Sunday, February 7, 2016


Monday, February 1, 2016
Today started pretty normally with Seminary and home chores. The only new thing I could think of was teaching Analiese personally (not from some website) how to write a 5-paragraph essay. Because, face it, I rock at essays! Or I college.  No, I still rock them! LOL

Ken has accepted the Taco Bell Assistant Manager job. Arby's couldn't offer him the same $ for the same position, though he liked the guy who he interviewed with. His last day at Walmart is the fifteenth, and sometime after that he'll have to go to OKC for training for six weeks.

This evening just proved how mercurial the weather can be around here. The kids were watching a cartoon in the other room. Ken had texted me from work, "It's sprinkling." Well, I had looked at the weather TWICE today and there were no indicators of precipitation at all.

And yet, within minutes we had a thunderstorm and about an hour's worth of heavy rain and even a teensy bit of sleet. This does not build my trust in weathermen. Quite the opposite. I didn't mind, really, the rain is important and my roof holds just well, thank you. I just don't know how someone could be a weatherman in confidence.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016
Ken is home sick today. He was complaining yesterday of a sore throat and was stuffy. He came home early last night, too, just as I was getting ready to jump in bed. He sounded awful and wasn't better today. and fluids. Usually he does well with that recipe.

Jonathan texts me from school, "It's Groundhog Day!" I reply, "Yes. And?" "I'm watching the movie." Sarcastic Me: "Some education you're getting there."  To be fair, he was probably on his lunch break and texting me from the pilots' lounge at the airport where he likes to hang.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Ken is still sick. So he didn' go to work again today. He tires easily. Like when he took a shower; it exhausted him. At least he had some sick days he could take!

Made a new recipe for breakfast-for-dinner tonight. Buttermilk banana pancakes. Very light and fluffy. Jonathan, who hates have pancakes for dinner, ate three of them. "Not bad," he said. Analiese has rated the pancakes as her favorite all-time breakfast. Success, then!

Thursday, February 4, 2016
Seminary was different today. It wasn't a big scripture-reading, feel-the-Spirit lesson. It was more contextual and historical, setting the stage for everything after Chronicles. Since the books after that in the Bible are not organized chronologically, we had to go over what had happened (Israel splits into two, Northern Kingdom - Israel - carried by Assyrians into captivity are now lost to us. Southern Kingdom - Judah - eventually carried by Babylonians into captivity, but when Persia takes over, gets to go back) and try to place books & prophets where they belong in it all.  The room was split into sections for each area and 3x5 cards were set aside for titling books. It was a little complex, but the class bore with it well.

Ken is doing better. He has a lingering cough and still tires easily, but the headaches and stuffiness are gone. He isn't scheduled for work today. That will give him an extra day to recooperate.

Friday, February 5, 2016
Ken's much better today, just a little cough. We went together today to the optometrist. I haven't had a new pair of eyeglasses in years and my eyes are getting older. It's becoming more difficult to see the small print on things. So it's kind of nice to get a new pair, especially while we still have insurance.

Analiese and I had another practice with Rabbit Agility for 4H. To be honest, Alice needs more help getting used to being on a leash. Though, she does like jumping the hurdle.
We had to push her rear a lot to get her through the course.
At practice, we got to interact with some of the other rabbits,

including an eight-week old baby Dutch rabbit.
I was hooked - he was so sweet! I'm a sucker for baby animals.

Saturday, February 6, 2016
This morning was a work morning: Analiese had to clean Alice's cage, while Ken & Jonathan worked on cleaning up the back yard. I was going to help but ended up more as a superintendent...because I had Alice. I put her on the leash again (we need to do this every day) and gave her room to roam... within boundaries. She fought me a few times (I was a tree...I did not move) and pouted a good long bit, but eventually settled down to sit in a corner by the house where the chimney meets and nibble on dead leaves and live grass. I think she will like it eventually, because it will mean she can go outside. But also, we are trying to teach her who's boss!

SURVEY HERE - I'm SERIOUS!!! If I started a blog on my cooking, experiments and such, would you be interested? I'm thinking about blogging in a way that could earn a little $$, do you think I could do it? I'm thinking about calling it Cheap Chow (if the name isn't taken) and it'll be plain, family-friendly, homemade good eatin'. My stuff, plus what I learn along the way from trying other people's recipes. PLEASE COMMENT TO THIS BLOG ENTRY AND LET ME KNOW!

Sunday, February 7, 2016
Nice day at church today. The Spirit was very strong in Fast & Testimony meeting, and stayed that way through the rest of the meetings. Sundays like this make it easy to want to be in church.

Choir has started up again. We are working on stuff for Easter and for Stake Conference (in June, so we have a lot of time). Jonathan actually came with me and Analiese, too! We had lots of sopranos, altos and bases, but we really need tenors. Actually, I CAN sing tenor (women do it), so I think I will try next time. I practiced a bit with the choir pianist and I can hit all the notes. Besides, I think the lower notes are "yummier." Do not ask me to explain. 


  1. Yes, that is a great idea. Especially if you can make some money.

  2. Interesting idea Sis. Food ideas - especially healthier or cheaper ones (preferably both) - are popular these days. How do you make money, put out teasers then charge for subscriptions?

  3. Your choir efforts sound fun. We're having a multi-faceted Eastern program this year. We have an adult, a youth, and a children's choir. We've invited some local church choirs to participate and are sponsoring an Easter art show. Once again, I'm pretending to be a tenor, but at least I have an actual tenor to blend with. It should be fun.

  4. I agree with Niles. People want cheap AND healthy. A lot of people think you can't have both, but really you can. I think it's a good idea.

  5. I agree with Niles. People want cheap AND healthy. A lot of people think you can't have both, but really you can. I think it's a good idea.
