Sunday, December 4, 2016


Monday, November 28, 2016
The library was so busy today! Our patron-used computers were always full up and people had so many questions and needs. I was back-and-forth a lot, showing people where to find books, etc.

On top of that craziness, I had to start putting up the December display cases. First, though, I bit the bullet and clean out the grit, dust, staples, bugs (yuck) and general debris that had accumulated in each one. I did my best to clean off the plexiglass shelving. You can't wash off scratches, though.

I did not get everything done. In fact, I got the wall done in the kid's section
and about half-way through the west display case. It's going to keep me busy this week, for sure!

Tuesday, November 29, 2016
Half of my students were absent today. One is coming close to that 75% cut off, but I know she struggles with health and sleep.

PomPom grunts. That funny little furry thing (Analiese calls her a furry potato!)
is a full-on pig grunter! I went to rub her jaw today, she moved her head so I'd rub the top instead...and grunted! It's so funny.

Part of the wrapping paper had fallen off of my west display case, so when I got to the library today, I had to add more duct tape to the back. Brick walls are tough to get stuff to stick to. But I finished the display - presents, ribbons, bows, books and tags with everyone's name from the library.Someone thought I should add white lights to it, but that might have been a little much. With all the foil paper and glittery could be blinding!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016
We picked up Jonathan's custom-made shoes and orthotics today. He tried them on and raved how comfortable they were. I don't want him to wear them out before he gets to Guatemala, but I know he wants to try them out the regular shoes if he walks to Walgreens.

I got lots of compliments today on the west display case. I didn't really have much time to work on the east case, though. Evening work doesn't give me enough time for that. It may have to wait until Saturday.

My middle back on the right side has been really bothering me. No amount of stretching, blue goop (legitimate - you know what I mean) or home massage (basically Jonathan grinding his fist into the sore spot) have helped. I may have to break down and go to the doctor or chiropractor or at least get a therapeutic massage. Nothing so far - including Tylenol - seems to be working.

Thursday, December 1, 2016
Enough was enough. I had Ken (and Jonathan!) give me a blessing for my back. I'm worn out from the constant pain which, of course, keeps me from sleeping well.

I had to take Jonathan to work and decided to go down the road from Walgreens to a chiropractor there.
Peaceful view of the reservior from the chiropractor's
After an hour and a half,  I'd been poked, prodded, folded, crunched and ultra-sounded only to go home and ice my wounds. I haven't been to a chiropractor in too long and my back shouldn't be neglected like that. I'm to go back for another session this week.

Feeling better? A little. I've got a big stress knot in my back (even Ken can feel it). It's going to take time to work it all out. Plus, the chiropractor was concerned with all the tension I carry in my neck and shoulders. Like that was a surprise!

Friday, December 2, 2016
My artistic student, who was being rather clever in class, insists that I post this picture of her newest work for class in my blog. We were talking about the miracles of Jesus and I had four people (well, I ended up being one of the four) draw pictures of different miracles. Hers is the one in the upper right-hand corner. See if you can figure it out:

This has been a week when it seems that all fluffy, furry, feathery things want to get run over! To date, I've had run in front of me on the road:
4 cats (well, it was in my driveway)
2 squirrels (discussing nut accumulation tactics?)
1 cottontail rabbit (it swerved all over the road in front of me)
? birds (for some reason they like the road)

It was a birth certificate issue today for Jonathan. Orange County had only issued an abstract BC at his birth, but we need the full certified one for his passport! It took several calls and emails to Wendy and my Dad, but apparently he's going to Santa Ana on Monday for me to get a copy and mail it to us in OK. This is much faster than if I had to get a notarized form and mail it to OC myself. What a headache!

Saturday, December 3, 2016
I awoke to a wet morning. I had to slog through my soggy yard to get to work. It's dry at the library, but the newspapers waiting for me to get them outside weren't. Plus, I had to put the "wet floor" caution sign up. It's supposed to rain throughout the day and I don't want anyone slipping or falling!

I wanted to cry today when a sweet old man who's hard of hearing and has poor eyesight mentioned that not everyone was nice or patient with him. Why? What does it cost you to be kind?

Hey, I finished my east display case! It was work, but I think it came together nicely.

Not as flashy as the others, but still clever in it's own right. We'll see what the others think of it on Monday!

I went with my friend Valerie to see "Fantastic Beasts." Being with her is so much fun! We get along like gangbusters...maybe a little too much! Ha! She's as bad as me when it comes to making comments during a movie. We absolutely rolled with laughter during a scene that reminded us of certain relatives (who shall remain nameless) in our lives!

It was good medicine to my stressed week. Afterwards, we went to Braum's for ice cream and more laughter (her daughter and a friend were there, too). A little "me" time was just what the doctor ordered.

Sunday, December 4, 2016
The result of having a good time (a good, CLEAN time) last night, was being really tired in church today. But, we got to sing a lot of Christmas songs, which is - for me - absolutely essential this time of year!

Jonathan's friend, Amber, came to interview me as part of a school assignment about the Old Testament. I guess all my talk about Seminary put me in her mind. It was supposed to take only about 15-20 minutes, but lasted about an hour and a half as she learned about our faith. She enjoed herself immensely (like I didn't!), remarking on how much more we were than she'd previously thought (she said she didn't know much). I could tell she respect that. She even joined us in the prayer that ended our fast. I've always liked Amber - we both work at libraries and enjoy our senses of humor - but today I got to share the Spirt with her. That's very special.

The First Presidency Devotional is on now. I can't watch a re-run or later version, I just don't have time. Besides, for me, the Christmas season isn't really here without the Devotional. I need the choir music, the stories, the testimony and the Spirit that comes from it. Nope, not Christmas without it!

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