Monday, June 13, 2016


Monday, June 6, 2016
It was only a short trip to Hobart today. Things didn't take very long. I did have to figure out the new bag, bow and paper area.

In fact, my timing was so good that I decided, after taking Jonathan to work, I'd do my grocery shopping. Analiese went with me to get a new bathing suit for camp. Her old one is all stretched out. Her body shape is at a point in time where she's in-between sizes. A girl, a teen, what? She had to try on several and ended up with a top and skirt, covering everything. Believe it or not, there were one-piece suits there more revealing!

We met up with our Rabbit Club friends - the Snows - in the store.  Twice. And we spent time talking with them both times. It ate away at our time. We got home later and then I had to work on dinner. Just her and me, since the men folk were at work.

A problem, though, at home with our air conditioning. We only installed a new unit when we moved in three years ago. So it is going to be a warm night's sleep, until we can get someone to look at it tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016
Ken got hold of the a/c people first thing this morning. But it meant I had to go to work right after Devotional so someone would be at home no matter when they got here. Jonathan and Ken both had to be at work at noon.  Nicely, the guy came by around 11:30. I guess it was just some wires that had gotten loose. Easy and cheaply.  Problem quickly solved. Whew!

Analiese and I worked on painting some garden markers. Basically, we're painting the backgound white. When it's all dry (2 layers), we'll decopage pictures of each plant that I've taken from all the garden catalogues I've amassed. Plus, we'll paint the names of each plant on it. I think they'll be cute.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016
The phrase for the day is achy and exhausted. Our Wal-mart here in Altus had a Hallmark installation/revision. I was there at 8:30 in the morning and left after 5:00 p.m. Yes, it was one of those "take everything down, scramble it up, and put it back together." Only this time, being one of "my" stores (it's really more of my co-worker's, but I help), I was more involved. Altogether, I think there were 7-8 of us ladies working on the project.

Like pushing a cart with a good 9-12 boxes worth of new cards on it. It was very heavy (over than 50 lbs. limit they told me at the interview), didn't want to steer well around store aisles (from the back room to the front of the store where we are), and I could hardly see around it (over was impossible).

I did get some new experience this time, though. I personally moved and reset the stationary section, learning to read the paper and placement of shelves and bins. One thing I didn't get right - and I'm still trying to figure - is the placement of the price tags. They don't make it easy and I just couldnt' figure it out. Embarrassingly, someone with a lot more experience had to come and redo it for me.

I DID get a break in the middle of it all, when I reached a stopping point at one activity before starting a new one. I also brought my folding chair - for sitting on to reach lower areas without going on my knees and for putting boxes on so I don't have to bend all the way over to the ground. Between that and my personal little fan around my neck, they are my best helpers.

I staggered home, exhausted and hurting everywhere. I collapsed on the sofa, unable to move. Nicely, Ken - who had the day off - figured dinner and let me rest there until the time I figured I could move again and get my body into bed, with painkillers and pain creams, etc.  I earned my money today!

Thursday, June 9, 2016
Because we got the install completely done yesterday, I don't have to go back today! Yippee for me, but even more so for those ladies who traveled all the way from Wichita Falls, Texas. I'll be heading that way next week.

I went out with the sister missionaries today to an appointment. I can't really say how well it went. The gal was nice enough, willing to read the Book of Mormon with us, and even prayed at the end. She recognized the need to come to church and made a promise to come in three weeks (can't this Sunday, next is Stake Conference, so we're stuck with the third). But, her kids were all over the place, with a young one climbing in and out of everyone's lap. Also, she didn't really compare the things in the Book of Mormon with spiritual issues, but temporal ones.  I get it, a little, but the spiritual ones are the most important ones and end up taking care of the temporal ones in the long run! Oh, well, everyone has to learn.

Tonight was a Relief Society pool party at the Bishop's house. Lots of sisters were there. I didn't go in, didn't feel like it. Analiese had come along, with the purpose of babysitting, but when the one mom who came with kids left early, she hung around the pool...and got pulled into the pool by one of her YW leaders. In her clothes. I don't think it bothered her too much, because she stayed in into I reeled her out to go home.  She's like a little fish in the water.

Friday, June 10, 2016
I figured this morning I'd only be working a couple of hours, then I'd do a little shopping and go home. Nope. It was three and a half hours of work, mainly because of issues that came up because of the installation/revision on Wednesday. Namely, the numbering of the cards in their packaging was different than where they were really supposed to go. It took me about five cards to figure out the problem. The solution ended up going into the installation section of my device and looking up what it said the cards should be. This took much longer than a normal card day really is.

Then, I twisted my knee a little at the end of the shift. Great! I had no choice, though, but to do my shopping. I had to get the water refilled (Altus water = BAD), we were almost out and the weather has been getting warmer quickly. Also, there were some things I had to purchase to make a dessert for friends we were to visit tomorrow. Knee or not. By the time I got home, I could barely move. Luckily, the kids took care of the water for me and Analiese helped me make the dessert that evening so it could refrigerate overnight.

Saturday, June 11, 2016
Me no feel good. Seriously. My throat feels dry and raw and I feel so dragged out. Analiese doesn't look much better. We're supposed to visit friends today. Ack!

By afternoon, Analiese, Alice, and I headed toward our friends' home. I told my daughter we wouldn't stay, which bummed her out. She wanted to swim. I just wanted to give them my dessert, see if we could hook Alice up with a boyfriend, and go.

I proved her right, unfortunately.  We did stay a little longer than planned, mainly to see if Alice would perform with their male Himilayan, Java (he's brown-eared, she's black).
While they were getting acquainted, We got to cuddle with the newest batch of mini rex baby bunnies they had. Oh! Were they soft!

But things went downhill quickly. It had been slightly overcast, but now the sun came out and beat mercilessly. The rabbits were panting...but so was Analiese. She didn't believe me before when I told her she wasn't feeling as well as she thought. Now, however, she started to say, "I need to sit down in air conditioning. I don't feel good." That's when she keeled over. Her eyes were open and she looked somewhat responsive to me, but as she told me later, she didn't remember talking to me, only finding herself on the ground. Well, me and my friend walked her from the barn to the house to sit in the a/c with a glass of ice water. She was so pale! Gave me quite the scare.

So I ended up packing Alice up, getting the van a/c running, and taking my daughter home to rest and recooperate. She had a slight headache then, but complained about her throat later, which is my current complaint. I think we have something more going on.

Sunday, June 12, 2016
Neither Analiese nor I were feeling much better today. She could stay home, but I had to go to church. One, because Jonathan was giving a talk today and, two, I needed to observe in Primary. Why? Because the Primary chorister is moving and for the next couple of weeks I will be substituting until they get a new one called.

It wasn't easy. My throat was on fire, I ached all through my chest and shoulders from coughing, and I felt sooooo tired. I felt bad, too, because the choir was singing and I haven't been able to go to practice or participate. They're singing in Stake Conference next week, too, and it doesn't look too promising. For me.

Jonathan's talk went well. It was short, but they told him only five minutes. A returned missionary who'd been in Nicaragua spoke after him (and the choir). But I told Jonathan to look for me after second hour because I didn't think I'd make it much longer after Primary.

I didn't. I went, saw what she did, what they were singing, spoke to her a few minutes afterwards. Then I had Jonathan drive me home. Because I did not have any energy left for it. So I went home and slept. And the rest of the day was a wash. Analiese and I laid back, resting, and drinking lots of fluids. No help for it.

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