Sunday, August 28, 2016

LIBRARY BOOT CAMP or STINKY WHEELS? (I couldn't decide which)

Monday, August 22, 2016
Seminary started on a fun note today as one of my students tried to stare at something on the board for 30 seconds while I yelled, waved kleenex, and threw chocolates at him. And his sister egged me on!

But the lesson went great! We didn't finish it, but that was okay because they were so involved in finding scriptures on how to respond to temptation - and doing a wonderful job - that I didn't stop them. This is what the Lord needed them to learn and be it!

I had my last day for Hallmark in Hobart this morning, which I spent straightening the ornaments from last week. After that, I went shopping in the Altus Wal-mart, where I saw my boss, which was a good thing. We arranged for a time Wednesday to give her my device, apron and stuff.

In exchange for not having to do this dishes, Jonathan made dinner tonight. He and his sister need to get in the habit, because I'll be working most evenings in the library. And then what will they do?

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
To balance the wonderful lesson yesterday, today was a struggle. Everyone had trouble focusing and seemed all over the place. What a rollercoaster ride!

My very last day with Hallmark! Right after devotional, I went to Walgreens. I wanted to finish and set-up the Halloween display at the end of the aisle. As Jonathan's friend, Geordi said, "No more Hallmark Lady!"

Right after I got home, we all left for Lawton. First, we went to Sam's, had lunch, and did shopping. But our main reason for being "in town" was Jonathan's consultation appointment with the oral surgeon. Funny thing was, our friends, the Doshers, were there, too! I take it as a good sign. Still, he's going to have surgery September 8th and they're going to put him out because there may be a little tooth and bone cracking. Ouch!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016
First day at the library! I got there early so there would be someone to let me in, since the library doesn't open to the public until 10 a.m. One of the first things they did? Got me a key!

Training started on the computer; it was pretty straight forward. In the afternoon, I went up to the front to learn to do a little desk work and how (and where) to put away books. I don't have to do the whole library, just certain sections like biographies, oversized books, Young Adult fiction/non-fiction, DVDs, books on CDs, and magazines. Plus a little adult fiction & non.

I really like the people that I'll be working with, but then I did before I even applied for the job.
Here are their "codes" to protect their identity on my blog:
HL - Head Librarian, also known as boss
Director - the "real" boss
AA - Administrative Assistant. Got the keys from her, she works for the director and does the paychecks.
AL - Asst. Librarian. She's up at the front most of the time.
Tech - She does all the technical stuff (she trained me on the system), and heads up the book cataloguing (bringing in new books).
AL2 - I don't really know her title, but since she is in charge in the evenings and on Saturday, I'll say she's another assistant librarian. She has special projects.
Dude - He's the other part timer (like me). He's twenty, cracks me up, and reminds me of Jonathan.

There are others, like the two cataloguers, the literacy ladies, and the geneology person, and the custodian but I don't see them often. Maybe I'll get to know them better later and give them a "code" name, too. LOL!
Jonathan walked from Walgreens to the library when he got off of work (an hour before I did). That's a nice thing about me being here, he can come hang out. So can Analiese and she'll be able to do her lessons here if needed as well. The library is a good fit for all of us.

Thursday, August 25, 2016
On the way to Seminary, in the dark, a skunk ran in front of the van. I didn't have time to swerve and, at first, I thought I hit it. But I didn't see any Skunk Squish on the other side of the road on the way home.

I may not have hit it...but it sure did hit me! Or the van, really. The back of the van reeks! It was so strong at first, I nearly threw up! Having it sit later in the sun while I was at work didn't help. Such are the risks of country life.

Work is going great. I really like the people I work with. Already, I am spotting the regular patrons who come in to use the computers. Oh, and Tech, who was supposed to train me on the computer for the rest of the week, finished up with me this morning. It's not a hard prgram.

I bought a lanyard today during my lunch break for my library keys. Not all of my pants have pockets...what's a girl to do? Now, though, everyone can hear me coming as they bounce off my chest! (embarrassing) It's not loud though. We're in the library...shhh!

Friday, August 26, 2016
We finished the Sermon on the Mount in Seminary today. My "props" were as follows:
a wooden stake
an apple
a banana
a rock
some sand
a tray

I love to see my kids (at home and in class) look puzzled at first when they try to figure out what it's for. I didn't come home with all the items, though. I have hungry boys in my class who appropriated the fruit!

I am very stiff, tired and sore from work today. There's a lot of standing, but the sitting posture at the computer isn't terrific, either. It's just me getting used to it all, like I had to do for Hallmark. So before I got anything productive done at home, I took a long soak in a hot bath!

Saturday, August 27, 2016
Saturdays are very quiet at the library, so Dude tells me. Even more so today, because of the Rodeo. But the others said it was actually busier than usual. (We keep a tally of patrons in and out). Seemed pretty quiet to me!

I managed to miss the Rodeo parade both going home and back to work on my lunch break. I did, though, see people sitting out on the curb waiting for it. I told my kids, but they didn't want to go. Been there, done that, I guess.

On my lunch break and after I came home, I worked on next week's lessons (I had done one on Friday, too). I managed to get them all done and myself into bed by 10 p.m. Next week will settle into the regular schedule and won't be so bad. But right now...Momma wants to sleep!

Sunday, August 28, 2016
It's Ken's birthday today. He's at work. Major bummer. I don't know when we'll be able to celebrate it all together, either. Life is a little crazy right now.

One of my Seminary students had her brother leave this week for his mission to the Ukraine and then her sister returned this week from her mission to Thailand. The sister spoke in Sacrament Meeting today. She was very tender. I love hearing missionary stories (and no, it's not because my boy's next)!

It's a quiet Sunday afternoon, and after such a busy week, I'm glad to have it so. Other than taking Analiese to a fireside this evening, it's pretty much just relaxing and enjoying my Sabbath.

Here's my picture(s) for the week:

Alice has been shedding like crazy. By the way, we DON'T think she's pregnant. False alarm. Hard to tell with rabbits, etc. But she is losing fur, which seems strange for this time of year but maybe there's such a thing as a spring and winter coat? I don't know, but it's floating everywhere, sticks to my skin, gets in my eyes and throat (you can imagine how much my allergies like that), and covers my clothing. Why me? Because she loves to sit next to me (the end of the sofa is HER spot) and have me pet her (which if I don't, she nudges me or pulls at my clothing. She resents books, tablets and cell phones.)

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