Sunday, February 14, 2016


Monday, February 8, 2016
Pretty much a normal Monday, though the winds have really picked up. The weather people have issued a fire advisory. Not that the weather is very warm - in the 50's - but the wind is drying things out and would probably blow a fire into a big problem.

I'm having fun planning the Seminary lessons for this week. We're talking about events that are still celebrated by Jews today - The Feast of Tabernacles and Purim. Jonathan has a couple of friends who are Messianic Jews, so I contacted one for some ideas (and recipes). I've also found a couple of videos from the Israel Tourist board about the holidays. While the spiritual nature of the lessons is most important, it makes things a little more interesting to show them that some of these things are still done.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016
"The best laid plans..." Oh, brother, did I have some! The missionaries (all four) are coming to dinner, and I've planned a pork roast dinner (I make a marvelous pork roast, if I do say so myself!), with potatoes, salad, and broccoli. But I also had planned on making Hamantashen - a Jewish pastry that is made for the holiday Purim in celebration of Esther and the deliverance of the Jews in Persia. That one must be for Seminary (wink) for tomorrow's lesson.

However, I come to find out this morning that the roast will NOT fit in the crockpot! So I have to slow roast it in the oven. Bother! When will I make the Hamantashen? After dinner & dishes? Good thing I scheduled the missionaries to come at five. That may give me a little time. Let's see how that works out...

Not terrifically. The roast was done by five, but not fall-of-the bone done. It was still good, but there were no juices in the pan, so I had to just make a brown gravy, not as tasty. And my mashed potatoes - I had to laugh - I thought I cut them all up before boiling them, but I missed two! And they were a little...firmer...than the others, so I had to take them out before mashing the others. They would have made two BIG lumps!

No dessert, a first for us feeding the missionaries. And, I didn't make the Hamantashen. Sometime - maybe as I was pulling the roast out of the oven - I did something to my right shoulder. When I tried to hug the sister missionaries goodnight, I felt the pull...and the pain. Ugh! So, obviously, I can't move my arm well enough to roll out cookie dough. Now I'm really bummed about tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016
We talked about Esther; we talked about Purim. But no guest speakers, no Hamantashen. The kids did laugh when I read to them about how children celebrate Purim in the synagogues. I just wanted more (can you say overly ambitious?).

I got my new glasses today! I hadn't really expected them until the end of this week, because they said it would take about a week. Ken got his, too. That tiny print is much more visible, now. When will you see them? When I get the guts to have my picture taken again. It may be a while. You'd better wish for more baby animals for me to cuddle! LOL

Thursday, February 11, 2016
Two good things today:

One - My mom sent me lemons from California off of her tree. Ken swears they are the best lemons, no matter the tree, no matter the store.

Two - Well, sort of. I had a job interview. Over the phone. Automated. It was weird. The recording asked a question, beeped, and then I had to respond, pressing # when I was done. I'm to keep a watch on my email to see what they think of it. The hardest part was remembering thing from jobs past. After all, it's been 14 years! But I did reference some things from Seminary because, even though it's voluntary, it applies to work situations, too.  We'll see.

Friday, February 12, 2016
Sleep-in day! No Seminary because the high school is having parent-teacher conferences. I didn't sleep in too late, though, because Jonathan did have to go to the Vo-tech. He woke me up with fifteen minutes to spare until I drove him.

This afternoon was set-up time for the Rabbit Show tomorrow. I am going to be working the concessions, so I set up the kitchen area for the morning. It'll be the usual dogs, nachos, frito chili pie (fritos, chili, cheese - Analiese loves it), chips, soda and some homemade cookies/brownies. I'm manning the booth because last year I had a bad allergic reaction to all the rabbits. I'm hoping my isolation in concessions won't allow that to happen. But I will sneak out for some photos tomorrow!

Saturday, February 13, 2016
First thing this the Expo and the Rabbit Show. I went straight to the kitchen to set up the coffee, heat up the chili and nacho cheese, and to get the hot dogs warming. Analiese is old enough, she set up her rabbit station herself.

In the end we had 20 kids and 90 rabbits. We had mainly local people, but a few came from as far away as OKC. Apparently their 4H areas don't have active rabbit clubs. They did comment how friendly and helpful we were. We are a fun lot!

Rabbit agility was very popular. We are trying to drum it up in the local areas so that eventually we can have real competitions. Alice did very well in the trial runs, but got spooked in the "mock" real one with all the people standing around noisily. It certainly makes the show more interesting.

Analiese did well, with a third place in the Rabbit Quiz.
Alice won second place in Himilayans. There were lots of Californians (think fat Himilayans) and New Zealands, which are meat breeders, several Dutches (always popular) and even a few more Holland Lops than usual. My favorite was Mini Rex in a color called "lilac."

I closed down the concessions by 3:45, and had everything cleaned up and packed up by 4:30. Joy (our 4H leader) said I didn't have to do dishes, but she's having knee surgery this week and I figured that after all the show stuff, she didn't need to face dishes either.

But I was pooped. The floor in the concession kitchen is concrete and I was standing most of the day. I was fairly busy, but handled it pretty well on my own. It's not like the fair, which is teeming with people and you need 3-4 people manning it. As it was, I ran out of fritos, chili, and hot dogs. I almost went completely through the nacho cheese and had half a bag of tortilla chips left. I sold all of the brownies, no-bakes, and peanut butter cookies, with just three bags of snickerdoodles left.  And we made about $300 after the initial change for the money box. Joy says I should run concessions all the time!

Tonight was the ward Cupid's Dinner for the adults.
 The Young Women babysat, the Young Men served, and it was very nice. We had ham, scalloped potatoes, salad, green beans, and brownie parfaits.
A gal in our ward is a photographer and she took picture couples and we had a "Newlywed" game with different couples in the ward. Being single this evening, I didn't partake, but I enjoyed watching them sweat!

I left early, though, not staying for more of the activity. I was exhausted, my feet throbbed, and I just wanted to rest and get to bed.  I've seen some of the pictures they took, though, and it was really nice!

Sunday, February 15, 2016
Didn't go to church. I've been having headaches and feeling run down. So the rest of the fam went off to church and I went to bed.  I didn't even get up until they'd been home nearly an hour and felt like going back. But I'll wait till tonight. I don't want to be up at midnight!

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