Sunday, April 24, 2016


Monday, April 18, 2016
Laundry, work, grocery shopping. Pretty normal Monday. Weather is beautiful, hopefully the puddles will dry up quickly. We opened the windows today to try and get the funky smells that accumulate out of the house.

Interestingly, my boss called to offer me the Wal-mart in Hobart where I did the installation last week. I know the set-up there now and I met several of the people working there, so it shouldn't be a problem.  Now, if I can only figure out how to get around the construction without resorting to dirt/mud roads! Still, wow, three stores? I'm moving faster than I anticipated.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Another storm is expected today. It was only spitting a little when I left for Seminary, but apparently became full-on rain before class started because a student came in looking a little frizzy. But it was short-lived, it was done by the time class ended.

There is a leak in the Church, too, in the room next door to the Seminary classroom, where the Young Women meet. When I went in today, I heard a strange noise. It was a special fan, blowing the carpet dry in that room.

No other rain came for the day until I took Jonathan to work at three. Analiese went with me, I'd promised her a trip to the Library. As we left, it started to sprinkle again. That was about it. Until after dinner.

It had gotten progressively darker and then - BOOM! Tons of rain, thunder and lightning. At one point, our lights flickered and I thought we might lose power. And in a matter of minutes, our front and back yards became swamps.

The thunder and lightning quit, but the rain is still coming, sheeting off our house and windows. And poor Jonathan has to come home in it!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016
The sun came out today! Good thing, too, because it was a wet, wet world out there. Yards were flooded and the roads had ponds in them. We need a day to dry off.

It was a day of visitors. My Visiting Teachers came; they are so much better at it than I am. In the afternoon the elders came by. They made plans with Jonathan to get him ready for his mission, giving him advice, inviting him to go with them to appointments, and making plans to come over and practice lessons with him. I even offered to leave the room when they do, so he feels comfortable...and Mom doesn't take over.

I drove Analiese over to the movie theater tonight for Mutual. All of the Youth were going to see "The Jungle Book" as their activity (boys turn). I went home for a bit in between and then picked her up at the end. The theater is on the north end of town, pretty much surrounded by fields. It was a night of cricket and frog choruses. Spring is kind of fun!

Thursday, April 21, 2016
Ken wasn't feeling well last night when he came home from work. Luckily he has today off so he can sleep off whatever he's got. Me, I just hope to NOT get sick. I haven't the time for it.

After Seminary, Devotional, and getting Analiese started on lessons, I got busy making brownies (homemade, not box) for dessert for tonight.  All four missionaries are coming to dinner. I also had to clear off the dining room table to make room for all of us.

I spent part of the day as well working on Seminary stuff for next week. I basically run through each lesson to see what I need to make copies of, what supplies I need, and if I need to download videos to show the kids. I also download some power point presentations from the Church website to go along with the lessons. It all takes a little time, but better to do it now and then focus deeper on the spiritual messages the day before I give the lessons.

The late afternoon was busy with dinner preparations. I roasted cauliflower and broccoli, and baked a spaghetti casserole that we particularly enjoy. (Million-Dollar-Spaghetti) I also jogged over to United to pick up some croissants to go with dinner.

The missionaries came early to work with Jonathan. They are helping him prepare for his mission. They do role playing and studying together. One of the elders asked if I was okay with them doing it on a regular basis. Yes, I definitely am!

They enjoyed dinner, too. A new sister joined the group, from Oregon. Everyone liked the food well, including the vegetables! Of course, the brownies were the biggest hit. One of the sisters asked for the recipe (it came off the bag of Toll House morsels). I think there were only a few brownies and a little bit of spaghetti casserole left. Ken was feeling better, too, so we were all together. It makes for a nice "Family Home Evening."

Friday, April 22, 2016
Today was a VERY LONG DAY. It didn't start out that way. I didn't have Seminary; I slept in. I did have to work at Wal-mart, but not until 11 a.m. Leisurely morning of laundry, taking Analiese to her YW leader's house and what-not.

Went to Wal-mart, met up with co-worker Kaela, and proceeded to do what it is we do. We're wrapping up the second hour, about to put up cards (cuz yes, we have other things to do besides cards), when our boss calls me. She needs me (if I can) to go to Lawton to one of the Wal-mart Supercenters there and help her. Well, Ken has the day off, he can take care of the kids' needs, so sure.  That's where easy ends.

I drive to Lawton, this Wal-mart is just inside city borders so I don't have to go in too deep. But it's only Boss, Guy from Vernon Wal-mart, and myself. I wondered the whole time where the people who actually work that Wal-mart were. I know Boss wasn't happy with them.

I spent the first few hours shoving box after box of Mother's Day cards on the seasonal aisle (This store has SEVEN aisles dedicated to Hallmark, plus center aisle pallets. Hobart Wal-mart has three and a half short ones and Altus Wal-mart has two and a half. Just to compare; this is Boss's biggest Wal-mart). It was a tricky job and I did a lot of moving and re-arranging. I have to admit, I'm getter better at it.

This also happens to be the Wal-mart that is having an Installation (take everything down, put everything back - except the seasonal) on Monday. So, I spent the rest of my time taking SEVEN BIG BOXES of cards (they are remarkably heavy) and alphabetizing the cards (each are marked) for their sections. This Wal-mart goes all the way through to the letter Y. By the time I was done with that (8:30 p.m.), I could hardly read the letters. I'd only had one teeny bathroom break, and needed to eat.

I got out of there just before 9:00 p.m. I gassed the van, got a bite to eat and went home. With glitter in my elbows...
Exhausted. Sore in every joint. I sat in a tub of hot water with Epsom salts before I stumbled off to bed. Oh, and rubbing knees, elbows, wrists, and shoulders with pain cream!

Saturday, April 23, 2016
I was supposed to go to Lawton today. And I did, only this one I was ready for. I really thought of not going, I'm still stiff and tired. But it's Stake Women's Conference and I need to do a little shopping at Hobby Lobby and Sam's Club (cuz that's what you do when you go to Lawton 'round here), so I went.

I'm glad. The speakers and musical numbers were excellent. The theme was "Arise and Shine Forth," and they gave us little sun wind chimes to take home.

After the meeting, we had a little get-to-know-you activity and then lunch. I excused myself a little early so I could go, get stuff done, and go home to rest.

On the way home, it was clearly the time for running over amphibians and reptiles. I saw several turtles, a couple of snakes, and a frog all squished on the side of the road. I saw an armadillo, too, but he didn't fit into the first statement, so disregard him.  I did see live swallows making their mud nests under bridges (love 'em) and even a coyote jumping fences without regard for boundaries. Hey, these things keep me away on a straight-shot, tiring ride home.

Sunday, April 24, 2016
Today is nice and sunny. Sacrament meeting was - as usual - excellent. The OKCTemple President and Matron came to speak today. He told the greatest stories from his family history...even my kids were paying attention!

Church was a little interrupted with me having to take Jonathan to work. SIGH. I don't like either he or Ken having to work on Sunday. I realize this is sometimes the case, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. At least Jonathan made it to Sacrament and a part of Sunday School. Ken was at work at 6:00 a.m., so he missed everything!

A good friend from my ward today came over this evening with some plants from her garden to share and we had a good two hours of gardening, talking, and sharing. She knows a lot about edible wild plants (read: weeds), so she is very interesting to talk to. Her kids are cute, too. Her youngest is the baby I like to flirt with in church.

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