Sunday, May 1, 2016


Monday, April 25, 2016
Another busy day in Lawton. I went back with my Altus Co-worker to one of the Wal-marts in Lawton to do an installation. Yep, the place I was at Friday. Time to tear down and put back up.

But this time, instead of only three people, we had about ten. We got everything done by 3:00 p.m. Not cosy like at Hobart, where we were all in close quarters and a little silly. Some of my silly ex-cohorts were there and we ribbed each other some.

They say the next few weeks between now and Mother's Day is going to be crazy. Lots of hours, lots of new things for me to learn.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Today was so humid. In the morning, the Weather Channel just said sunny and warm. But by the time I was done working at Walgreens and going grocery shopping, the clouds began to roll in and people began to talk about a storm moving our way. Supposedly a big storm.

Schools were closing early...just in case. There may be hail, stay inside. But don't panic, it doesn't look like an tornado indicators are in place.

By about four, we had thunder, lightning, rain and small hail. But it was very short-lived. What's all the fuss about? By about six-thirty, it was back stronger, bigger (hail was walnut-sized), but short, too. All headed toward the center of the state - OKC, Moore, Norman - you know, the cursed places. So glad we don't live there!  Now, there's no more rain "expected" until Friday. We shall see.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Jonathan had picked up some more hours at Walgreens, so after I got out of Seminary, I picked him up and took him to work. I fetched him from work at about four, too.

I ended up going to Walgreens, though, after I dropped Analiese off at Young Women's. Jonathan had told me I'd received some boxes at the store (he's my eyes and ears there) and one read "Mothers's Day." That's a priority right now, so I went back to set up another section with Hallmark Mothers' Day stuff and to put out more cards for the holiday.

Having taken an hour to do that, I took the van over to a car wash. All this driving back and forth to Lawton has made it very dirty! When the water first started pouring over the top, I could see sheets of dirty water flowing past the windows. Between that and the bug guts, it was in desperate need of a bath!

After that, I met Analiese at Braum's (Ice cream store & fast-food place) where the Young Women had gone to celebrate a birthday. I was glad, too, because I was able to catch one of my VT sisters (she's in YW) who had to cancel our latest visit due to a busy schedule (sound familiar?). Hey, sometimes you visit where you can!

Thursday, April 28, 2016
This was Michele's Horrible, Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day. At least it began that way. I woke up so tired. My students weren't much better. I think all of us are in the last-days-of-school funk. Goodness knows, I'm exhausted.

Before doing lessons this morning, all the family went out to do some yard work. Jonathan mowed the front yard, Analiese and Ken cleaned up trash and sticks from the front, and I trimmed the rose bushes and pulled weeds from around them. During this time, big old mosquitoes came out from apparently nowhere and attacked us!  They even had the audacity to bite me through my pants and underwear!

I got lessons going with Analiese and was - unfortunately - short-tempered with my poor husband on his day off. Then, while working on a dessert for a dessert auction at the YM/YW fundraiser tomorrow evening, I had cocoa powder and flour fly EVERYWHERE! This is NOT an exaggeration. It was on the counter, on the mixer, on the toaster, on the cupboards, on the floor, on ME! It meant I'd have to start all over again, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it...the recipe uses four eggs! So I cleaned up the mess, refused to redo it (Analiese is making a dessert, too, so she'll just have to represent the whole family) and begged my husband to run away with me! I was so done for the day.

We only ran as far as Lawton. We stopped for Panda Express, wandered Target, and then went back home in better spirits. I had left my phone at home, which was actually a good thing, since my boss called and wanted me to go in to work. Which I couldn't, cuz I wasn't home. I needed time away, doing nothing in particular. And thankfully my hubby forgave me and came along with me.

Friday, April 29, 2016
I did have to work today at Altus' Wal-mart. Between myself and my coworker, we logged 8 hours. A lot of it was Mother's Day card replenishing, which is not as easy as you might think. There were lots of heavy boxes full of cards to move around!

In the middle of this, the store grew heavily humid. When we were in the storeroom, another storm broke out and we could hear hail pelt the metal roof. Ken took pictures of all the hail that hit our home, small, but plenty.
No, it's not snow (though it looks like our snow), luckily not any of the damaging stuff.  The storm was well over by the time I was done with work.

At home, we were in a hurry. Analiese had to be at the Church by 5 to finish setting up for the ward fundraiser dinner. Jonathan had to be at Walgreens for work by 5:30. I had to whip some cream to put on a truffle-bottom chocolate cream pie
for the dessert auction after the dinner. Then Ken and I ran off to be at the Church by 6.

The dinner was Hawaiian-themed, with Hawaiian Haystacks. The auction was a lot of fun as usual (it gets pretty crazy).
And Ken bought the pie! I guess he didn't want that chocolately goodness in the hands of anyone else but himself!  Everyone passed desserts around again, too, which is part of the fun.

Saturday, April 30, 2016
Today was a half-relaxing, half-get-the-work-done day. Ken left early in the morning for Taco Bell and I took Jonathan to Walgreens at eight. I watched Alice for Analiese while she cleaned the cage, worked on some stuff for Seminary, did dishes, scrubbed my sink (necessary after the cocoa powder/flour fiasco the other day) and planted cilantro (Cuz I want some. Whoever heart of salsa without cilantro? Jonathan and I actually use it quite a bit...and not just for salsa). It's a beautiful day out there, sunny and warmer.

Analiese and I went to Wal-mart to refill water and then got Jonathan. Came home to fix dinner for the kids. I made Mock Tacos, a family favorite. Jonathan was giddy (well, he was certainly weird) to have it. You'd think I never fed him.  Ken came home about two hours late and didn't want dinner. Generally, on later days, he gets his dinner at TB.

Sunday, May 1, 2016
Lovely meetings again today. We have several families moving soon, which is normal for this time in our Air Force town, some of whom were released today. Two of them were in the bishopric (well, one was the ward clerk)! So, the Stake President was here and changes were made.

Too, I got pulled out of Relief Society to go to Young Women because Analiese was made a counselor in the Young Women's class presidency. They don't go by Beehives, Mia Maids, and Laurels here; there aren't enough of them for that.

It's gray and windy outside. The Weather Channel said maybe a ten percent chance of anything. It well may end up a little bit more.

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