Sunday, February 28, 2016


Monday, February 22, 2016
Because Ken doesn't have to go back to OKC until tomorrow, we had a lunch date and went grocery shopping together.  At Walmart. Several people said hi to him, even saying they missed him and one wondered if he missed the place. The reply was a strong "No!"

I have a lot of apples that are on the way of going past prime, so I made apple crisp to go with Family Home Evening tonight. I haven't done that in a while, so the kids are happy to have a treat. And the house smells fabulous!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016
The weatherman actually got it right this time. The rain started last night and continued through this early afternoon. More than just little sprinkles, too, actually rain. An accompanying wind cooled things off, so after a week of 80's, going down to 40's was quite a drop!

Today I got meet my new supervisor with Hallmark and start learning the biz, as it were. She's very nice and was very pleasant and agreeable to all my questions and requests. I think she likes me, too, because she said I had a good eye to notice things out of place (cards, in particular). Anyway, I have an apron, a badge, a box cutter, some reading material and a video (which I need to review).
Eventually I'll get a device to use for inventory and stock, but until then, I am a working girl!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Temperature dropped enough last night that some of the shallower puddles froze over. I wonder if this is confusing the trees, especially the ones who are starting to bud.

It's beginning to be Skunk Season again. Last week, a member of our ward got squirted in the back parking lot that backs up into a large wild field. Skunk squish is starting to be noticed smeared on the roads and highways. This morning I saw a fat fellow waddle his stinky rear across the road. They don't hustle, skunks.

I went back to the Optometrist. My eyes hadn't gotten adjusted to my glasses. I could see the far away stuff, and the little print with my bifocals. But the middle stuff - computer screens and piano music, was getting blurry. Unless I took my glasses off. So now I"m getting trifocals. Thankfully, it's covered by insurance. They'll make new lenses and then put them in my new frames. Then I'll have to get adjusted to that new line in between.

There's a large orange moon hanging low in the East tonight. I'd take a picture, only I know it wouldn't come out. Plus, I'd have to drive out of town to get a really good shot. So you'll just have to take my word for it.

Thursday, February 25, 2016
Spring is making an appearance. Trees are budding. This morning, under the acorn tree in front of the church, Chuckie sat nibbling on acorns. Coming out from Seminary, we spotted two robins and a blue jay doing the same!

A sim card for an older cell phone we have arrived today. Analiese will have her own phone. It's not anything special and has a problem holding a charge for too long, but it's for her to be able to get a hold of me, or Ken, or Jonathan if the need arises. With me going to work, even for just a few hours, and with us having no landline, this is the option we chose. She's been told not to abuse the priviledge. We shall see!

Friday, February 26, 2016
Today is Jonathan's last day at the Vo-Tech's Aviation Mechanics Program.
It's been 2 1/2 years, but he managed to do very well despite the technical stuff, study and pressure. It's a win for me, too, because I won't have to rush out of Seminary to get him to class on time or pick him up after school. He's relieved, but now it's time to get to work and ready for the next big adventure - a Mission!

This afternoon (after the final Jonathan pick-up) I set my nose east and headed toward Lawton. Like I surmised, the roads were spattered with Skunk Squish of all shapes and sizes (yet still the same smell). My first stop was Sam's for shopping.  I'm trying something new: I'm going to do major shopping for the whole month (excluding produce, which just won't last that long). It meant a lot of prep work - a whole month's worth of menus so I could see what I needed.  The only problem is whether or not I have enough cupboard and freezer space for all this stuff.

I also tried Aldi's for the first time. I've seen raves about it all over Pinterest - how it saves so much money - so I went to check it out. You have to pay a quarter to get a cart, but you get it back when you put it away. That keeps the costs down some so they don't need anyone to go out and get carts. Also, you have to bring your own boxes and bags, or buy theirs for 5 cents apiece. It's not an impressive store, nearly everything is off-brand. The produce is very limited and not much to look at and I didn't even bother with the meat section. It doesn't carry everything I need, but might be okay for things like canned goods, milk, and eggs. I have to run some numbers, so I'll let you know how it comes out.

After my shopping, I went to the Stake Center (and changed clothes) for the CES "Evening with a General Authority." Once again, our stake provided dinner - and it was marvelous! - for the Seminary & Institute teachers in the Stake and their spouses. I'm getting to know a few of them, the Institute instructor is our recently-released Stake President. Brother Sturges and his wife came from Norman to join us as well. After dinner we watched the broadcast; Elder Ballard of the Twelve Apostles was the speaker. In some ways, he was overwhelming, because he raised the bar - on us! The leaders of the church are so worried about members (youth and adults alike) not knowing the doctrine. It's up to us to study more in-depth the doctrines of the gospel to be able to clarify and correct anything our kids are learning - mainly erroneous ideas on-line! He mentioned several things to study, personal things to introspectively review, etc. In other words, I have homework!

Saturday, February 27, 2016
Last night, I got home around 9 and was so tired that I put what needed to be put in fridge and freezer and left the rest out and went to bed. So I have to face it all today!

Even though I had plenty to do, I did take some time to go window shopping with Analiese. We dropped Jonathan off at work around 3:00, then we went to some of the shops in the town square, just for fun. Some were clothing and jewelry shops, some were antiques. It was a fun break!

Ken came home from OKC this evening, bringing dinner from Buffalo Wild Wings with him for all of us. I would try the cheese curds and the cheesecake bites, but I didn't dare the boneless wings. He likes them with Mango Habanero sauce on them...too hot! Analiese tried them and I had to pour her a glass of milk to cut the heat! I knew better...

Sunday, February 28, 2016
The wind is up and so's the tree pollen count. My head just throbbed above my eyes and my eyes watered. I lay down for a bit before church with my cold lavendar pack, but even with that and Tylenol, it wasn't cutting my headache one bit. So I stayed home, went to bed, and slept three more hours. I'd have liked to slept more, but didn't dare. Even still, I feel tired.  And now my throat hurts some.

But - and this is my personal theory - I think it could be much worse. I've been taking a nasal spray on top of my medication for allergies lately. Usually, this kind of pollen problem would have meant an automatic sinus infection and I've managed to avoid it this year, so far. I really think the spray helps a lot!

I sent Ken with the kids to choir today. Between my head and my throat, it just wasn't an option.  But I didn't want my kids to have to stay home just because I could go. And, it's good for Ken to get out a little (wink, wink).

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