Sunday, November 20, 2016


Monday, November 14, 2016
I only had four students this morning and they were all late. It was really foggy this morning, which accounting for most of it. At least, for my one student who's learning to drive and is very nervous. So I couldn't really blame her!

I moved around a lot of tables and artificial trees in the west conference room at the library this morning. They're hold a Health Fair for the community tomorrow and I offered to help set up some stuff. This is the first time they're doing the Health Fair, in conjunction with the Literacy Council (they work out of the Library), the Health Department, and the Jackson County Memorial Hospital. We'll see how it turns out.

In the mail today, Jonathan received a tentative itinerary from the church's mission travel department. So far, they have him flying from Lawton at 5:15 in the morning (which means he'll have to be there by 3:15 for an international flight.), to Dallas to Georgia to Los Angeles to Guatemala. It seems crazy to me, but it might change.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
I took Analiese with me to the library this evening. She wants to help with my displays. She loves doing creative stuff and goodness knows, I have plenty to do. Besides the two cases, I'm now doing a wall display over a shelf in the children's section. It'll be cute. I'll post pictures when I'm done.

I was going to have her die-cut some Christmas lights for me, but the die-cut pattern wouldn't work! Such a bummer! I was going to use them and some yarn as a border around the children's section display. Now I've got to think of something else.

Still, she enjoyed having Subway for dinner in our break room, watching videos on the computer, and even finding a book to read. Don't worry, there will be plenty of other opportunities for her to help in the future.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016
Ken has slept poorly the last few nights and only today did I find out why - he has a terrible toothache. But he made a dentist appointment for today at 10:00 a.m. (without the prompting of his wife...he must REALLY hurt!) and even left an hour early just in case he could get in earlier.

He didn't get back unitl over four hours later. Turns out he had a large abcess under one tooth that took a ton of numbing agent and a lot of hard work to remove. His tooth came out apparently in pieces, which hindered the work. Ken said it was a lot like having a jackhammer in his mouth.

So, he's tired, he's sore, and he's on heavy meds. He's on a soft diet for a couple of days with no hot foods through tonight. Good thing he had today off and tomorrow as well. He needs to recooperate and sleep!

Thursday, November 17, 2016
Analiese & I were at the library at 9 a.m. to meet with her EPIC teacher. But first...he had to talk to me ALONE. Uh-oh. Girl's in trouble and boy, is she! It appears she's been slacking - especially in math - since the grandparents were here visiting. I've been a little lax myself, because I've been so busy with other things that I wasn't checking...but I am now! So, she's grounded until she catches up - and she'd better get it done before Christmas or it could REALLY hurt!

Ken's doing better today. I had to work in the evening, but I asked our home teacher to come and (with Jonathan assisting - now that he can!) give Ken a blessing. Our home teacher is new, but so very helpful and eager and kind. It was a good experience all around.

Friday, November 18, 2016
My turn today at not feeling swell. Besides being tired - which is kind of a state of existence for me - I feel cold, a little achy, and my throat's a touch sore. Not good. I really have no time for illness.

Still, it is Friday and I have my "stuff" to do. Thankfully, I don't have a lot of Seminary studying because we only have class twice next week. Shopping was fairly crazy at Walmart and the parking lot was nearly full. Who'd have thunk? I mean, it's only the week before Thanksgiving! Besides MY Thanksgiving stuff, I had to get ingredients for a salad to take to church on Sunday. We're having a Linger-Longer after the block.

Saturday, November 19, 2016
No Dude at the library today. His car broke down outside of OKC (when? I dunno). Probably something to do with his band. So it looks like I'll be at the desk all day.

I thought it would be a slow day, too; we only had three people during the first hour. Maybe I could get some display work done. Nope. Things picked up from there and we were humming the rest of the day.

The 4H Rabbit Club leader came by to drop something off - we have a display of 4H Photography Contest winners - and to talk to me. The Rabbit Club is holding their Christmas Party on a Friday. They voted on it. It's on a I can go with my sugar cookies! I guess I've done it enough to make it a tradition that the kids really like.

She also came to offer me another rabbit. At first I was, no, but then she said, "Netherland Dwarf." These are the tiniest rabbits, only 3-5 pounds and they fit in your hands! They have big eyes and shorter ears and are as darling as can be. I've kind of always wanted one and she needs to get rid of one. So tomorrow, she's coming by with my new baby.

My friend Karla's Christmas package came today. For Christmas from last year! ROFL! It was full of games
He really approves; he's just being a goof.
(she's a game tester, so we get blessed with new and unusual ones people haven't heard of), a t-shirt that was PERFECT for Analiese, a California beach towel (to remind me of home), and some cute fall kitchen towels and potholders. Something fun and brings fresh cheer to our overly hectic days!

Analiese wore her t-shirt to the youth activity in Lawton at the stake center (yes, I let her go to that). It's the perfect geek/nerd shirt
for her and she got lots of comments on it. She met up with a girl she befriended at girls' camp this last summer. They spent the whole evening together and even swapped phone numbers at the end. They are apparently nerds together!

Sunday, November 20, 2016
It was a surprise, but not really. We got a new bishop/bishopric today in church. It had to be coming, our current bishop is leaving soon for a 6-month Air Force assignment. Funny, though, seeing the stake president on the stand, it didn't even occur to me why he was here. I guess it kind of explained why there were more visitors in church today.

So we had a great turnout for the Linger Longer, too. We had just enough food. My jello(ish) salad went over well, and I heard that there wasn't any leftovers of anything. The kids and I (after setting up my classroom) ate and ran, so we could get home...

...for rabbit delivery! Because, sure enough, about twenty minutes after I got home, the rabbit leader called and ten minutes after that, a new fluffy baby entered our home. She's a "blue" (that's what they call that shade of gray) Netherland Dwarf. She's what they call a brooder doe, she's too big to show well, but make a great breeding rabbit. We're naming her PomPom.
(I had told that to a 4-year-old after church today and all she could say to her mother the rest of the meal was PomPom!  Oops. Sorry, mom!) She needs a little TLC - she has the snuffles (yes, that's an official diagnosis) and had some fur on her face pulled out by another rabbit. She's a little nervous, but that can be helped with time.

So, how did Alice react? Well, Analiese had her in the recliner, and she jumped out of that, over Jonathan on the sofa (like four feet!) and over to me. At first, we were afraid she'd attack PomPom, so we held her back. But, once I started petting her, and letting her sit on my right side on the sofa in "her spot," she was okay. She doesn't mind PomPom, as long as she doesn't supplant Queen Alice!

Ken thinks she's ugly
(well, he wouldn't look great if someone pulled out his hair in clumps, either!), but that's because Alice really is very regal-looking. So Analiese said one is the Beauty, the other is the Cutie. Perfect.  We'll love them both.

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