Sunday, August 7, 2016


Monday, August 1, 2016
I'm going to let the news out: I'm looking for another/additional job. Frankly, we need a little more to make it. And I guess it's up to me.

Two weeks ago, I had applied to the college for an Administrative Assistant position. This last Friday, I received a rejection letter. But, I applied today for an Assistant Librarian position at the college. Before heading off to Hobart, I turned in the application and my resume.

Walmart has a thing. They want the hooks on our aisle end displays to be the same length. Well, I have some in my flippers that I carefully organized by length, but I didn't have the lengths I needed. I went upstairs to get some more of their hooks. What a jumbled mess! Frankly, I'm not going to worry a bunch. If they want it the same length, they can change it. I'm not going to dig through all that. It's a waste of my time. Sorry, some things make me grumpy. I don't like disorganization, especially in businesses.

After lunch, I listened to a voice message on my phone from the head librarian at the college. She was very impressed with my resume, but had already filled the position. But..she told me that the city public library had an opening and hadn't even posted the notification yet. She gave me the phone number and contact name and I called. They were happy to hear from me, so they said come in and fill out an application.

I went quickly home to print out another copy of my resume, and headed toward the library. I took my library books back, too. They are due tomorrow, might as well. I chatted with the head librarian there - she recognizes me, we're there often enough - and, after giving her the application and my resume, she handed me a list of the job expectations. Nothing I can't handle. It'd be in the evenings, but only until 9 p.m. Doable, though not maybe with Hallmark. We'll have to see.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Whilst working at Walgreens, my phone rang. It was the library, calling to set up an interview. So, we did it, today, at 3:30!

I met with the head librarian, and we spent an hour going over the library, talking about duties, and about my qualifications. Turns out, she reads science fiction, too! She told me she had other interviews, but - so far - I was the top candidate, with the most qualifications. I should hear by the end of the week. But I feel really good about it! It's 31 hours a week, and - if needed - Analiese can come "hang out" in the library. Poor thing, NOT! She loves to read and loves the library.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Another warm day. I really don't like the heat. My poor garden is wilting. The lettuce is starting to bolt and all the others have browning, crisping leaves. I shall have to consider solutions for next year.

I went out with the sister missionaries this afternoon. We visited a few people we could catch in their homes, but mainly went over to the Tower apartments off of Main St. These are low-income senior apartments and the sisters wanted to see if there was any service they could offer here. The main thing is companionship; these people get lonely. They are autonomous in their apartments, but are encouraged to get out and come to activities and socialize with other tenants. We found lots of good service ideas, including some that the youth could do!

Jonathan had to work this evening and Analiese had a BBQ & pool party at the bishop's house tonight. Wow! Ken and I have time to ourselves? That's almost unheard of. We went to dinner and then just sat and talked at home for a bit.

Thursday, August 4, 2016
I didn't sleep well last night. The restaurant we went to wasn't that terrific. I knew it at the time - the tables weren't too clean and I could smell mold. But last night, I was terribly sick. So I took this morning at a leisurely and careful pace. Luckily, Ken was home and could keep the kids on track.

I did venture out in the afternoon to get a pedicure. It was about time and, with possible changes in the wind, I figured now was the opportunity. The gal who regularly does my toes asked about Analiese. She doesn't come with me anymore to the salon except in November, when she has her birthday pedi. But, she still dictates (or tries to) the color for my nails each month. This month she said, "Purple, but try a nice lavender." Well, I didn't like their "lavenders," so I got a deep purple instead.

Friday, August 5, 2016
Normal Friday. Work, laundry, etc. I picked two more zucchini, but I think the plant is winding down. It looks so pathetic and dried out from the vicious summer sun. I wonder, too, if I will get any more melons than the ones I have now. The canteloupe looks like it's been sunburnt. The watermelon is still hiding under some leaves and looks okay, and the vines keep going, some, but most look parched. I've been watering a little every day to try to help, but I don't know!

I've got to go to bed early, because I have to get up early. I have a long drive ahead of me!

Saturday, August 6, 2016
I left the house a little after 6:30, heading toward Norman (south of OKC). I had to be there at 9:00 a.m. for the Seminary and Institute Conference we always have at the beginning of the school year. Luckily for me, this year it IS before my classes start. I think I'm the earliest starting, with classes starting next Tuesday. Usually, they have this conference after I've been about a week into it.

I use my trust GPS...I have to! I'd get lost. Yes, I know I've been there about four times now, but it doesn't make a difference. I am directionally challenged. The only thing that threw me off was freeway construction, right at the exit for the Institute. Luckily, I got off at the next one and my faithful GPS got me there...just in time.

I'm starting to get to know my fellow Stake Seminary teachers, so we all clumped together in one section of the main room. It was nice, between activities, to sit, talk, and compare notes. I do see them over the internet when we have video conferencing every month of the school year, so I am recognizing faces better. I felt much more comfortable (and not so lonely) this time.

The meetings were spectacular, of course! The Spirit is so strong there and today I really appreciated how much class participation affects the Spirit in the room. Testimonies and personal experiences really hit home the principles our instructors were trying to get across. What an example for us in OUR teaching! It is always so worth it to go.

Too, I can't help loving the CES support staff. Brother Sturges is kind-hearted, generous, and funny. His secretary, Sister Sattherthwaite, will do just about anything to get you straightened out. I have more questions for her, usually, that Brother S! She's very knowledgeable, plus she is so very nice. I wish I could visit them more often. My students feel that way, too, I know, about Brother S. These humble servants of the Lord have something special about them!

Driving home was less fun than leaving. I seemed to run into three road construction sections and got turned around twice. I had to stop at the oasis just to settle my nerves! I was so thankful (and tired) when I got home safely.  Now, to get to work...time's a-tickin'!

Sunday, August 7, 2016
Church was delightful, as usual, though Relief Society was a tear-jerker. We talked about mental illness and it got very tender in the room. We went waaaaay over time and all came out red-nosed and weepy.

Then, I quickly jogged home to let Jonathan get ready for work, took him to work (leaving Analiese at home) and then went back to the church to talk over Seminary stuff with the bishop. Because this evening is Seminary Orientation and Tuesday is the first day of class!

I kept Orientation down to an hour. I am very proud of myself. Only five of the six registered were there, though. The family is out of town, but I know they'll be back in time for school!

Embarassing thing, though (I know you'll want to hear all the juicy details): I was using my laptop and doing a powerpoint presentation when...what do you know? Showing up in the bottom corner of my screen was my two friends chatting on our 3-way Facebook chat! The kids thought it was great! I just sheepishly commented that I was definitely NOT perfect!

SORRY! No pictures this week. It just wasn't a photographable week, I guess.

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