Sunday, November 13, 2016


Monday, November 7, 2016
I parked across the street from the library today because my usual spot was a lake. I didn't really want to wade through it.

I spent my morning dusting the very tops of the bookshelves in the non-fiction section from my perch on a tall step-ladder. I wore a mask this time. No one thinks about the tops often enough and the dust (and bugs!) of ages reposed up there. As it was, I still needed my inhaler. The head librarian told me to only tackle this sort of thing once a week; I think she's afraid I'll get sick.

Upon getting home on my lunch break, my son greeted me, grinning foolishly. The booger (yes! I will call him that!) had received his mission envelope in the mail and had opened it!
I know he was excited...but I wanted to see his reaction. And...he's going to Guatemala, the Quetzaltenango mission.
Serves him right - Spanish-speaking! I told him his father was going to speak only Spanish to him until he left in February.

So, after work (me and Ken) this evening we Skyped with my parents in California, and went on Facebook Live (new to me) to announce it to everyone there. Our computers and phones quickly filled with many congratulations!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Ken, Jonathan & I did our civic duties today and voted
Okay, It's backwards
, for better or worse. I felt bad for Jonathan, though, because it was his first time and it wasn't easy or necessarily pleasant. But I did encourage him to take pride in exercising his civil responsibility. Several voters at the polls cheered me on with that statement.

Afterward, he had Ken & I take him all over'd have thought he was leaving tomorrow! He got his passport photo taken (at Walgreens, of course), then applied for his passport at the county courthouse. We went to Walmart and got him a camera, then went to a specialty sotre in town to order custom orthotics and good shoes to last him through his mission.

His excitement and energy are palpable. He asked Ken this morning if he could borrow Ken's Spanish scriptures.
He is trying to say the words and phrases he knows in Spanish and doesn't seem to mind Ken's tuteledge, which would drive me crazy!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016
Coming out of Seminary, I saw tracks of mud on the sidewalk.
Deeply embedded in the mud under the acorn tree, I saw more.
Deer from the wooded area behind the church, are probably coming to eat acorns. I thought it was cool.

I took a much-needed nap this morning. Jonathan's excitement is wearing me out, much as I love it. He went for a two-hour bike ride this afternoon!

Work was spent mainly recovering and fixing up Biography books. One of my duties is to keep the books in my areas in good shape. Since we recently went through and winnowed the Biographies down, I figured it was a good time to put the ones remaining in better shape.

Thursday, November 10, 2016
Analiese and I had our annual lunch and pedicure date as a part of her birthday. I'd left my pedicure off for too long and my toes are beginning to really hurt. She picks out the colors, and usually we're both blue, but with different shades. This time I was blue (TARDIS blue) and she chose silver for herself. She's kind of getting into silver lately.

Lunch was at Applebees, which is her traditional choice, too.
They're okay. As long as she was happy, I didn't care. And she was!

The hardest part of working nights at the library is finding something to do. And I'm not allowed to READ. That's right...I work in a library and, even if I have nothing to do at the desk, I cannot read. A patron complained (they complain about everything). I am not negligent; I don't keep people waiting while I finish reading a paragraph or sentence. It's illogical and irks me because I can be looking at anything on the biggie. But because I can be seen reading...? Aren't I setting a good example? How can I recommend books? I have so little time at home anymore. Really!

Friday, November 11, 2016
Even though I had no class today, I got up at my regular time so Ken & I could get to the temple in OKC on time for the 9:00 a.m. session. It's fill-the-temple day for our stake. Considering we have two AFB and an army base in our stake, this was the best way to get the most people out to the temple, holding it on Veteran's Day. It was another crisp fall morning and I even managed a little nap most of the way there.

Somehow, I was still very sleeply in the session. Ken and I, along with the bishop's wife, were the only ward members there, though I thought a recognized a few people from our stake. I'm at the point now where I actually know a few, even with our stake spread out so much!

We took our time getting home, stopping in Lawton for a Sam's trip. The only fly in our ointment... returning home to find that the washing machine had overflowed when the kids were doing laundry. So Ken went to look at that, while I quickly organized myself to go grocery shopping (yes, beyond Sam's) and find something to fix for dinner!

Saturday, November 12, 2016
I woke up to an email from my Dad. Mom's in the hospital. They think it's her heart. They kept her overnight and are running more tests today. Lovely way to start the day!

I am trying something new in the crockpot today. I put some porkchops at the bottom and then a layer of French onion dip. I don't know if I read about it anywhere or what.... Sounded good to me!

Three people at work again today. Considering we were closed yesterday for Veteran's Day, it was really quiet.

The pork chops turned out great! Falling of the bone, they were tasty! Even Ken - the inveterate onion-hater - liked it. And it was SO easy. Analiese said, "Definitely repeatable!"

Sunday, November 13, 2016
We all traveled to Lawton today for Stake Conference. Yes, even Ken. He got the day off today for something very important!

The stake president spoke, so did one of his counselors. The new mission president and his wife spoke, so did the temple president and his wife. Concluding was Elder Stoddard of the Seventy. Much emphasis was placed on the temple and missionary work (kind of duh, I know). But still, enjoyable.

Still, one thing held the Bolton's attention there today. Jonathan was sustained to receive his ordination to the Melchezidek priesthood in the office of an elder. I could have burst, seeing him stand to receive the stake's support.

So, after the meeting, we went to the high council room to arrange his ordination. Ken was mouthpiece and, I think, a little nervous. He'd never done that before! Still, we were all grinning from ear-to-ear before and after. Ward members at conference came up to congratulate us, and some of my fellow Seminary teachers did the same. We looked at the wall of mission plaques that stand in the front foyer. There's an empty spot...for Jonathan!

Yeah, my kids are growing up. Today, Analiese went to stake conference...with LIPSTICK on! I teased, "Your lips are a funny color!" It was my lipstick, too, which apparently she knew the location of. She told me it was a special occasion. Since when did she care about this stuff?

It made for a nice family day today. We had a picnic lunch on the stake center lawn, then came home to play Clue together. Ken had purchased it the other day in anticipation of today. Did you know we didn't have it before? We have several games, but not that one until now. We like to play games.

BTW...Mom is out of the hospital. What was wrong? Something with the muscle in heart, but I guess it wasn't too bad. But she has to see two doctors next week.

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