Monday, June 6, 2016


Monday, May 30, 2016
I'm feeling a little bit better today. At least the dizziness and the lightheaded-ness are gone. I don't feel quite so dragged out, either. Which is good, because rest time is over. I have things to do.

All four missionaries came over today to borrow our computers so they could e-mail their families. Because it's Memorial Day, the library is closed where they usually do it. They came about noon and were all able to write home.

During that time, I spent a little time with my plant-babies in my garden; it's a beautiful day. Another bean plant has sprouted and some of the carrots are up.

However, someone's been nibbling at a canteloupe leaf. Grr!

After they left, Jonathan and I went grocery shopping. I was glad he was with me, because my energy level had pretty much been zapped. I didn't want to do anything after getting home. It took a lot of persuading to get me to cook the chicken for tacos for the kids' dinner.  At least I'm not stuck with dishes, too.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Despite the coughing and fatigue, I still had work today. In fact, because of Memorial Day yesterday and a necessary work trip to Wichita Falls tomorrow, I had to do both Hobart Wal-mart and Altus Walgreens today.

I went early to Hobart and, not unexpectedly, I only had one box because FedEx hadn't come yet. So I figured I start with what I had. Then the management there came to me to tell me that I had to move over all of my 8-foot section of roll wrap, ribbons, and gift bags to the other side of the aisle...into a 4-foot section. Somehow, me and the laws of physics had an issue with that. I called my boss, who had no idea about any of it. While she went searching for answers, I did my stuff, checking in every once in a while for my shipment. Nope, nope, nope. I got done with my stuff, checked in with Boss again, who said just go on to my next store and she'd be by tomorrow to figure it out somehow. I would have left right away...except when I went in the back to throw stuff out...there was my shipment. Murphy's Law.

So I got back to Altus in time to pick up Jonathan so we could BOTH work at Walgreens. That, at least, went smoothly, and I was out of there in a couple of hours so I could go home, get dinner on for Analiese, and put my feet up.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016
Rained last night. Nice of the clouds to water my garden for me. Not nice of whatever critter to eat the first leaves on two of my canteloupe plants. GRRRR!

Wichita Falls installation got cancelled. For me, that is. I guess they got most of the stuff done yesterday, so they only had a couple of hours of work for today. No need for me to travel all that way.
Which was actually a good thing, I needed a day to rest.

I fluffed most of the day. I tried to nap, but my cough kept me from laying down. Still, I wasn't much productive beyond reading to Analiese, taking Jonathan to work, and trying to balance my checkbook.

The elders came by today, too, to ask me a couple questions. There's a new one, transfers were yesterday. I had the distinct honor of being the first ward member he's met in Altus. He and his companion had the distinct pleasure of being entertained on my front porch, since both Ken & Jonathan were at work.

It's a very wet afternoon and evening. Lots of rain, with a little thunder interspersed. I think I'll take a Mucinex tonight - even though it's huge and gross - so I can sleep uninterrupted. A good night's sleep will be conducive to my improving health.

Thursday, June 2, 2016
Another wet, mushy day. I was supposed to go out to lunch with a friend who is moving. Didn't happen. I went out with the sister missionaries to visit people. Nobody was home...or available. Just that kind of day.

However, I did get dinner ready for all four missionaries tonight. Trying a different casserole and dessert. Ken hates it when I do that. But both sounded so good!
Chicken Enchilada Rice Casserole
Nutella Cheesecake Trifles

The elders came first, at four, to work with Jonathan some more. They were soaked! The rain had been sheeting down the last half-hour or so and they had been caught in it on their bicycles. So, before anything else, we had to find towels and blankets for them. Poor guys!

The sisters came later, in the truck they share with the elders, so they were dry. But everyone was happy with a hot, fresh meal. And it was good...really good. The dessert was beyond good, plus it was very easy to make. Actually, both were easy, which is right up my alley!

Friday, June 3, 2016
A brother in our ward commented on Facebook that Southwestern Oklahoma was starting to look like western Washington state! It's kind of true. Everything here is very wet and mushy. Nothing's had much of a chance to dry. Residential roads are hit-and-miss for flooding. My garden loves it, though.

Work at Wal-mart today was short and easy. We have an installation there next week, so we did a little tidying. We are actually looking forward to the installation. It's a lot of work, but afterwards, everything is so nice and orderly.

This evening I held a pizza party for my Seminary students. We weren't able to have the family breakfast on the last day of Seminary/school. So the kids came over and we had a lot of fun for over three hours!

I gave them little end-of-year goodies and got (a little) emotional, because two of them will be moving away this summer. SIGH. Such is life in a (sort-of) military ward. These kids just grow on you, it's hard not to love 'em!

Saturday, June 4, 2016
A day without rain!  Whoa! But the grass was still quite wet when I took Jonathan to work this morning and there are plenty of mud and puddles out there.

It was a pretty lazy day for Analiese and I, with the men-folk gone to work. She cleaned the rabbit's cage, I watched the rabbit, made dinner. Not much else. Oh, I took a nap. With a lingering cough and fatigue, it was called for.

Sunday, June 5, 2016
As the first Sunday of the month, it's Fast Sunday. I forgot about starting it off last night, so we did this morning and Jonathan Grumpy-Pants wasn't happy about it. I have learned a little motherly wisdom in these past nineteen years with him, so I just told him that if he didn't like it, he should talk to Heavenly Father about it. I'm just the messenger, I didn't make the commandments. By the end of church he was in a more agreeable mood and apologized to me for the morning's rudeness. He works so much better when you just back off and let him work his way through his problems.

He spoke with the bishop today, too. Mission talk...and the bishop is itching to get those papers ready. They have made a goal for him to go in October, which is earlier than I expected, so I'm happy. Jonathan seemed genuinely pleased with the talk and even discussed with me about getting his passport ready...just in case.

This afternoon, after taking Jonathan to work, our Home Teacher and his Youth companion came over for a visit. He said he'd been by Taco Bell and seen Ken. Sometimes, that's the only way to get him. I totally understand.

It was a nice Sabbath evening, today, as well. We Skyped with my folks, Analiese and I spent some quiet time coloring together, and I chatted with my friends. I like calm, quiet Sabbaths.

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