Sunday, April 10, 2016


Monday, April 4, 2016
Our entire class time today in Seminary was taken up in discussing General Conference. I had given each student four sheets of chart paper, folded into 8 sections, to allow them to take notes, draw, etc., about conference. Each of them had come away with different things they liked and different perspectives. They all said that conference seemed to go by quickly and they didn't feel sleepy or disinterested. We ended up by talking about what we would do now because of what we heard & learned this weekend. It was a good class!

I got my work done at Walgreens done easily in an hour and a half again today. I need to stretch that a little further...I only get paid for those few hours I work. As it is, I want to take my label-maker so I can mark the card sections like Walmart has. I've pretty much gotten the hang of the regular cards, but the other aisle - AY!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Another really long day. After Seminary today, I came home and changed quickly, only to run out the door to head to Vernon. (Ken is off today, so I could do this with impunity.) I was asked if I would assist with a Hallmark installation at the Wal-mart there. Having never done one - and wanting a few more hours before things really slow down work-wise this summer - I volunteered.

It's about a forty-minute drive one-way, going directly south from Altus. About halfway between the cities is the Oklahoma/Texas border (also known as the Red River. Yes, like the cowboy song "The Red River Valley"). Between the two cities is a lot of open space with farms and ranches and windmills.

I have driven past/through Vernon a few times, but never spent any real time there until today. If Wal-mart counts. This Wal-mart has easier access to Vendor labels and their sign-in book. Their manager was super-helpful, too. The installation leader, Ella, was very nice as well. That's all she does, is Hallmark installations in Oklahoma and parts of Texas. That's a job that takes work...and maybe a degree in engineering!

Basically, seven of us re-did the entire Hallmark set-up for the store. We're talking over a thousand card, with gift bags, tissue paper, gift wrap, bows, etc. on top of that. We had to move signs, labels, and all sorts of organizational plastic & metal do-dads. It was six and a half hours of WORK. It looked nice when we were done - I particularly liked the bag and tissue organization - much neater-looking.

And I said I'd help next week at the Hobart Wal-mart. It's a smaller store, so not as much to do. Only four of us will be helping Ella. A sister in our ward who lives in Hobart had surgery not too long ago; maybe I'll try and see her since I'll be up there.

But for feet hurt, my knee is swollen. Time to rest, recooperate, and prepare my Seminary lesson for tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016
I had to go to Walgreens - again. There's a "Red Nose" campaign for different causes. I guess it wraps up towards the end of May. It is sponsored by several products and businesses, including Walgreens - and Hallmark. There's supposed to be a special display in every store, some of which is Hallmark products. And it was supposed to be up Monday, except I hadn't received my stuff.

I was in Vernon yesterday, so I couldn't go then. So I went today. I searched all over the storage area in the back of the store. Nothing. Finally, I called my boss, who said to try again tomorrow. I prepared to leave - and the cashier at the front gave me a box FedEx had just dropped of.  Goodie! But it only contained everyday product. Bummer. Try again tomorrow it is.

Thursday, April 7, 2016
Megan isn't in Seminary today. She has a chalk-art competition somewhere and was leaving on the school bus at 6:00 a.m. So Aurora, Will and I had a cozy little lesson to ourselves. Tomorrow I have my online inservice, so the elder missionaries will be subbing for me.

Back to Walgreens and, somehow, the box of Red Nose stuff was delivered yesterday (who knows when) and ended up in the manager's office. So it's up, I told my boss, and I'm off the hook. It only took a few minutes to do.

Friday, April 8, 2016
A Seminary chapter of craziness today. This morning was my monthly inservice videoconference, from six to seven, so I needed a substitute for my class. Last week I'd asked the elders, they accepted, and I gave them a copy of the lesson.

I went to the church to watch the conference, opening the building and setting up the Seminary room for the missionaries before going over to the RS room. I sat down and linked up to the videoconference and away we went.

Until 6:28, when I received a text from the missionaries saying that they were running a teeny bit late. !!! Class STARTS at 6:30! I had to excuse myself from my meeting and run over to the Seminary room to see if any students had appeared. Megan had just arrived, so I told her to keep an eye out for the missionaries.

I went back to my inservice, only stopping to check a little bit later and find that the elders had indeed arrived. Okay.  Good.

The videoconference was wrapping up, went the program kicked me out. About three times. I gave up. I think I got the most of it. So I went back to the Seminary room to listen in on the last part of the lesson. The elders openly admitted they hadn't really studied the lesson much (I gave it to them over a week ago) and it was terrible. I mean, I thanked them for coming to help, but I wasn't thrilled with their overall performance. Most people don't realize the blood, sweat, and tears that go into a Seminary lesson. You can't - and we're told, no commanded! not to - wing it!  Preparation is important, believe it or not it allows the flexibility to allow the Spirit to interject itself into the lesson. Off-the-cuff lessons just won't work in this case...obviously.

Working in Walmart today, I had two fellas come down the card aisle, one dressed conspiciously in jeans, chaps, cowboy boots, a GIGANTIC cowboy hat...and a neck brace. He must have seen my glance because the amusement was written on his face when he said, "Howdy." After he and his pal had left the aisle, I asked my co-worker, Kaela, "Is the Rodeo in town?" Frankly, it's the wrong time. The rodeo doesn't go on here until August, before the Fair in September. Altus has a rhthym. So this guy was a mystery. If I wasn't busily working, I might have stopped to ask him...and get a picture. This was something you have to see to believe!

Saturday, September 9, 2016
Bountiful Baskets had lots of veggie goodies in it today, not so many fruits. Jonathan volunteered to go with me and wins...because there were five avocados, a bag of cherry tomatoes, and a small watermelon. For him, that's a score!

I had my first green smoothie today. I made it myself: spinach, blueberries, strawberries, almond milk, and greek yogurt. I think I'd let it chill for a while, I didn't like it room temperature, but the flavor was okay. Also, I'd add more of the milk, the yogurt gave it too much "texture." But, oh, do I miss the strawberry stands back in California!  Because these strawberries were definitely sub-par.

Sunday, September 10, 2016
Sacrament Meeting was nice today. A lot of the testimonies born today were inspired by General Conference...including mine. Though, I agree with Sis. Lee's (SS teacher) assessment about bearing our testimonies on Fast Sunday - she bears hers every week and I do it five times a week! It feels almost overkill to do it on Sunday. Today, though I did not forebear.

This evening a storm arose, loud and wet, but not very long. We even got some hail, but it was tiny. One boom of thunder seemed to shake the house and my head. The wind really pushed at the back door. But it quickly disappated into drips and distant sound.

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