed all the drama. Thing was, I'd seen these particular troublemakers (they make me nervous) walk in and I did not want to deal with them, so I sequestered myself in the bookshelves.  I was justified though...

The Dude gave his two-week notice today. I knew it was coming; he just graduated from WOSC and wants to go to school up in Edmond (north of OKC). He's feeling a little sad (and I'll bet nervous) because he liked this job. But he's young and ready to move on...I totally get it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
I'm the first to say that there's no such thing as too many books; but I'll tell you right now - I'm inundated with reading material. It isn't just that I work at a library, which certainly contributes to the problems. It's also that one of  my best friends works at a church bookstore and sends me lots of lovely things to read (the other one sent me a big fat book for my birthday, too. They know me!). I love it, I encourage it, I don't want it to stop - "too many books, too little time!" But I'm finding it hard to find time to read. In fact, I've started purposely carving out reading time for me; something I've never had to do before!

Came to find out at work that yesterday's arrests weren't DEA. They were Altus Police Department. And it wasn't drug was human sex trafficking, the current form of slavery. Did you know that there are more people in slavery now (generally of the sexual type) than there was during the Civil War times? This greatly upset and disgusted me. I hope these people (using the term loosely) are put away for a VERY long time!

Thursday, December 29, 2016
More little bitty projects going on here as I prepare to wrap up my break. Today was Seminary stuff, next year's planner/journal, house cleaning needs. I also took Jonathan to the alterationist's to get five pair of pants hemmed for his mission. Could I do it? Yes. Well? No. Especially his white temple/baptism pants. They leave a lot of fabric room at the bottom to accomodate all sizes and I knew I'd mess that one up! I need his pants to function well so it's something he doesn't need to worry about in Guatemala. Peace of mind was worth the money.

When the day time staff left the library at six this evening, there were two people in the libaray, not counting me, the Dude, and the cataloguer in the back. Two more walked in shortly after, but I could tell you: It was going to be a slow night.

Friday, December 30, 2016
Busy Day Checklist:

  • get paycheck from library
  • put check in the bank
  • grab some lunch from drive-thru
  • pedicure
  • Walmart grocery shopping
  • Atwood's shopping (water bottles and hay)
  • put away groceries
  • put away laundry
  • work on Seminary for next week
  • make dinner
The reward for getting all this stuff done (and I DID) was seeing "Rogue One" with the family. Ken had to meet us there from work, but we all got to do it together. It was a good movie, but not a "feel good" movies, if you know what I mean. It was more about the sacrifices made to ensure freedom; a rather messy thing. It did tie in really well to the first (1977) Star Wars, too. Good job!

Saturday, December 31, 2016
My New Year's Eve has been so exciting...not. I slept poorly last night, got up late and started my day off very slowly.

The highlight of my morning was taking PomPom outside to groom her. She was nervous at first, the breeze and birdsong and sunshine was strange as well as my constant brushing (but it had to feel good, like a massage). She settled down eventually, jumping onto my shoulder to get a better, yet still safe, look at this new world around her.

Today was Ken's las day at Taco Bell. Supposedly. He came home, telling me he's make a "deal with the devil." Even though he'll be working at Murphy's gas station (as the manager) full time now, for a while, he's going to still Taco Bell (yes, I'm using it a verb) once a week. They're that desperate. But, in a way, so are we.

Tonight I intend to celebrate the New Year with my traditional good night's rest. However, I have chosen my Word of the Year for 2017. 2016's word was "Kind," and I felt really blessed by it, having great experiences in being kind and seeing kindness in my life.  This year's word is:
It comes from a quote by this poetess:

I'm going to spend my last two days of break contemplating how to encorporate being "Determined" in my life. Each month I want to focus on an aspect of that determination. I had been search for my Word of the Year for a few weeks now, but just this week, listening to a talk on CD, it came to me. It fits and it's right. Happy New Year. I am DETERMINED.