Sunday, July 31, 2016


Monday, July 25, 2016
My day started off with a visit to the dentist - for Jonathan. For his mission. Come to find out, he needs his wisdom teeth out. Great. The oral surgeon? In Lawton. Great. Lovely start to the week.

The mowers are out on the sides of the highways. Grass pollen is up. I am itchy, sneezy, drippy. Gotta love it.

After my weekly visit to Hobart (Finally take out graduation and put up "fall" and Grandparents' Day. There's always a holiday to celebrate with Hallmark!), I do my normal stuff. Shopping, laundry. Then, down time. This body needs a break!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016
More highway driving, more mowers. Ah-choo! I am headed to Wichita Falls, an hour and a half drive, to do a revision at a Wal-mart. Believe it or not, I am the third most expert in the group, after the Installation gal, and the gal who works that store. The other three ladies working are all new-hires. One is only two weeks into it! I told them, though, that revisions/installs are good ways to know the nuts-and-bolts of Hallmark set-ups.

Installation gal says that, starting in August, we'll be doing Walgreens. I hope mine is one of them! It is such a mess. I guess every store that Hallmark services gets a revision yearly. To keep things neat and fresh.

This evening, Analiese and I go to our friends from 4H - the Snows - to work on rabbit agility. Alice is not super-excited about it, but it is hot and humid.
She also wasn't very excited about Java trying to mate with her again. I don't know if he succeeded or not, but eventually, she'd just whirl around to face him and growl!

Oh, but my allergies were SO bad there! One of the gals was grooming her white mini rex and the fur was flying everywhere! I was sneezing and sniffling so bad. I only lasted an hour and a half, which was sad, because we really enjoy visiting there. Could have been the grass, too, on top of it, come to think of it. We ARE on a farm.

Wednesday, July 27, 2016
I stayed to work at Walgreens after taking Jonathan there to work. Analiese was only at home alone for a little bit because her YW leaders picked her up to take her and the others to the swimming pool on base. They say it is better than the city pool. I don't know, I've never seen it.

Coming home, I faced my allergies again and decided enough was enough. A nap was in order. I woke up just as Analiese came home. She's fine. Jonathan's fine. Ken's fine. It's just ME.

Went this evening to the church to transfer stuff from the closet in the old room we used for Seminary (where the font is) to the new room (Primary room). I have more room in this closet, so I could put some boxes of stuff from prior years in there, rather than keep them in my home. I pulled down all the photos of the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The old room looks sadly bare now. I didn't have time, though, to put them back up in the new room. I only had time for the closet, really, because I had to go fetch Jonathan from work.

Thursday, July 28, 2016
Today was one of those "Best Laid Plans" kind of days. Since the missionaries were coming to dinner this evening, I had planned on making rolls and zucchini-pineapple cake (which reminds me a lot of carrot cake - moist and with cream cheese frosting). But, I had to drive to Lawton instead (more mowers, more sneezing!) because I had to take Ken's Honda to the dealership. Something was wrong - either with the key or the ignition - because the key didn't want to go into the ignition. Once it did, it started just fine.

I sat in their waiting room for a couple of hours while they figured it out. Turns out, it was the key...all worn down. Good thing: that was the cheaper fix. The wait was, well, the boring wait. I made some phone calls and texts regarding Seminary, drank a free soda from the dealership, and read my library book. Their TV was blaring stupid daytime TV stuff, but I managed to ignore it. Plus, my book is pretty good. Follow me on Goodreads if you want to know what I'm reading.

Got home mid-afternoon and stopped by the store to pick up rolls and dessert. You know, it would have been cheaper (and tasted better) if I made it myself. But there just wasn't time. Ken smoked chicken breasts wrapped in bacon with apple wood. It's a favorite of ours and we only do it once a year. It was very good, and the missionaries enjoyed it.

My nose is so red and raw tonight. My lips are all dried out, too. I don't dare take extra allergy meds in the daytime because they make me so sleepy. But I'll take some tonight!

Friday, July 29, 2016
A day with a little reprieve! I was a little sniffly at the beginning of the day, but by the time I got to work, I was okay! Thank goodness, I need a rest.

The weather was funny. Ken thought it might rain, at least that's what it looked like on the radar. The wind picked up and gray clouds rolled in. Thankfully, the air grew cooler. Maybe we got a few sprinkles (I don't know, I was in Wal-mart most of the morning), but not enough to justify me not watering my garden.

Made zucchini-pineapple cupcakes this afternoon (think carrot cake, only with zucchini). The recipe is for a 9x13 pan, but I'm taking it tomorrow to a pool party where they're only serving finger foods. So, I made cupcakes! First time I've ever done that without a box mix.

The other little change was in flavoring. I only had enough for a very scant teaspoon of vanilla, and the recipe called for two. Rather than just go buy some more, I used about half a teaspoon of coconut extract and half a teaspoon of rum extract (No, no real alcohol!).  Trust me, it was fabulous!

Baked and cooled, I'll frost them tomorrow. And make "pickle things" for the party.

Saturday, July 30, 2016
Lots to do today. I started by doing some more set-up at the church. I put up all the pictures, and displayed the posters I want to use.

I'm pretty much done putting together binders and such. I'm getting really close to being ready for the 9th!

Went home, took Jonathan to work, picked up some more vanilla for the cream cheese frosting (I didn't want to mess with that), and spent my afternoon making pickle things and frosting cupcakes.

The party, I thought (and had on my calendar) was at five. We get to the Snow''s at six. Analiese kept insisting it was at six, but I was sure - because it was on my calendar - that it was at five. That's okay, they were ready for us and we all went into the pool.  Because, even though today was a little cloudy, it was sticky warm humid. Not nice. And the pool felt great.

We had a lot of fun and, for some reason, the party was all girls, even down to the mothers! The goodies I made went over well and, after eating, the girls all rushed back to the pool

while we moms sat out and talked. These ladies are so fun, I enjoy every one of them.

We left around eight so that Analiese could get showered and changed and go with one of the girls from Rabbit Club to a local coffee house (trust me, it's a safe hangout that Jonathan and his friends like to go to) to hear the girl's brother perform. Jonathan would join them later when he got off of work (it's down the road from Walgreens). So I had a quiet couple of hours to myself to clean up my kitchen. Yippee. But I stayed up to wait for them, mainly Analiese, to see if they had a good time. Which, with that good group of friends, they did.

Sunday, July 31, 2016
We're all a bit tired this morning. Jonathan went back to bed after breakfast and I had to wake him to get ready for church. I need to start going to bed later and getting up earlier in anticipation of Seminary. Plus, I don't like yawning in church.

Sacrament meeting was lovely today. The topic was temple work and blessings. Plus, we had a viola/piano duet from a new family in our ward of a mash-up between "If You Could Hie to Kolob" and "Adam-Ondi-Aman." It was so beautiful! My kids even said they were moved by it. After church, Jonathan remarked how strong the Spirit was in sacrament meeting. Good!

I took some basil from my garden to church to pass out to various sisters who'd shown interest in having some. I have a tendency at my house to hang onto Taco Bell cups when Ken brings ice home for me from work. Today they, and the lids, came in handy as I parceled out basil in TB cups with a little water and lids on them. Made people happy and everything smelled good!

Jonathan had a friend over this afternoon (brother to the brother and sister from yesterday - confused?) to play games and watch movies. They include Analiese, so that's okay. Especially, if they don't get too carried away. Sometimes, with schedules, it's the only time they can see each other.

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