Sunday, March 27, 2016


Monday, March 21, 2016
Back to reality, vacation's over. Seminary started up again - and all three were in attendance! It really was a reason to celebrate. Everyone is over being sick. I'm so glad. It just isn't the same without them all there!

I worked all by myself today at Walgreens. Let's hope I did it right. I worked only about an hour because I didn't have a shipment. It was mainly straightening/cleaning up the cards. The one thing I am having trouble figuring out is the time recording process on my device. I guess I'll have to ask my boss about it the next time I see her. I don't think I'm doing it right.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Ken headed back today for his last week of training in Oklahoma City. He doesn't mind it much, but I'll be glad to have the back-and-forth over!

Analiese and I retrieved (rescued? Nah.) Alice from the Sperry household this afternoon. She doesn't seem to mind who she is with, as long as they pet and spoil her. But the Sperry's seemed to enjoy her gentle softness, though not her messiness. Frankly, it's part and parcel of having an animal. They smell and make messes. There's no other way around it, unless it's a pet rock!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016
WONDERFUL lesson in Seminary today about the Savior and His Atonement. Isaiah so succinctly prophesied about Christ's life and mission. It was a very tender thing for me to study it yesterday, but even more precious to discuss it with them in class this morning. I can't help but love Seminary all the more on days like these.

The wind has picked up again. My allergies are wearing me down. It didn't help yesterday that I dusted (without a mask, shamey) and Alice is back with her perpetual cloud of fur. I feel tired pretty much all the time. I'd take extra allergy medication on top of my daily stuff (Don't worry, the doc says it's okay to do so), but that Benedryl knocks me (and the kids, they'll attest) right out! I tried some last evening and was ready to sleep by 7 p.m.! I would have loved to take some this morning, but somehow I can't teach Seminary (or do Analiese's lessons with her) if I'm sleeping!

Thursday, March 24, 2016
The days are getting busy again. After Seminary, we had to do a little straightening up at home because... family was coming to town! Not mine, Ken's. His sister and her two kids arrived late morning having driven 13 hours from Oswego, Illinois. Devin is 14 and Kassidy is ten.

But that didn't mean getting to hang out and go do fun things. Nope. Jonathan had to work at three, there was a Rabbit Club field trip at 4:30, and then I had a babyshower at the Church at 6:30.

Well, we took the kids with us to the field trip at a local vet who does work with rabbits (he's seen one of ours before). Kassidy in particular liked the x-rays of dogs' stomachs (with weird things in them) and animal parts and fetuses in jars.

Ken came home from OKC early, surprising us. He needs to get going with the Taco Bell here in town. Plus, I think he came to see his sister sooner. I can't blame him.

I went to the shower alone (Ken's sister, Kathy, was obviously exhausted). But it was lots of fun...a "tea" party Mormon-style, with hot chocolate, lemonade and cinnamon tea (hot water and cinnamon sticks). I took my tea pot and china cups that I had inherited.

Friday, March 25, 2016
Jonathan went to work at 9 a.m., Ken went to TB at 11, and I went to 11. I had wanted to take the kids to Wichita Reserve to see the buffalo. But I ended up working almost four hours. There was a huge shipment with a lot of cards. Luckily, towards the end, another Hallmark employee came, because I was no where near done with the cards and was so tired.

I visited Ken at TB for a quick bite to eat and a drink and to rest my feet before picking up Jonathan and heading back home to make dinner for my guests that I had abandoned for hours.

But Kathy so nicely trimmed my hair and fixed my hair mistakes on my husband and children. She's been having fun playing around with Analiese's hair.

Saturday, March 26, 2016
Gee, I got to sleep in. A little. Because I had to get our pork roast in the crockpot early enough to be done by 5:00. We're having our Easter Dinner today, and Ken promised to be home from TB by 4:00 and we girls have to be at the church by 6:30 for floats and the General Women's Conference.

Still a busy day. I feel sorry for our guests, we didn't really get to go see or do anything special. Ken was at work by 6:00 a.m., I had promised to play piano for a baptism at 1:00 p.m., then Jonathan had work at Walgreens at 3:00. Between everything, I had to go get good, filtered water at Walmart.

I think I'm trying to catch something, though. I feel really run down and my throat is starting to feel thick and a little painful. I really DON'T need this!

Sunday, March 27, 2016
Before going to bed last night, Kathy & I assembled baskets for the kids (and a little for the "big kids"). She'd bought a bunch of stuff, my kids should feel spoiled. She also brought confetti eggs for smashing, a tradition I am aware of (Mexico) but have never participated in. What a crazy mess!
Kassidy throwing

Jonathan trying to avoid Kathy and Kassidy

Analiese poised to throw!

Analiese and Kassidy square off

But...I work sick. My throat was mucus-filled (like you wanted to know) and sore, and I was energy-less! Guess who didn't go to church on Easter Sunday? I am bummed!

I slept while the rest went, got up and ate a sandwich (I hadn't wanted breakfast earlier) and then went back to bed until they came home. I still nursed a headache (a bit sinus-y) and felt wiped out. I couldn't really sleep though, with a house full of excited kids.

They've played games, went to the park (on their own yesterday afternoon) and generally gotten along well, though Kassidy said she doesn't like Batman (Jonathan wearing his mask and then coming up behind her and scaring her). They love Alice, especially Kassidy. Devin's been patient for a fourteen-year-old having to deal with old-fogey family as Ken talked about oldies music and Spanish and I went on about Seminary (he'll start this fall). Kathy's had fun doing Analiese's hair in different styles;

I like to see it up and be able to see her graceful neck and pretty-shaped face (Mom is prejudiced, but right in this instance). It has been fun having them all here together.

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