Sunday, August 21, 2016


Monday, August 15, 2016
It's been a VERY busy day. I am so tired. Starting with Seminary, I went home, changed for work, and we had Devotional. Then, Analiese & I met with her teacher at the library for 45 minutes. I dropped her home and went to Hobart. There, I worked (in total, covering driving back & forth) for four hours, most of it setting up an end cap with Christmas ornaments. Yep. Christmas.

After than, I came back to Altus, had a bite to eat (at about 2:45 and my feet were killing me), went to the optometrist to pick up my new frames (Yay! The broken ones were sitting so badly on my face that I was getting headaches and eye strain), and then went to Walmart to go grocery shopping.

Coming home, I put away groceries, paid bills online (due today), and worked on tomorrow's Seminary lesson. I think putting my laundry away will have to wait for tomorrow. And dinner is frozen pizza. I'm done.

By the way, there was one thing I DIDN'T have to do today, and that was go to the vet. Alice's eye cleared up on it's own. Not only does it save me money, it makes me feel better; I don't like to see anyone - human or animal - suffer. As far as knowing or not if she's pregnant, we'll know for sure by the end of the month!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016
I had a sick student today; apparently he has a bad cold. I know he's been fighting allergies. I wonder if it just morphed.

At Walgreens, I put up some Halloween cards. People kept saying, "So soon?" They didn't know I'd done Christmas ornaments the day before.

Tonight, Analiese and I went to Rabbit Agility, but because we think Alice may be pregnant, we didn't have her work in the heat. However, no one could figure out decisively if she is or isn't. We still stayed to socialize. We enjoy the people in Rabbit Club. I got to hold a seven-week-old mini rex female for nearly an hour. She was so sweet, nuzzling and licking me. It meant I needed cream on my neck, some Benedryl and eye drops when I got home - but it was worth it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Student is still sick. Poor thing.

After taking Jonathan to work this morning, I stopped by Dollar Tree for some things for tomorrow's lesson and some bread. Except, they didn't have any bread and didn't know when they'd get more because the bread people hadn't delivered in a long time. Rats! Usually I buy up eight to ten loaves and freeze them. Now, either I can pay more, get some at Sam's (when I'm in Lawton infrequently), or make some. The latter tastes the best, for sure, but it's work and never lasts long. For today, I just picked up a couple of loaves at Walgreen when I got Jonathan from work.

Thursday, August 18, 2016
Sick student returned, but probably shouldn't have. He had no voice to speak with and so desperately wanted to interact. As another student said, he was terrible at Charades and I was no better at interpreting them! Another student was here with her brother, who leaves next week for his mission. He drove her and stayed - no problem. I like people who WANT to be in Seminary.

Went to the dentist this morning to get my cracked filling fixed. It took longer for the Novacaine to kick in than it did to fix the tooth! Still, even by bedtime, the tooth was still a little sensitive.

Rabbit Club (as opposed to just Agility Training) was tonight. They had an interesting time figuring out rabbit genetics and Punet squares (flashback to High School Biology). Our leader palpitated Alice, but couldn't figure her pregnancy status, either. She said we'd know when the babies came. Some help!

Friday, August 19, 2016
Staying awake this morning was hard. I had to take a nap after family devotional. I knew I needed it before my last Hallmark Walmart Altus shift. Do you think I'm happy about it? Yes...though I'll miss my co-worker. But I'll see her when I go shopping, because with my library schedule, my new shopping day will be Friday.

The rest of my day was spent working on next week's Seminary. We'll be going over the Sermon on the Mount. We'll have a lot of different analogies that I'll need supplies for. But then, Christ taught in parables and analogies, too.

There's a thunderstorm rolling in. According to the Weather Channel, it's supposed to run through all night. Probably just when I want to sleep.

Saturday, August 20, 2016
Yippee! I got to sleep in! I think I finally got up a little after 8 a.m. I wasn't completely lazy, though. I put five things on my to-do list and got them all accomplished. So there!

This evening I went to the baptism of the wife of a member. It was very sweet, watching him baptize her, and them clinging to each other with joy in the font. The Spirit was so strong! She bore her testimony, too. I couldn't help but get a little teary, and be very glad I was there to witness it all.

Sunday, August 21, 2016
It was a very nice Sacrament meeting. The husband from yesterday spoke eloquently and with the Spirit. We had a musical trio - piano, viola, and voice - doing "Abide with Me, T'is Eventide." Then the young man who's leaving on a mission spoke. His love for the scriptures was evident, he quoted at least six of them and would have continued if he hadn't run out of time. Still, he was inspiring and got me wondering what Jonathan will speak on when it's his turn?

It's been a busy afternoon of planning for the week, especially as I start my new job. Oh, and working on tomorrow's Seminary lesson. Day of Rest, huh?

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