Sunday, July 3, 2016


Monday, June 27, 2016
It's actually quite a beautiful day. There's not many clouds in the sky; what is there is just a light veneer over the bright blue. It doesn't even seem as hot as I would've thought, but then the rain last night and the cloud cover probably cooled things off.

Hobart today and I was running late. (I had to help Analiese with her work. Yes, it's summer, but I hate brain drain and she needs to have something to occupy her time.) Usually, I only have to slow down to get through the towns of Blair and Lone Wolf. But today, as I turned west past Blair to head through the Quartz Mountain area I got stopped by a construction crew and a road filled with gravel.
Usually, traffic around here consists of someone driving slower than you. Not this time. I do not like driving on dirt or gravel. I worry about my tires and my windshield. Plus, I feel every little bump in the road. The cars are being escorted in either direction by a pilot pick up, taking us around the workers. I think some of the gravel trucks were going backwards!

Firework stands dot the landscape right now. Everywhere along the highway you can see them. We can't do them in town, it's against the law. But if you go out into the country or to someone's farm, you can do as many as you want. It's big business around here.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016
Hot and sunny...again. Glad I don't have to be outside.  I only went out to take Jonathan to work and do my work at Walgreens, too. I used all my time today, because I had a lot of cards to install. I do make it look good, though.

This evening looked ominous. The sky darkened, but things didn't cool off. I went to pick up Jonathan from work and wondered when the storm would hit. As I sat in the parking lot, waiting, the wind picked up...a lot! Dust flew and the air pushed at the van, making it's metal joints creak. Just a little unnerving, if you ask me! The traffic lights on the corner were swaying and birds were fighting the air currents. It didn't look pretty.

Jonathan came out to the van, complaining about the dirt and grit that had flown in his face as he was throwing away garbage for Walgreens. We drove home carefully, the wind still whipping around us. And big drops of rain began to fall.

We got home just as the worst of it hit. For some reason, we cannot just get a plain rainstorm here. There always has to be accompanying thunder and lightning. With that and all the wind, it was no surprise to find that our power was out. Analiese had been in the shower when it had happened, but wasn't scared. She just thought her brother was home and had turned the lights out on her on purpose.

We are certainly not unprepared for outages, here. By now, it's expected from time-to-time. So we brought out the flashlights and the battery-powered lantern. We sat in the living room with the blinds up, waiting for Ken to come home. We hoped our light could guide him into the house.  Then we all went to bed. Being in a dark house makes me sleepy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016
In the middle of the night, the power came back on. I was trying to sleep in the living room where a window was open, because it was too hot in the house. With the power on, the air conditioning and the fans came back on, so I went back to sleep in my own bed. And slept in a little longer than I usually would.

I took Analiese to the library this afternoon for the Tween "Chess Club." She got to meet some new friends (they were all girls) and brush up on her chess. Oh, and have treats...gotta have treats to get 'em in the seats. And she came back with coupons for free things at Sonic, Applebees, and Whattaburger. She made out! She's going back next week for a Pictionary night where they'll have pizza.

We had another small storm on the way home from the library. Someone was saying there that this is the wettest summer on record for this area...and it's only just begun!

After that she went early to Mutual where they all traveled to Frederick to go to a park, play games, and grill hot dogs. Why Frederick (which is half an hour away)? Because one of the young men lives there and they thought it would be nice to bring the activity to him. I found that touching.

Thursday, June 30, 2016
Drove to Hobart...again. I had to go meet my boss at Walmart to redo a couple of sections...or so we thought.  By the way, the construction is done??? I didn't think they worked that fast, I was dreading having to deal with that for several weeks. I even left the house fifteen minutes early in order to get to Hobart by 9.

Got there and found out that, besides a bunch of shelving units, I had TEN boxes of product. That's unheard of at this store...except during a revision/installation, and that happened two months ago! No, it's true, they sent us stuff for ANOTHER revision. And it was just boss, fellow employee from Vernon, and yours truly.

Well, we didn't do the whole thing. We couldn't. Not enough people, not enough time, not enough budget. So we did the things we had originally planned on, which took enough time - about four hours. Then we had lunch together in town and went our separate ways. When we will finish the project? I have no idea. Boss will tell me when. I suggested I could do a little at a time each time I went out, but until we have more hours budgeted, I'm not doing anything. Past the normal stuff, of course.

Friday, July 1, 2016
Jonathan asked me today before I went to Walmart, if I'd only be a couple of hours. I told him I never know with this store. And it's true because today we had NINE boxes, Which ended up being three and a half hours of work.

I picked my first veggie from my garden! It's a zucchini!
It got bigger than I like them; I'd rather have them small and tender. If they get too big, they are tougher and seedy. Not good eats. But more are coming! And my tomatoes are ripening, that makes me happy, too!

Saturday, July 2, 2016
Lots of little things to do today. Dinner had to be fixed up in the crockpot - creamy ranch chicken. I am still subbing in Primary, so I had to work on Singing Time for tomorrow. On top of that, I had to make a cheesecake. Yes, had to.

See, when I was in California, our Relief Society back here had an activity with things for "auction." Even though I knew I wouldn't be there, I offered to make a cheesecake. Apparently, the bishop's wife "won" the cheesecake. I took my cream cheese cookbook to church a few weeks back to let her see and choose what she'd like. It kind of wows people - I have a whole chapter in there just on cheesecake. On top of that, I've been known to find some winners on Pinterest, too.  I don't think they are too hard to make, just time-consuming and somewhat expensive, especially with the fancier ones.

So I went to work and made a chocolate caramel pecan cheesecake. It has a vanilla wafer crust, a caramel layer, chopped pecans, and chocolate cheesecake. That is going to be very rich! It was a bit messy to make, but it's done and in my fridge for delivery tomorrow after church.

It's raining again. And the sky is grumbling about it. To think, I watered my garden this morning. But to be honest, I wasn't expecting another storm.

Sunday, July 3, 2016
You can tell this is a (mostly) military ward. Testimonies today had a definite patriotic ring to them. Well, some of them. We have another new family in the ward, too, with a seminary-age student and a young man getting ready to leave for his mission. He and Jonathan got to know each other today. I'm glad...Jonathan hasn't had someone to relate to in the ward for a while. He seemed very happy about it after church.

Ken couldn't find a substitute for ward chorister. That meant me, again. Along with subbing in Primary, that's a lot of singing and is hard on my voice, especially since I'm still dealing with lingering throat stuff from before.  Plus, we sang the national anthem as the closing song. You have to sing that with gusto!

In Primary, I did a "pick-and-choose" kind of thing, where I had sketched a temple (use your imagination here, people) and cut it into pieces and put songs on the back. The kids really liked it and one of the boys in senior Primary wanted to know if he could borrow it and use it for a Family Home Evening lessons. Cute! (NOTE: Sorry, no photo of it. I totally forgot to do it.)

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