Monday, April 4, 2016


Monday, March 28, 2016
Bone tired. Eight plus hours of work at Walmart as we struck Easter and set up Mother's Day and Graduation. And did our regular work. I was coated with glitter and foot sore.

I went home to eat, soak in the tub, and go to bed. My knee was swollen (old mission wound), my feet sore, and all over exhausted!

How was the family? Alive; they got on just fine without me!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Another day of work, this time at Walgreens. A fellow worker from Walmart assisted me as we did the same (out with Easter, in with Mother's Day). The two of us fumbled for a while as we tried to figure out the set-up pages. Usually, our boss does it...we were on our own. I think we made it look well, I hope she likes it.

But that knee is becoming a problem. Lucky for me, Jonathan was working, too, and got me a little step stool to sit on. My knee is so swollen it won't bend and aches constantly.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Got a blessing from Ken today about my knee. I still have to work a little today, and I need to be able to walk!

Actually, I did well at work today. For "everyday" work (as opposed to seasonal work), I am budgeted two hours a week at Walgreens. I got done in about 1 hour and 46 minutes. Not bad! I felt very accomplished. I may get this job down.

Afterwards, I did some needed shopping, then headed home to rest my knee. Yes, I still had to go out to take Analiese to Young Women, but Ken actually came home in good time from TB to pick her up for me.

...And, to try to solve a little insect problem we are having. No, it's not's huge. We've struggled the last few years with wasps. In the garage and even in the house. If you remember, I was stung by one in my livingroom last year. Well, today Ken texts me at work to tell me not to go in the garage. Apparently there were several wasps in the garage.

When I got home, I cracked the door open to look inside. With just a crack, I saw three. I was NOT going to go further in. The problem is we can't find any nests. Ken and Jonathan tried to search in the dark (when wasps are calmer), but couldn't find anything. Ken says he will dare in the daylight tomorrow. I just pray he won't get stung!

Thursday, March 31, 2016
Yesterday was is bees! No kidding! Jonathan went outside to take out the trash and came in saying, "Mom, you have to see this."

Outside, in a corner of the add-on part of our house, was a bunch of bees swarming around the eaves. Somehow, a queen has settled in there and brought her entourage! Bother! Now what do I do?

On the other hand, Spring has brought some pleasant surprises, too. This evening, Analiese and I clipped a few roses from my bushes.

The red one smells delightful, while the colorful one blows open prettily.  They remind me of my grandfather's roses. Seeing them is a gift of his memories.

Friday, April 1, 2016
I wish I could say that the 10 Hallmark boxes that my co-worker and I faced at Wal-mart was an April Fool's joke today...but it wasn't. Considering they held six decks (1/2 boxes) full of cards which meant about four hours work, it wasn't at all funny.

By three, my kids were texting me wondering what happened. Jonathan needed to be to work by four (and was hoping for a ride). Analiese wanted to know about dinner (I hadn't even had lunch). Plus, I had a doctor's appointment!

I managed to make everything except the return trip to Wal-mart to pick up my prescriptions. I'll have to do that tomorrow morning before conference starts. This job isn't supposed to be this much work (outside of holiday stuff - I hear Christmas is a nightmare!).

Saturday, April 2, 2016
Happy Conference Day! I think that General Conferences should be made National (why not world-wide?) holidays!

I have been so jazzed for Conference! It's more than just wanting to hear what the Lord's servants have to's wanting to know it and FEEL it! And I haven't been disappointed.

President Eyring's talk this morning was such a perfect way to start Conference. So much so that I think I'll use it next year in Seminary to introduce my students to General Conference Watching 101.

I also liked Elder Renlund's talk about being distanced from God. My favorite part was the story of the sister who realized that Christ "did it just for me." I have been very intent on the personalization of the Atonement lately, so it hit a chord with me.

This afternoon was equally wonderful. Elder Arnold of the 70's touching talk about rescuing the Lost Sheep was so loving. I enjoyed hearing Elder Ballard talk about family councils, including the practical aspects of it (like putting electronics in a basket during council!).

I was a little sad that the prophet did not speak, but Jonathan said he spoke briefly in Priesthood meeting. Hopefully we can hear a little more from him tomorrow.

Sunday, April 3, 2016
The prophet spoke first this morning! It wasn't very long; he apparently tires easily. But his words were filled with love and inspiration.

Both sets of missionaries joined us for conference today (well, the sisters only stayed for the morning session). At the end of conference, one of the elders mentioned it was the best conference ever. I replied, "Until next time. Then IT will be the best ever!" It's true. If you're in tune and ready to listen, conference is always awesome!

Elder Holland was the last speaker. I jokingly told everyone that he was saved for last so that people had to watch all of conference just to get to him. Besides being his usual kind, encouraging, sagacious self, he was also pretty funny. He commented on how he had the solemn responsibility of being the one who stood between the congregation and their ice cream! It's hard not to love him!

The remainder of my Sabbath consisted of reviewing all my notes on conference and getting ready to talk about them in Seminary tomorrow. I had assigned my students to listen to the sessions and make notes (at least the name of the speaker, his/her "theme," and something that impressed them - maybe draw a picture). We'll see how they did.

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