Sunday, June 19, 2016


Monday, June 13, 2016
Still feeling yucky. Doesn't stop my schedule, unfortunately. And the day is built to match it. Ken looked at the weather first this morning and - despite gray skies - it didn't portend rain. But when I looked, it said 35% chance. It didn't take long for all predictions to become reality. The rain came down.

I had to drive in it to Hobart. I took some sinus meds to keep me going and not give people the idea that I was spreading something about. This poor little Walmart, however, keeps it's work carts outside and I had to wade through 2-inch deep water and mud to get at one! Plus I had to wrestle one out of the group and the first two weren't cooperative!

I managed to get my work done in three hours, including unboxing and reviewing the structure of the new layout of cards when I changeover from Fathers' Day cards next week.  Then I straggled back (rain gone, thankfully) to Altus to go grocery shopping for the week. I certainly won't have time any part of the rest of the week!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016
Storms last night kept me up much of the night. Especially the cannon-like boom of striking thunder and lightning just north of our house. It shook everything - including me.

I drove up to Wichita Falls today for another Hallmark installation in a Walgreens there.  It dripped a little on the way up, but for the most part, the drive was lovely, though long - about an hour and a half. And about fifteen minutes out of the city, I got a text from my boss...the installation was cancelled. Great! Now what?

Well, I'd planned to do a little shopping after the install, anyway, if it didn't take too long. So I hung around (it's a large city, bigger than Lawton), went to Home Depot and picked up some herbs for my garden, visited Hobby Lobby and Mardel (a Christian bookstore & teacher supply store - it has homeschooling resources, too), and then went to Sam's Club to do my real errand.

After that, I went home, dropped off my stuff, and decided to go do my Altus Walgreens work. I was going to do it tomorrow, but since I didn't work today, I had a little time to get it done. Not that I have all of my energy back, but tomorrow is busy, too, so I figured why not?

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
The Seminary broadcast was yesterday, but I missed it. So I watched what I could of it this morning before going off to The Plaza restaurant for a good-bye luncheon for a sister in our ward who is moving (Air Force, of course).
I had the chicken flautas, a favorite of mine.

After that, I went over to Wal-mart (right behind the restaurant) to work for a bit on the Fathers' Day cards. My co-worker asked me to come in and try and fit in more cards. We have three boxes left, I needed to whittle them down. After two and a half hours, I was down to one box, better than we both figured.

Then I went home, finished the rest of the broadcast video, and worked some on Seminary stuff, making dinner, etc. I am very tired. Ken's been home today, so he took Jonathan to work and Analiese to Young Women.

Thursday, June 16, 2016
Since this is Ken's day off and no one has to work, it is our official Fathers' Day. Tonight we plan to grill dinner. But this morning we started off with an important meeting.

We have enrolled Analiese in EPIC, a charter homeschool in Oklahoma. It was recommended to us by the bishop's wife, they use it for one of their sons. I have been thinking Analiese needs challenging, that she is working way below her capabilities. So today we met with Ricky Herbert, her "teacher" from EPIC at our local library. All four of us, Jonathan included, so we kind of ganged up on him. Though, to tell you the truth, I personally could have done that on my own. Having homeschooled and worked with a charter school before, I know what I'm doing and what I want and I'm not afraid to say it. I don't mess around with my kids' education!

I must say, though, that I was impressed with him and the EPIC way of doing things. They have several different curriculum system, but you can even do a little "a la carte," as it were, for adaptations and needs. Analiese was well-involved in this meeting, too, taking a learning-style assessment sort of thing and talking with Mr. Herbert about which of the various curriculum systems (all online) appealed to her. He had brought his computer and showed us all the options. For this next school year, we're going to try a system called Odysseyware and see how she works with it.

He also went over EPIC expectations of students and parents. He said he's not worried about us...we seem VERY involved. But Analiese will be reporting to him daily via text messages and email. Her progress on her work will be sent to him and she can even contact him with questions via web conferencing. We will meet monthly face-to-face to get an idea where we stand and adjust things as necessary.

On top of this, this program is very specialized. She will take an assessment in August to see where her strengths and weaknesses are in all subjects. They won't bother to bore her with stuff she already knows. As Mr. Herbert sees how she's doing during the school year with her work, he will make adjustments to her curriculum and assignments accordingly. He told her to expect to struggle; he doesn't want it too easy for her. She can't grow without challenge. But she won't be alone in the process of growth; he and the EPIC people have resources to help her. So far, I am looking forward to seeing what happens here. I think she's been bored. Time to stretch those wings, girlie!

That took two hours. We did a lot of talking. I had questions, he had questions, we did a little get-to-know-you sort of thing. But I came out feeling very good about this decision. It doesn't take us out of the equation, we'll be helping, too, but it does give us more resources that I really don't have the time or money to find and use.

So our evening was Ken-centered. He did grill his own t-bone steaks and potatoes (I love baked potatoes on the grill).
 I made a Caesar salad for him and had purchased some nice lemonade per his request. We had him pick him favorite ice cream out at Braum's for dessert. Of course, he picked chocolate flavors, but that's okay. It's for him!

After dinner, Jonathan did up dishes and I cut Ken's hair and trimmed Analiese's bangs. Only, I cut too much of her they're a little short. And just before camp! I deserved a real chew-out, upset teenage tantrum for that, but she just put a head band on and grumbled a tiny bit. Much more mature than I think I would have been at that age!

Friday, June 17, 2016
Ken left early this morning for Taco Bell training or a meeting or something in Oklahoma City. He'd gone to bed early last night because he knew he'd need an early start in the morning for that 2 1/2 hour trip! I did manage to get up, though, before he had to leave.

Worked today for about three hours. My co-worker and I get along well and I think we're doing a good job because our boss was there yesterday and didn't say a word about how things looked. No word from Boss is a good thing. She knows she can trust us to get the work done without her breathing down our necks. Nice all the way around, if you ask me.

Ay! It's 105 degrees out there! It is, unfortunately, summer. Me no likee the heat. Makes me and my garden all wilty. Summer is NOT my favorite season.

Saturday, June 18, 2016
Today, being the day before Fathers' Day, means that I am in full Hallmark-mode. I get to hit all three of my stores. Today. Fortunately, none of them will be long visits. Just clean up the Fathers' Day sections and get outta there.

However, the day didn't start out like I wanted. I haven't been sleeping well lately, mainly because of this lingering sinus stuff. Last night it was after midnight when I got to sleep. I woke around 6:30, but figured I had a little more time, so I went back to sleep. And woke up at 9:45. Ay!

I had to rush out of the house to get going to Hobart. Did my routine there, then traveled back to Altus for Walgreens. It only took a few minutes, we're really low on cards there. But I had already received my order for next week to replace Fathers' Day stuff, which I'll do next Tuesday. So I took a little extra time to sort the new cards and tried to figure out how Hallmark Corp. wants them displayed (vs. reality - it never works exactly).

Then I went home to recuperate and relax. I was determined to not hit the local Walmart until after dinner. That's my biggest mess and I wanted to try and avoid the crowds. Ken will tell you - I did not want to go. I didn't feel very well and it was a very warm day. But I dragged myself out at around 7:30, battling with the crowds that were there anyway, for an hour. No more. I couldn't bring myself to give them more than that. I did clean up and it looked better, but it wasn't going to be perfect with people still coming. No use knocking myself out.

Sunday, June 19, 2016
This weekend was Stake Conference. I missed the adult session yesterday, for obvious reasons. But today the kids and I drove out to Lawton - nice and early, too, because our ward's choir was singing and the kids were going to be in it. Not me, I'm still not there yet.

It was a nice conference, with lots of speakers. Three were patriarchs - two emeritus and a newly-called brother. His talk was very moving. Brother Sturges, my CES Coordinator for Seminary, came and spoke too, about the importance of daily scripture study. My kids listened carefully - he really appeals to the youth!  The Stake President spoke, too. He's fairly new, but I've been getting to know him a little through Seminary events and he's a very humble man. His talk was equally inspiring.

Afterwards, my two students who are moving next week came to see say goodbye. One started with a big bear hug - he's a demonstrative boy. So then, I started to cry. His sister came up, and then the three of us were hugging each other...and weeping. I made them promise to keep in touch and assured them that Seminary in Illinois would be great, too. But I will miss them very much!

We drove back with two extra passengers - the elders. They'd come up with someone else but needed a ride home. We made lunch to eat on the way home and made some extra for them. It was a nice trip.

However, Hallmark Holiday called and after returning, I changed and headed to Walmart again. It's the only store I have to visit, but the one I least like to do. And yes, there were still people looking for cards. I gave another hour. Straightening up, but no more. It's Sunday, a holiday, and I'm just really tired.

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