Sunday, November 27, 2016


Monday, November 21, 2016
Things didn't start well today. For one, my alarm didn't sound - it vibrated - and I didn't hear it! So at 6:30 I get a phone call from a the church! (Yeah, I heard the phone ring, weird!) Aack! I threw on some clothes and ran over. Funny thing was, being late and forgoing the TV and PowerPoint presentation wasn't a disaster. Actually, the Spirit was very strong.

But...I had no time to was getting home. This is my early morning at the library. Plus, there's other physical complications that had me not feeling so hot. Not a day to start behind.

It was kind of weird, though. The day just flowed by and I couldn't or didn't really keep up with it, but all was fine. We had a luncheon at the library, so I didn't bother going home. And before I knew it, the day was done.

I had to go to Walmart after work to get some necessities after work. That was the worst part of the day. The place was packed starting at the parking lot and the people were crazy. It took me nearly an hour and I just wanted to go home and crash!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016
This was the last day of Seminary for the week. Some of the kids were in a mood. Not nearly as nice as yesterday was. Maybe they're all just ready to get out of everything and have time off for Thanksgiving.

Our new bishop was in the building when I went to put the TV away. He said he'd like to visit our class - I said I'd like him to visit our class :D. I also informed him of the upcoming family breakfast at Seminary. I was going to hold off (only a little) on telling him, but he brought things up!

PomPom is getting settled in. Today she explored the sofa
, eventually settling down by my side. Unfortunately, that's Alice's side, too, so I'll have to be careful. Rabbit fights are no less violent than cat fights and Alice can be a ninja!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016
What a morning! I spent the whole time in the kitchen - chopping, peeling, stirring, baking! Thank goodness for my chopper and my apple peeler/slicer/corer! I felt pressed for time - and I was! - because I had to go to work today three hours earlier than normal.

That wasn't bad, really, since I got off at 6 p.m. instead of 9 p.m. Our director had decided we should close early today (thanks!). Work was a nice reprieve from the kitchen and I got a lot of biography book covers fixed and retaped. What else did I have to do?

Oh yeah. I had to go home and keep working. Luckily, Ken had the day off and could help, like taking Analiese to her birthday appointment with the bishop. But it was back to the kitchen for me!

Thursday, November 24, 2016
This year's Thanksgiving didn't feel like the marathon rus of the past. Having dinner at 5 p.m. helped, since I didn't have to get up at the crack of dawn to get a turkey in the oven. Sorry, Mom, the sacrifice just wasn't in me!

Ken still didn't have to work (nice!), but Jonathan did this morning, so we told our guests to come by 5 p.m. Dennis & Barbara Whardo, from church, came. It's the only way I can try and thank them for all the help Dennis has given us over the past year or so. He's an angel! I also felt the need to invite two of my library patrons who are also roommates. Everyone enjoyed the meal and the fun we had afterwards. We played games (thanks, Karla!) and, of course, pulled out the two rabbits. The two I'd invited have had rabbits before and fell in love with little PomPom. I wasn't sure she would be here when they left!

So it was a success. On a funny note, Analiese remarked on my "new" technique of basting the turkey with butter and powdered ginger.
I have never basted the turkey with anything else - Ken loves it - and my mother has always basted her turkey that way. "New"?

I made two pies this year.
One was pumpkin, which Analiese wanted and loved. I did NOT make a pecan pie, because the trees decided to take a year off. Instead, I made a caramel apple pie... Jonathan's idea. Hey, look on Pinterest, it'll probably be there. And in this case, it was. It turned out well enough, but I'd make changes if I tried it again.

I did NOT do dishes. Two days of cooking (and cleaning up between times) was enough for me. I didn't even slightly volunteer.

Friday, November 25, 2016
After a good night's sleep, I acutally got up and made breakfast for my family. We had breakfast all together! Will wonders never cease?

Ken went in to work at noon, while Analiese worked on lessons and Jonathan did laundry.  He also sat down with me to go over his list of things he will need for his mission. It's quite a bit and overwhelming! Part of it will be his Christmas gift!

He had to go to work in the afternoon. At a quarter to 4 (his start time), Analiese and I got into the van with him to take him to Walgreen's. But the van wouldn't, click. He ended up walking and maybe being a little bit late. I had planned on going shopping afterwards, but apparently not! Oh, brother! Now what? I need a working vehicle.

After Ken got home this evening (luckily not too terribly late), we made some decisions and phone calls. We'll figure things out and make do, but we have to resolve this as soon as possible.

Saturday, November 26, 2016
Dennis Whardo, ward angel, came by this morning to look at the van. I gave him the keys and then left with Helen, one of my visiting teachers, to go to work.

The Dude - who's van just died and he had to buy a new vehicle - wondered if maybe he started the curse of the vans at the library. Since other employees have vans, that would be a bad thing. But Dennis came in mid-morning with my keys and the van parked outside. It was just the battery and he took care of that. Whew! We are so blessed to have him in our lives!

I spent most of my non-busy time (because we did get a bit busy - The Dude said that anytime I was at the desk, we got busy) working on the signage for one of the display cases. It is made to look like a cross-stitch sampler. The lettering is done, now I just have to figure out how to "frame" it. It's rather good sized.

Went shopping - try #2 - grocery shopping after work. I do not like shopping at night. It was still crazy there and shopping in the night time makes me feel tired.

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Busy-ness is antithetical to having or recognizing the Spirit. I've been getting too busy to ponder, meditate, listen and FEEL the Spirit as often as I should or want to. I need to take some of the time I use on less-worthy things to let the Spirit get through to me.

It's a very windy day today. The trees are changing colors
and dropping leaves rapidly. I actually wore a coat to church. And almost forgot it there. I never keep that sort of thing on or with me. I can't tell you how many times I have left sweaters and such at different places. I lost my good black sweater (well, as good as can be, it had rusty bleach spots on it because I am hard on clothes) last year to that very problem. I am trying to be very careful of my new scarlet (hey, that's what the catalogue called it!) sweater.

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