Sunday, April 17, 2016


Monday, APRIL 11, 2016
A faithful blog-follower found a major boo-boo in my last blog...did you? The last two days of the week I wrote September instead of April. No, Ann, it was not a mistake...I have a T.A.R.D.I.S.! Just kidding! I can't tell you how oblivious I can be sometimes.

Well, the little storm of yesterday afternoon was followed by the larger and noisier one of last night. Not only did it make sleeping difficult, it presented a new challenge (because how can we ever live without one?) - a leak in the bedroom! Ken thinks it is easily fixable, because it came from an overhead vent. He thinks it just needs a sealant on the roof around it. We shall see. I have become a Doubting Thomas in relation to anything roof-related in the past year!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016
Today's adventure had me heading northeast to Hobart, OK. Hobart is actually in our ward boundaries...and is a thirty-five minute drive. However, like Megan says, it is a pretty drive, mainly because it winds through Quartz Mountain and even goes by Lake Altus.

I left the house in plenty of time this morning, shortly after eight o'clock. I leisurely made my way, looking at the scenery, enjoying the weather. Even at that pace, I was sure I would be about twenty minutes early. Oh, well. Enjoy it anyway.

As Providence would have it, there was a good reason for all this time. It just so happened there was road construction. Not just any old construction, either, but the kind that shuts the main road into town down. They were working on the bridge.

Rats! GPS doesn't give me advice what to do in this case, and usually it's so bossy! So, I saw a pick-up turn left just before the road block...onto a dirt road.
Ugh! Not my favorite and since I'm in the Honda, it's going to be a bumpy, dirty ride. There was rain not too long ago, what conditions would I see?

GPS was very confused. I went down a few dead-end roads (one had a dog that chased my car all the way back). Finally, I found one that went through to another road (thankfully paved), that had me go (GPS telling me what to do again!) down one more dirt road. Luckily, this took me back to the main road, just past the construction. And Wal-mart was waiting just a few blocks down.

I wasn't late, though the poor gal from Wichita Falls was. She had over a two-hour drive, and then got lost in that whole mess. Her GPS was on her phone, which conveniently quit working as she drew near Hobart.

What's in Hobart? I can't say, because I didn't get past the Wal-mart. There was a Pizza Hut next door. That's where we all had lunch.

Because we worked over seven hours installing (which means taking everything down, apart, and put back together). This was a small Wal-mart (no grocery), but it still took time. And there was only four of us. The installer, The WF gal, the gal who regularly services the store, and myself.

But we had a good time! We got to know each other better (I knew them all from last week in Vernon), and got to joking and teasing. Our biggest joke was about all the glitter - and boy! - is Hallmark all about the glitter. We literally poured some out of a section of card pockets thick enough for me to write my initial in!
We all shut down and had lunch together, and finished off, exhausted, together, around 5:30.

The drive home was no less adventure-some. I had to go back the way I came, minus the detours of the dead-ends. Doggie wasn't there to chase me again, but this time there were chickens in the road ("Toto, we are not in California anymore!"). I swerved to miss one...I missed it. I saw it flapping at the side of the road, indignant. I understand free range, but isn't it risky to have them all over the road? "Why did the chicken cross the road?" To get away from me!

The rest of the trip was uneventful. Though I did see a cow trying to skinny under some barbed wire. If I wasn't so tired, stiff, and sore, I might have stopped to take a picture.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016
A nice, quiet, uneventful day. A day to get things done, like paying bills. But if not then, when?

I did shuttle Analiese (well, Jonathan drove, I supervised) back and for to 4H Food Science Club and then to Young Women. I kind of wished I didn't have to go anywhere at all, but she doesn't get out and about as much as Jonathan, so I hate to deny her.

Oh, guess what?! I am going to be on the TOFW (Time Out For Women) team in Arlington, TX, for this September's event! One of my BFFs, Michele, was at the Long Beach one and met the team leader for Arlington. They got to talking and she mentioned I had attended last year. The team leader said they needed someone to represent Oklahoma...and Michele suggested me. They looked over a survey I had to do and, even though I'm a little over their 3 hour travel budget (by about 15 minutes), I'm in! I get to go, help, and enjoy myself thoroughly. I'll need to pay for Analiese to go, but other than that, WHOOPPEE!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016
Today was pretty uneventful. We were all home, nobody working! I only had a Relief Society activity in the evening, so we had Family Home Afternoon.

I also made some pretty spectacular fajitas for dinner. Really it's a salad, and that's how I would eat it, but the rest of the family had the chicken and veggies in tortillas. I only had a nibble (because of RS), but it sure smelled and tasted good!

Relief Society tonight was a "Garden Party." The gym was decorated with tissue paper flowers and each table setting had a golfball painted to look like a ladybug sitting on a piece of fake grass.
It was cute! Gary Strickland - our 4H head and also over the OSU Horticultural Extension - spoke to us about soils, what to plant when, when to water, etc. There was a lot of good information and good questions from the ladies. Actually, I was very grateful he was there because he told me what to do to get rid of the BEES!

We had a little snack of healthy things - fruits and veggies - before having another discussion. This one was on emergency preparedness. Since we are now in the middle of the official "Tornado Season," this was a lively conversation. But earthquakes are not unheard of here. so I could give a little insight.

We had little gifts to take home with us, too. We got to take the little ladybug balls home, plus a packet of flower seeds. Also, they gave us each a tomato plant of our own.
There were extras, so I snagged another one! With permission, of course.

Friday, April 15, 2016
Seminary, laundry, Wal-mart work day. Today was pretty uneventful. Jonathan mowed the lawn in anticipation of a storm this weekend.

Other than planning Seminary lessons for the next week and spending time with Analiese, it was a very quiet evening. Kind of dull. But life is like that some times.

Saturday, April 16, 2016
The storm was supposed to have started early this morning. So far, it's only gray and windy. I went out to get a pedicure this morning, wondering if I'd have to deal with puddles and nice, new toes.  But other than a couple of sprinkles, nothing.

This afternoon, I did a bunch of weeding. First, getting them out of my garden box cross. A sister in my ward has offered to help me get soil for the boxes so I can actually do something in them. After that, I weeded a small bordered area by the side of the house so I could make room for my two tomato plants. I didn't weed the whole box; I'd gotten too tired. Just enough so I could do my planting. I didn't want my new babies out of the ground too long.

Sunday, April 17, 2016
I know those tomatoes needed planting. But the storm we had last night! Blinding lightning, noisy thunder, lots of wind and rain! Did my babies survive their first night? They did! A little water-logged from their long night, but not bad. Poor dears.

The roads have flooded terribly. I won't even venture on neighborhood roads excepting my own. They say Broadway (the main road north of our house) is flooded, too. Getting to church will be like fording a river. Feel like being a pioneer today?

Church was great today, except I really flubbed on the piano in Relief Society. I don't know why either, except maybe for the fact that I never practice!

I went with the sister missionaries this afternoon to visit with someone they are teaching. He's a really great guy, you can tell he cares a lot about his kids and it trying to do what God wants him to do. He's very willing to read the Book of Mormon, which I must say, in my experience, was always difficult!

NOTE: This week's blog is sponsored by the Unestimable Rachel Sperry of the Altus Ward. I posted this before 9:00 p.m., just for you!

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