Sunday, August 14, 2016


Monday, August 8, 2016
A surprise thunderstorm came through last night. It was still flashing and rumbling come morning. By the time I was ready to head out the door for Hobart, rain was falling. Ken just said they were "tinkly-sprinklies," but I begged to differ. It was umbrella weather, no other option.

Yes, it cooled things off. But, yes, it made things very muggy, especially in the stores. The air becomes nearly tangible and I felt like I was breathing in a swamp.  The rain meant, too, that getting a cart meant treading through puddles and making sure my product didn't get wet. Cards and gift stuff doesn't take well to water.

I got home in time to take Analiese to the library for some testing. This is for the EPIC charter school; she'll be doing online classes with them this year. The tests today - in math, reading, and writing - were just to assess her level and give them an idea where they need to focus more of their efforts.

While I was there, I spoke to the head librarian. She was a little frustrated because the library director wouldn't hire me off the bat and wanted more "candidates to interview." Not because I was lacking, but she wanted to see all the options she had. I just thought it was funny, and a little complimentary. She is very excited to have me!

While Analiese finished testing, I went to the optometrist (first) to see about getting my glasses fixed. Yesterday, driving over to the church for Seminary Orientation, the right side that goes over the ear fell off! I'd wondered if I was having problems, because for the last couple of weeks the glasses haven't seemed to fit right or comfortably and it was making my vision wacky. I taped the ends together, crossed my fingers and went on. The optometrist doesn't have the frames in stock, they will have to be ordered. In the meantime, my Scotch tape solution will have to hold me, though they still don't sit right.

I went grocery shopping afterwards.  When I came out, the "tinkly-sprinklies" were gullywashers instead. I had my little umbrella, but other than keeping my glasses dry, it did little good. My back, in particular, was soaked. When I took them home, Jonathan helped me put them away. Taking something out of a bag, he noticed the bag still weighed down. With rainwater! We got quite a bit!

Then I had to go back to the library to get Analiese. When I walked in, the HL (head librarian) gave me a big two-thumbs up! While I'd been gone, she convinced the director to just...hire me! I'll start on the 24th, giving Hallmark two weeks.

So we went home, me very pleased. I called my mom, texted my friends, prayed in gratitude, and framed my resignation e-mail (because yes, I believe in the forms of civility). More changes on the horizon!

I've studied for Seminary, got all the stuff out I need to take tomorrow. Early bedtime...and GO TO BED!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016
First day of Seminary. You know first days...and Murphy's Law. I wanted to leave a little earlier. Didn't. I took the wrong car keys, had to go back in the house for the van's. Last minute readjustments to the room set-up. Made copies, opened the closet and the building doors.

I have six kids this year, half of which are freshmen. This also being the first day of school meant anxious kids. We started a little late, getting settled took a little more time. Half of them forgot their scriptures. I had too much stuff, and not enough lesson time. Ah, well. We're going to need a little adjusting time as we get to know each other. This is my third year, I won't sweat it.

At Walgreens today, I found boxes of shelf structure stuff (One was a big thin box labeled "glass." Glass intimidates me.). Come to find out, we're getting a revision (badly needed) Thursday. Boss doesn't need (want?) my help, says its a one-person job. I hope this isn't because of my resignation. It's nothing personal.

Going to bed earlier - 9 p.m. I am SOOOO tired. Pray tomorrow will be better!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016
Seminary is a lovely place, but not a perfect one. The Spirit was definitely here today, though, even through some interesting comments and situations we faced. If I was a first-year teacher, I might be thrown, but not this year. Besides, the new Doctrinal Mastery program was designed for this very thing - getting the kids to think and find testimonies of their own!

Already I am falling in love with them. One new girl is compassionate towards those who would mock her faith. Another young man bravely testified haltingly about the truths we'd been learning. It's hard not to love them - even the ones who really need Seminary the most!

For our couple time tonight, Ken read the library handbook to me - cover-to-cover. He wanted to, I didn't ask. I hadn't had the chance to look at it yet, so he suggested he do it. It was a little strange, but a nice thing to do. And now I can say I've been through it!

Thursday, August 11, 2016
Had a dentist appointment this morning and I found myself making another one for next week. I have a cracked filling. The hygenist had the neatest gadget (I kind of like gadgets) that took a photo in my mouth. I could actually see the picture and it was pretty obvious. A crack all the way down with a chip in the filling, too. No cavity, though, so it's just a routine (read: cheap) fix.

I have a student with a birthday on Sunday, so I went to Dollar Tree today to get a mylar balloon. They have a good selection, so I can get each student a different one. His was red, and I tied it to a king-size candy bar and wrote him a card. I'll give it to him tomorrow.

My VTs came today. I made zucchini-basil (yes, garden stuff) for the RS swap event tonight. At the event, I only got rid of a shelf and a youth bike, but I got some ties for Jonathan's mission and a couple of fun things for Analiese.

Friday, August 12, 2016
The first week of Seminary (and their school) is over. We've survived! Things can only get better from here.

Working at the Altus Walmart, I told my co-worker I was quitting. Upon telling her about my new job and its hours, she was envious. And disturbed because I would miss out on all the "fun" of the set up and take down during the holidays. Next Friday will be my last one there for Hallmark.

Here's a picture of a rural Oklahoma traffic jam.
Basically, any time a construction, farming, or oversize vehicle gets in front of you, expect the road speed to drop 15-30 mph. On the highways, the dotted yellow line is my friend, especially if I'm in a hurry!

Saturday, August 13, 2016
Didn't get much of a "lie in" (as Rachel Sperry would say) this morning. I had to get Analiese to the church by 6:30 so she could go with the youth to OKC to do temple baptisms. I did go home and take a nap, though!

But it wasn't a total waste of a day. I made zucchini (muffins), did some chores, took Jonathan to work, fixed the General Authority photos in the Seminary room, and worked on my Seminary lessons for the week.

Oh, and I cut Jonathan's hair. For the record, there's a REAL good reason I am not a certified beautician. First, I put some oil on the clippers to keep them running smoothly. Next, I'm SUPPOSED to put the comb on in the right size to cut his hair. I FORGOT to put on the comb! I started shaving and...oops! Something was not right. He ended up with a complete skull shave. I felt terrible, but he thought it was awesome! I told him it wasn't mission standard, to which he told me it was military. Frankly, he looks like a cancer patient, or a recently-released Holocaust survivor.

I think Alice may be pregnant. She's pulling a lot of fur and spending a lot of time in her nesting box. Poor thing, she also has an eye infection. I'll have to get her into the vet next week.

Sunday, August 14, 2016
We had ward conference, which meant Stake visitors. One of the Stake Presidency was especially moving today - both in Sacrament meeting and in Relief Society. As a plus, he has a lovely singing voice.

After the meetings, I went to the Primary room to set up for Seminary tomorrow (yes, it's never-ending). There, I found "my" three boys setting up tables and chairs. Nice! Two left right after, but the one who stayed to put scriptures and binders on the tables asked if he could arrange the seating. "Sure," I said, "If they want to sit in a certain place, they should come help." LOL We'll see what happens tomorrow.

After taking Jonathan to work, I went visiting teaching. Since work schedules and such are changing, I figured I'd better get it done. I was sad, though, that my companion couldn't come. She was out sick with food poisoning.

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