Sunday, May 29, 2016


Monday, May 23, 2016
Bad night's sleep. That could be due in part to the tornado sirens going off at 11:16 p.m. and Ken not letting me back into my bed until an hour later (he was keeping track of things online). On top of that was the crazy thunderstorm and wind that kept shaking the house, rattling windows. I feel sluggish this morning.

Driving to Hobart, there was water everywhere! The ditches are full, so is the lake. At the Wal-mart, I had to go behind the store for a cart (not grocery, vendor) and walk in puddles to get one. Afterwards, I had to tread through mud to put it back. Ick!

I am so sleepy. I'm afraid to sit down for fear I'll doze off. I think an early night is in order.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016
It didn't matter. Another group of storms rolled in, this time with non-stop thunder and lightning. About 1:00 a.m., the noise and light show was at it's peak and I was awake. Drats!

On top of that, I had to get up to receive a friend's 8-year-old daughter, who we'd be watching part of today. Not the whole day, she'd spend part of it at a friend's house. We just had her for the morning.

I had to work, too. But "dear" FedEx hadn't delivered all of my stuff, so I only had one box and about two hours worth of work.

I have my summer study for next school year's Seminary planned out. Some days reading lessons, some reading the New Testament, some reading about Doctrinal Mastery (new replacement for Scripture Mastery), some reading teacher manuals, etc. But that went on hold this week when a member of the bishopric called to ask me to speak on Sunday. So, brake; stop; change gears/direction. Now I'm working on the talk instead.

I'm super-sleepy. I can't wait to get to bed. It looks like the weather might co-operate this time. Please, let me sleep!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Reprieve! Other than a small bathroom break, I slept soundly last night. No sirens, no flashes, no thunder.  I'm still residually tired, but at least it isn't getting worse. Maybe I can get some stuff done.

Actually, I've felt kinda sick this morning. So I went to bed and slept for four hours (not straight, I had a bathroom break in between). Then I felt better. I don't know if it was the late nights and lack of sleep, something my tummy didn't like that I ate, or some kind of bug. At least it's better now.

I had the house to myself this evening. Ken was at TB, Jonathan was at Walgreens, and Analiese was at Young Women's. Oh well. It gave me time to work on my talk some more. Four general conference talks, a New Era article, three books, not including the scriptures, and a CES talk from an apostle you think I have enough material? A fifteen minute talk, with three hours worth of info. Better too much than not enough, I say!

Thursday, May 26, 2016
Guess what's come up today! Lots of stuff in the garden! Lettuce, zucchini, beans, canteloupe, oregano, and some of the flowers.
It's super exciting...I hope and pray they flourish!

My throat's a little sore this afternoon. I hope I'm not coming down with something. I worried about that yesterday, and now I'm wondering the same. I know I'm tired. I can't really afford to be sick, but then, when can I?

Making lasagna for dinner tonight. It's a belated birthday dinner for Jonathan. Lasagna, garlic Texas toast, Caesar salad, and cheesecake. I don't think he'll be too sad about it. The missionaries were over earlier working with him and I asked if they had dinner appointments. They said yes and I apologized for the awesome lasagna smell wafting through the house. One elder's response: "I have a request for dinner next week (they're on my calendar))...lasagna!" Too funny!

Friday, May 27, 2016
We had a teensy storm last night
Weird clouds over Altus, OK
that dropped enough water for me to not have to water my garden today.  Still, I went outside to glory in their growth. I don't know if all of them will come up or thrive, but I'm excited to see them today. Sorry, I get a little nutty at garden time!

Work was work was work today. The manager of the store wants us to take down graduation. But I've had several people today getting graduation cards. Just because our town's high school has graduated, doesn't mean that everyone else has!

Spent the rest of the day working on my talk. I have to pull it all together tomorrow. I only have one day left to work on it! It's a big responsibility (to me), I guess.

Saturday, May 28, 2016
Today was a total sick day. I woke up feeling awful and spent the day either in bed or drinking water and oj and struggling to finish a talk for church tomorrow.  My throat hurts, there's phlegm (always wanted a chance to spell that word!), my head aches and I am so tired. Plus, my equilibrium (another great word to spell) is off, too. The word to describe it all - and it's not one bit of fun - is miserable.

Sunday, May 29, 2016
I really don't know how my talk went today. I felt very incoherent. Every time I stood up, I felt dizzy and by the end of sacrament meeting, leading the closing song, I felt that I was getting feverish. It definitely wasn't my best.

After the meeting, I had to take Jonathan to work. I asked someone to take Analiese home, so that I could go home and sleep. Which is what I did. I only woke up to greet a ward member at my door, who was bringing me some oils I needed to help me breathe and sleep. Analiese just happened to come home at the same time. I went right back to bed and didn't get up until 4:00 p.m.

Am I better? No, not really. Still sluggish, dizzy, coughing, tired and off-and-on feverish. Something has hit me hard. I haven't gone back to bed yet because I want to be able to sleep through the night with the diffuser on. It means I don't enjoy much either, and we've had a veritable bird haven in the backyard this day, according to Analiese. Blue jays, robins, and even a cardinal! And no pictures, cuz I'm too lazy and sick to get up in time. Major bummer.

Thunder outside. Another storm may be rolling in. Hey, if it waters my plants for me, I'm all for it. Especially since I don't feel good.

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