Monday, June 27, 2016


Monday, June 20, 2016
Changeover day. I was at Wal-mart at eight in the morning, pulling down Fathers' Day. I think only four people asked about cards. This time I left my co-worker at noon to start setting up the summer stuff and without guilt. Because I know now...I had to get to Hobart and get it done.

I stopped at Taco Bell drive-thru to grab a bite to eat before traveling to Hobart. This one was by myself. Other than a nasty paper cut in the web between my right thumb and forefinger, I got the cards up in a couple of hours all right. The end stuff I kind of worked on my own apart from the Hallmark schematics. I have so many bags, wrapping paper and tissue paper from the crazy change a few weeks ago. I snuck them into both aisle ends with the other stuff Hallmark sent. I got all of my work done there in six hours, a half hour under budget. I think I didn't do badly!

But getting home, I found myself tired (obviously) and stiff and achy in my back, neck, arms and feet. Analiese, who spent her day packing for camp, was alone and glad to see me home. Me, too. Time to veg. Dinner in my jammies. Nice!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016
I was up at 6:30 this morning to take my daughter to the church so she could go to Girls' Camp. She was already up before me; I'm not sure how much she slept the night before due to excitement. She got off okay, with nary a nod to me in goodbye. I had to shout out the car window, "Don't get eaten by a bear!" To which she replied, "There are no bears at camp!" She's off to have fun!

Walgreens today. I am budgeted four and a half hours. It takes me nearly seven. Fortunately, it is all justifiable, because I worked from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. with only one short bathroom break, See, I had one side of an aisle to take down and put up new stuff, plus do an end. I did not get to the regular servicing because 1) I hadn't received any boxes of everyday normal stuff and 2) I was tired.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016
I was a woman on a mission today: I intended to clean my refrigerator. This is not a confession, but a fact: it's been a while. It's getting gross in there. I also planned on having Jonathan help me. But when I went to start...he was asleep on the sofa!  He woke up in time to help me dry a few bins and shelves, but the nasty stuff was already done by yours truly. I even cut my finger somehow in the freezer (cuz' it was gross, too.) - a painful metal cut. Ouch!

My garden is growing. I have a baby zucchini with more on the way.
The watermelon and cantaloupe are starting to spread out, too. My tomatoes are looming large, but are still green.

I went back to Walgreens for about an hour this afternoon to see if there was any everyday boxes. One...and my shipment list said I was to expect two. SIGH. Oh, well, I did what I had and cleaned up the aisles and went home.

Tonight, Ken, Jonathan and I went to see the latest X-men movie. Use their air conditioning, I guess. It was an okay movie. I thought the character of Quicksilver was funny.

Thursday, June 23, 2016
I COULD have gone to Lawton today to help with an installation. But I was tired and just didn't want to. Instead, we did some more work in the house...Ken did some touch-up painting in the back bathroom and we moved some things we had stored in Analiese's room back to the laundry room and the dining room. That'll be a nice surprise for her when she gets home.

This afternoon, I went with the sister missionaries to an appointment. I don't mind going, I love the sisters and the work, but this house was hard on me physically. I am still dealing with lingering sinus/allergy issues and the house we went to had a cat, three dogs and was full of choking smoke smells. I came out of there a little hoarse and very stinky. I managed to change my clothes, but it lingered in my hair, too. It is never a good idea to mess around with my allergies.

After dinner, I went to the 4H offices for the Rabbit Club meeting, sans Analiese. I needed to go just to get the announcements for next month and any other information she prepping for the fair in a couple of months. I did stay a little longer than intended, talking to the moms and holding a baby mini rex. Cuz I could. Cuz they're cute and soft and addictive. Mind, my allergies didn't like it much and I shuffled home sniffle-y.

I promised Jonathan I'd cut his hair when I got back, so he was pacing a little when I returned. Hey, give a gal a chance to have some of her own fun! But, I "shaved the bear" so he didn't have to be so hot and sweaty.

Friday, June 24, 2016
Ken and I left around 8:30 a.m. to go to the Air Force base for the Change-of-Command Ceremony for the Lt. Commander over the KC-137 squadron (97th?).
Brother Sperry, from our ward, is moving with his family to Illinois.
Two of his kids were my students, so I went to see them off. Coincidentally, the NEW Lt. Commander is also LDS and has two kids who will be new students of mine. Talk about you win some, you lose some!

Still, I will miss the Sperry's. It goes without saying that I love those kids to death and we hugged and wept at our parting. But too, their mom is a very special person and our ward just won't be the same without her...or any of them.
I made them promise to keep in touch...I want to see how they grow and mature!

I got back home in time to get ready for work at our local Wal-mart and did so for a couple of hours. I kind of relaxed for an hour or so afterwards when I got the text from Analiese's leaders that they were ten minutes from the church. So Jonathan and I drove up to fetch her and prepared ourselves to hear all her camp stories.  It was obvious when we got there that everyone was tired from their week, but they all looked like they had a good time. Analiese did...that's for sure. She made new friends, participated in all she could (I guess she got a dunking when she fell out of a canoe and into the lake!), and had plenty to show me from their crafting experiences. Tonight, however, she fell into bed with a great sigh. Ah, to be in her own bed!

Saturday, June 25, 2016
Today was just a do-stuff day. Starting with the garden. Not only do I have zucchini coming, but my cantaloupe and green beans have blossoms on them! It is such a happy sight. That, and the watermelons and cantaloupe are vining out, stretching their little tendrils toward new ground. Watermelon, in particular, grows well here. I wonder how my cantaloupe will do?

Also, it was Primary-prep day. I am subbing in Primary for the music until they get a new chorister called (Sister Sperry was our last one). With no real guidelines, I decided I would teach the Junior Primary one new song and the Senior Primary two songs. Both are fun and easy, I just had to make charts and pictures to help...especially the younger non-readers.

Sunday, June 26, 2016
Because Stake Conference was last week, we had our Fathers' Day Sacrament Meeting today. The Primary sang, so I led them, though the kids looked at me funny - "What's She doing there?" We had a few talks on fathers and fatherhood, and the Young Women handed out boxes of "hugs and kisses" to all the dads afterwards.

The rest of my church time was spent in Primary; first, with the Juniors, then with the Seniors, and at the very end, in the Nursery. Junior was the most draining, because I expended a lot of energy trying to get them excited and singing. It didn't help that they wanted to sing "Do As I'm Doing" whilst spinning around in place. I think I got the dizziest!

The Seniors are always a harder sell on singing because it's become so blase. But they liked the new songs I chose. They were much smaller in number, though.  The Nursery was just basically sitting on the floor singing to the kids while they sometimes participated, sometimes ignored me. I never take it personally, though there was one cute little girl who wanted to chatter away at me. She was very interested in what I was doing!

So I came home, exhausted and my voice pretty much gone. I still have my lingering sinus/allergy thing going and today was quite the work-out for my voice. I haven't done that in a while and I forgot how much energy it takes...and that I didn't have it!

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