Sunday, January 31, 2016


Monday, January 25, 2016
Jonathan woke me up last night when he came home from work. Not to tell me he was home, but to berate me for losing some of his legos when Analiese & I took them to the church for the talent show. We were doing him a favor and I honestly thought he wanted us to take it (apparently Analiese "thought" he did). I didn't sleep well the rest of the night, upset that he was upset and fearful that he would take it out on his sister in the morning.

In the morning, my fears hadn't yet abated. I was trying to get my mind in Seminary-mode, but the stress and upset kept bringing me back to last night. I tried praying, I tried thinking of hymns, but the thing was stuck in my head and worrying me about my capacity to teach today.

My stomach started hurting before I left the house (everyone else in bed asleep) and by the time I was in the car heading toward the church, I was in the middle of an anxiety attack - labored breathing, chest pain, panic. I hadn't had one in a long time - what to do? So - out loud, in the car - I just kept praying "Please help me, Heavenly Father, in the name of Thy Son." Over and over and over.  The church ride isn't long, but by the time I got to the church, I'd calmed down a bit.

Setting up for class, I had to go to the library to make copies and get a TV. Going to open the library door, I "happen" to look down on the ground at the back door to the church. There, on the floor, is one of Jonathan's Lego figures. And how some lower-to-the-ground tyke at church the day before didn't find it is beyond me!

By now, I knew the Lord had heard my prayers and answered with that small, sweet, tender mercy. I knew my Seminary box (a plastic box on wheels that I use to cart stuff on & had used to cart stuff to the talent show Saturday) is starting to fall apart on the bottom.  In essence, holes. That's what probably happened to Mr. Star Wars Lego figure (don't ask me what). I knew another one was missing. Maybe I could look in the back parking lot - where we'd parked Saturday night - after Seminary to try and find the other.

I'd explained the sweet miracle that had just happened to my class that morning, testifying that the Lord hears our prayers and cares for us, even in little ways. Well, after class, putting stuff back into the box to take home, what should I find? Another figure and a lego piece. I about cried, then.

After all this heavenly kindness, I did NOT rub it in to my son. But I did share the whole experience with him, letting him know that the Lord knows and cares about evertyhing in our lives, big and small. He gave a prayer of gratitude for the miracle we just saw. In our family, we do not believe in coincidences. We have seen too much. Life is full of miracles, if only we'll see them.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016
It was time I upped the ante. Baking two loaves of bread for my family nearly every-other day was getting to be a chore. So I saw on Pinterest a Depression-Era recipe that makes 6-8 loaves of bread at a time. I was interested!

Having decided today to experience this, I have come to the conclusion that the thing needs reworking. It is very difficult to handle 20 cups of flour at one sitting. I had to do it by hand - literally, my hands looked like I had leprosy - because all of that would not fit in my mixer. My neck, back, and shoulders are going to feel it. And there was flour and water and dough all over! What a mess!

I eventually moved half of the mix into my mixer to knead, then putting it to rise while the 2nd was working in the Kitchenaid. Even halved it gave my mixer a work, and I worried that I would burn out the motor. I've done that on cheaper mixers; it would be tragic on my Kitchenaid!  I set both halves to rise in two 6-quart containers. Why must I always pay for my ambitions?

How did it turn out? Not great. They look (and feel) like rocks and I'm afraid they're not done in the middle. Ken calls it Frankenstein bread. I think part of the problem is that I used half white and half wheat flour. Next time I'd probably do only a third of the wheat. But really, how eager am I to try this recipe again?

Consolation Prize: I made a whopping tower of waffles for dinner.

Okay, keep praying for Ken (for those of you who are, thank you for your prayers!). He hasn't heard back from Taco Bell yet, but has a possibility of - count them - THREE other jobs. One in town, two in Lawton.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Yesterday I had planned on turkey soup for dinner, but was having problems with one of my burners on my stove as I was making broth out of the turkey carcass (seriously, it makes good broth), so I ended up with the waffles instead. So I saved the broth for today to make a creamy turkey soup. I am so tempted to eat it for lunch, because a little taste test was SO good!

I made it in the morning because I wanted Jonathan to be able to take some to work tonight to eat on his break (they have a microwave in the breakroom). I think he's really going to like it, too. I am not sure there will be much in the way of leftovers with it after we've all had it!

New Beginnings was tonight. Ken actually got to go; he didn't have to work. Analiese wasn't happy that I decided to play papparatzi.

Thursday, January 28, 2016
I'll be honest. I am late writing this (like 3 days late) and I don't remember anything about today. I'm not sure there was anything significant going on.

Friday, January 29, 2016
I had a chuckle with my kids in Seminary today. We were studying Naaman and Elisha. We were watching a video where Naaman was staring at the Jordan river wondering if that dirty, muddy thing was worth anything. One of my students commented: "That looks like Altus water!" We all started rolling with laughter (and had to pause the video) because the water here is very bad and everyone knows it. We have so many serious moments, that the laugh was a worthwhile break!

I took a clerical test at the Jackson County Memorial Hospital today. It is only a few blocks from my house and they have a couple of open positions I could qualify for...but first, I had to take the test. I'm a little slower on my typing skills, though 66 wpm isn't bad at all. And, I got 95% on the math section, which made me feel great since math is a weakness of mine. Hopefully I can be considered for a part-time job with them.

Saturday, January 30, 2016
Today was ward temple day. I went up with Analiese and the Young Women. They had a 9:30 appointment to do baptisms and then they would watch kids in the OKC Stake Center across from the temple while the adults went to the 10:30 session.

It was a very full temple, with lots of youth there and adults in the session. Afterwards, we went to the stake center where the bishopric had supplied Chinese food  and pizza (for the kids) for lunch before we all went home. That was nice!

Ken & Jonathan couldn't go today, though, because they had work. Considering they both started their shifts at 3:00 and we didn't get back until 4:30, I guess it was a good thing, though it would have been nice to have everyone there!

Sunday, January 30, 2016
I wasn't feeling too well today, but I had to meet with the bishop after church, so I went. I'm glad I did because a friend of mine was there who really needed someone to talk to. She can't always make it to church because of work, so I was glad to see her and sit next to her in Sunday School and third hour.

There was ward choir this evening, but I didn't go. I felt pretty wiped out. Maybe next week.

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