Sunday, February 21, 2016


Monday, February 15, 2016
Still headachy and tired. Went shopping and felt totally exhausted afterward. I slept well the night before!

I asked Ken to give me a blessing. I think it's allergies and the wind and pollen count.  There's no fever or any other symptoms, just headache and fatigue. Good thing I had a day off!

Tuesday, February 16, 2016
Back to Seminary. Apparently three teenage boys from Altus died in a car crash this weekend and the town is reeling. So Megan put them and their families on the board for remembering in prayers. That's okay, I want them to thin of others, the community, etc.

Ken is packing for tomorrow. He heads off to OKC tomorrow to start training with Taco Bell. He'll be back Saturday evening and head out again next Tuesday morning. This will go on -  back and forth - until the end of March. Six weeks.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Ken left for OKC while I was in Seminary (though I did get a kiss goodbye before I left for class). He's going straight to a Taco Bell there for training and we're on our own here until Saturday night.

I took Jonathan to the Vo-tech from the airport for his end-of-year exam. He's been studying the past few weeks for it and felt ready to do it today. He got a 93%, so I guess he was right! He still has to go to class the rest of this week and all of next, but what he'll do, I don't know.

I was all by myself this evening. Analiese was at Mutual and Jonathan was attending a temple preparation class. This is a sign of things to come, and I don't know if I like it much. The house was very quiet, but I did get my lesson prepared for tomorrow and the dishes done. Still, it was kinda sad.

Thursday, February 18, 2016
Seminary was awesome today. We started on the Psalms today and our focus was on the Messianic nature of many of them. In particular, we studied the most famous Psalm - number 23 - "The Lord is my Shepherd." I came to the realization (in class) that the wording isn't "like a shepherd," or "the shepherd," but MY Shepherd. It's personal, and when you say it, pondering the meaning of it, the Spirit so strongly confirms it. He is MY Shepherd, watching, caring, protecting me. What a testimony that was!

Now that Jonathan has passed his exam for the year, he's sitting in class doing nothing...and going crazy. Nearly half of his class is in the same situation, and the devil finds things for idle hands to do. In point, they are bugging him about the Deadpool movie which, while he thinks Deadpool is funny, realizes that the movie is totally, certainly inappropriate. At home we joke that if we tried to watch it on Clearplay, it would be all silent. I guess the guys at the airport are pressuring him about it and it's driving him nuts. At least going to work today will be better. He works with good people of high(er) caliber, some of whom are his friends. I'm glad he's there.

Friday, February 19, 2016
Last night and this morning:

I got the job today! I will be a Hallmark Retail Merchandiser for the local Walmart. It pays pretty good, but not with many hours. Still, it is very flexible for my schedule and won't get in the way of Seminary!

So I celebrated by getting a much needed pedicure and picking up meds at the Walmart pharmacy. Party on! ROFL

Saturday, February 20, 2016
Nice to have - as our wonderful British sister says - a "lie in" on Saturday morning. The kids and I didn't get to scripture study until about 9 a.m.

We had a fun afternoon, though. Our friends, the Doshers, have got a new puppy. Their dog, Angel, had died a couple of months ago and they were feeling they wanted another one. They found an excellent breeder a couple of hours away who raises the Golden Retriever puppies in their home with little kids and even has them pretty well litter-trained by eight weeks.

So we were invited to go visit puppy and help them. Because, yes, they have yet to choose a name. It's a she. I guess they started out with 25-30 names and were trying to narrow it down when we got there. We put our input in - I liked Emma, and Analiese liked Sierra. They got down to 3 names by the time we were finished - Emma, Sierra, and Lucy.

She's a sweet pup, but was a sleepy baby when we were there. Analiese kept trying to get her to play, squeezing the squeeky ball, but she kept flopping down somewhere on the floor to sleep. Soft as a teddy bear, she's adorable. But our allergies kept us from being there too long. They have a cat, too, as well as their two rabbits. And I've been fighting my allergies enough. Analiese took medication before we came, so she didn't do badly.

And, I have no pictures. Because I left the camera in the van. Sorry.

Sunday, February 21, 2016
Nice Sabbath. Elder Christofferson of the 12 Apostles has been in Oklahoma for the weekend. Friday was a broadcasted fireside (from Tulsa) for the youth, and Saturday he spent some time with the missionaries in Oklahoma and with the bishops and stake presidents in Oklahoma and Arkansas. So we heard reports from the youth, the bishop, and the missionaries. The youth told me that he spoke a lot about Seminary. I said that must be because it's important! I like to feel justified.

The wind has really picked up, whistling around the house. It'll cool things down, for sure. We've had a couple of 80 degree days which - as Analiese says - is just terrible for a February. It isn't really even Spring, she says. But some of the bushes are starting to bud and leaf out. Tree pollen is up, too. Like I can't tell!

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