Sunday, September 4, 2016


Monday, August 29, 2016
Had another sick student today who didn't make it. Everyone else, on top of that, seemed to be dragging. One girl could barely keep her eyes open and one of my big participators was less participatory than usual. Can you say "Monday"?

Analiese went to work with me this morning so we could go out to lunch together. She had a coupon for a free hamburger that expires tomorrow. She has been spending a lot of time at home alone lately, so it was good for her to get out. But I was stuffed and - going back to work - I felt really sleepy!

The most exciting part of my work-day today was having a shelf come off on me. Luckily, there weren't a lot of books on it and I figured how to fix it...whilst holding it up and away from me!

Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Before I left for Seminary this morning, I checked the weather - all clear. By the time I got out of Seminary, it was pouring rain and - of course - I had no umbrella!  Fortunately, but new rolling box for this year has a lid that secures with velcro.
But, I took my second shower this morning as I raced first to my car and second, to my house!

I've been so busy today. Putting stuff away from Sam's (last week), working on menus and grocery lists, clipping coupons, receiving a visit from our Home Teacher, going to the optometrist (again) to replace my nose guard, grocery shopping, planning tomorrow's Seminary lessons - and then my six-hour work shift. After that I went home and go to bed so I can start all over again tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016
I was prepared this morning, umbrella in hand. Good thing, too, because not only had it rained last night, it started up again just as I turned down on Park Lane. But - uh-oh - the church parking lot had been repaed yesterday and was blocked off. Not only did I have to park at the curb, I stepped into at least 3 inches of water at the curb, soaking my shoes and feet. They still weren't dry by the end of Seminary. Cold, clammy shoes...ugh!

Today's lesson went well. Everyone was really involved, but then, it was kind of fun. We talked about the parable of the sower. I had fun setting up the board for the discussion. I was very proud of my birdie: 

By the end of class the board looked like this:
The kids got to draw, too. This is one of my students' creations:
No sleeping today!

I was so tired, though, once I got home that right after Devotional, I went to bed and sleep for 2-3 hours!  Too much, but I'm still trying to get myself straight between Seminary and work and feel a bit worn out.

Our latest fun at the library is frogs trying to get in. Yesterday was one, but today was two! My co-part-timer wanted to kill one, but I said they were only there after the crickets that make themselves at home between bookshelves!

Thursday, September 1, 2016
Another rainy morning, pouring just as I turn down Park Lane. What is it with that street.

I had a student try and sleep through most of Seminary. I kept tapping my fingers on the desk in front of the student, but no good. We need to have a little talk!

My boss tried to scare me today. She suggested I work by myself (with my other PT - the Dude) and a cataloguer in the back on Saturday. I must have looked like deer in the headlights because she changed her mind about that. I've only been working for ten days now. I need to quit trying so hard to look good, I guess.

Friday, September 2, 2016
For a day off of work, it sure has been busy. After Seminary and at home, I had cooking, shopping, a bank trip, a pedicure, prepping for tomorrow's dinner, making important connections (read call/text/e-mail)...

The sister missionaries came to dinner tonight. Per Analiese's request, I made homemade chicken pot pie. Yum, that's comfort food! One of the sisters said that's one of her favorite foods. Glad to oblige!

The prepping for tomorrow is getting the crockpot ready and veggies, etc. cut up for tomorrow. That's my Saturday meal solution - the crockpot!

Saturday, September 3, 2016
I really had to hustle this morning to get ready for work and set up the crockpot for red beans and rice. Actually, on my lunch break, I came home to give Jonathan directions on how to cook the rice (NO, he did NOT know how). He just had to make it about thirty minutes before they wanted to eat. I get off at six, the choice was theirs if they wanted to wait or not.

One of the poor froggies met his end today at the back door of the library which is heavy and metal. He didn't get in (or out?) on time and got crushed. I was met at work by a dead frog sitting in a pool of blood. Charming! Poor Leonard (the library frog)!

Ken visited me on his way home from work. He even got a library card and checked out some books from his favorite (read: only) author. He also brought me a drink and some ice for me to keep at work so I can always have cold water. So sweet!

Sunday, September 4, 2016
Testimony meeting today. It went over time, which was not surprising. I noticed a lot of people remarking on how the Spirit had led them to make the important decisions in their lives. I wanted to stand up and tell my students - "Look! This is how the gospel works in every day life!"  It's not just an abstract concept, but can actually be put into practice in their lives!

I had to give lesson material to a sister in my ward who is going to sub for me on Friday while I have my monthly inservice online. She's a sweet, younger sister with two boys under two. She seems eager and confident to do it, I hope those teenagers are gentle on her. I'll incentivize them (not bribe) to behave if I have to. I have a hard time getting subs, and if she's willing to do it again, I'll let her!

Another sister in our ward has invited our family to join hers for a picnic at the reservoir tomorrow. I was pleased that she thought of us. None of us have work, Seminary, or school, and Ken had thought we ought to do something, so when I told him about the offer, he was very happy. Also, they have a returned missionary daughter that I hope will also help boost Jonathan. Not that I'm saying he needs it, but I'll take all we can get.

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