Sunday, January 17, 2016


Monday, January 11, 2015
It has been a pretty normal Monday - laundry, lessons, shopping. Pretty much run-of-the mill. Tired, too, but that's never a surprise on Monday and I had a busy weekend to make sure of it!

Oh! But I did find out something. Ken told me that one of the tires on the Honda was nearly threadbare and needed to be replaced apparently so urgently that he did it today! Now what vehicle did I drive to Norman on Saturday? That's right. Even more so now, it was a miracle I made it...and back. Gee, thanks.

Analiese and I have the house to ourselves this evening. Ken and Jonathan are both working until 11 p.m. I had asked her what she wanted for dinner and she said, "Taquitos." I didn't really want the store ones (after a while they seem gross to me), so I looked up on Pinterest and found a Best Bites recipe for Creamy Chicken Taquitos. It was easy and very yummy! As we say in our house, repeatable! Want to try it?

Tuesday, January 12, 2015
It was frosty cold this morning - breath-seeing air. I think it was colder than yesterday morning at 28 degrees. It's funny to see piles of snow (very dirty) sitting around over two weeks old

Seminary sometimes makes me laugh. I have one student who particularly believes I can do no wrong. I have not perpetuated this myth and often speak of my flaws and struggles in trying to work through them, but she just shakes her head and says she can't believe it. I need her to believe I'm not perfect, though, so she'll understand how important the Savior's Atonement is for everyone - me included.

Wednesday, January 13, 2015
The kids had fun at Seminary today. I had to get there a little earlier to set up for our lesson. I moved us into the Cultural Hall for the day; a little change of pace helps wake them up and keep them interested.

Our lesson was on David and Goliath and I had to impress upon them how big Goliath was. I didn't have the time, resources or talent to make a life-sized giant, but I did some measuring and put a piece of paper with his name up on the wall of the room.  Even then, it wasn't high enough because all I had to use was a step ladder. It ended up around eight feet, so if you added one more foot and nine inches, you'd be about right (my picture isn't great because I forgot my camera and had to use my phone).

Also fun for them was the "slings" I made for them out of felt and yarn. Not exactly David material, but enough to swing around and try to aim at the paper on the wall.  With marshmallows. It was fun, if a little crazy. Don't want to do that often, it kind of detracts from the Spirit. But they walked out of class with more energy than they came in!

Actually, my favorite part of class was reading David's response to Goliath:

 45 Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.
 46 This day will the Lord deliver thee into mine hand; and I will smite thee, and take thine head from thee; and I will give the carcases of the host of the Philistines this day unto the fowls of the air, and to the wild beasts of the earth; that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel.
 47 And all this assembly shall know that the Lord saveth not with sword and spear: for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give you into our hands.

The spirit was so strong as we read this! I really believe this is my favorite part of all Old Testament scripture. It's such a strong testimony of faith. It makes it easier for me (and hopefully my students) believe that the Lord will stand with us in our challenges...even 9 foot, 9 inch ones!

Ugh! Dentist day.  Apparently I have this little "protocavity" (my words, not the doc's) that needs to be taken care of before it can get worse. It was quick, only an hour and most of that consisted of sitting there waiting for the novacain to work.  Still.  They said they "bonded" the tooth, so I could use it right away, but to be careful until the novacain wore off. It didn't really wear off completely until long after I was in bed tonight.

This afternoon, I took Analiese over to WOSC for an audition of "Into the Woods." She's been practicing a song - "Maybe" from Annie - and is doing this for her Personal Progress. There were a lot of people there, including a few we recognized: Jonathan's friend Sarah C. (Cuz there's more than one Sarah), Aurora Sperry (Seminary student) and her mother, Brother Box and his twin boys from the ward.

She did fine considering it was her first time and she'd never sung a solo in front of anyone before. She was nervous, but that was understandable.

But it got me thinking..."If I was auditioning, what song would I sing?" Then I thought, "Come Thou Font of Every Blessing" which can show off my deep tones nicely. Then I thought, "Why not try? Just to say you did?" So, I sprung it on everyone, including the director, Jeff Gonda, who's also in our ward. It was funny, too, because Analiese, the Sperry's and the Box's all followed me into the auditorium...they were curious to see what I'd do.

I SHOULDN'T do it. With Seminary, that's a lot of time. But it felt good just to try and think maybe I could. Hey, lots of people are too afraid to try and never know. That's even sadder.

Thursday, January 14, 2016
Not feeling super well today. My stomach is not being friendly and I am very tired. After I got Analiese set in her lessons (Ken was around anyway), I took a little nap. I felt a bit better, which was good, because the rest of my day was too busy to be stuck in the bathroom (TMI).

Analiese wanted to go back to auditions. She hadn't been able to read for Red Riding Hood yesterday and that was the part she was really interested in. So, we went back. There was not near as many people as yesterday, so the reading happened sooner and we were out in an hour. The director asked me to read again, too, but Analiese really ROCKED her part. Most auditioners had been reading Red very flat or sweetly. Analiese has seen the musical and the movie and her mom (ah-hem) had prompted her - be a sassy, needs-to-be-smacked-upside-the-head teenager. Jonathan told her to act normally (brothers!) Anyway, she rolled her eyes and threw her lines with darts of sarcasm and had the director laughing.

But, sadly, we didn't get the parts. Not because we weren't good (Jeff really wanted to cast me. I guess I am funny), but because "Into the Woods" has a small cast and because it is put on by the college, the majority of the roles need to go to the college students. He felt bad about it, because he saw a lot of community talent as well, and had more people auditioning than expected (about 70 people). Analiese took it well, it was an experience she enjoyed and wouldn't mind repeating, but not devastated because it didn't work this time. Me, I was a teensy bit sad (cuz it would have been cool), but mostly relieved that the decision was taken out of my hands. I really need to focus on Seminary and my family's issues. I'm tired already, what would rehearsals do to me?

Don't worry, I have plenty of other ways to feed my ego! Tonight, I spoke at Relief Society on the topic of Scripture Study. I don't think it went as well as Sunday School, but the Spirit was still there. I had ascertained at first the needs to connect with and understand the scriptures, so I went in the direction where I felt they could get the most good.  Not the gooey, frou-frou stuff (like colored markers, and fancy labeling), but how to read, understand, and feel the Spirit teaching you and strengthening your testimony.  

I only had twenty minutes, because I was followed by a sister talking about time management (she was very funny) and another sister teaching basic crochet stitches. But I just enjoy going to spend time socializing with the other sisters. Even if I don't do much else.

Friday, January 15, 2016
I had the "fun" part of playing the messenger this morning. I told Aurora in Seminary (after the lesson, of course) that none of us got parts in the play and why. She's a sweet, sensitive girl and I think she was crushed. She wondered why bother inviting the community to audition when all the parts go to the college kids and I tried to make her see that more people auditioned than he expected - from both the college and the community - and he was stuck. WOSC signs his paycheck. It's hard to tell youth, but there will be other times and other opportunities. I hope she'll be okay.

Another laundry day...yippee (flat-toned). My laundry has increased since Jonathan has a "uniform" for work (he has work shirts). Also, these kids want to put blankets, jackets, hoodies and sweatshirts in, too. My Friday laundry has grown! So I told them that, from now on, the blankets, jackets, hoodies, sweatshirts, etc., will go in with the towels on Tuesday. I'm lazy and like to get as big a load (hence, less loads) as possible, but this is too much for the machines!

Saturday, January 16, 2016
I woke up to a light snow falling. To be honest, it was peaceful and safe (no driving hours away in it), so I sat in my rocker with a blanket and just watched it fall for a while.  Peace. Calm. It didn't last long, but I enjoyed it while I could.

We attended a baptism early this afternoon for the sister of another convert from last year. She's come several times with him, so many sets of missionaries have worked with her.  Three of them were back (with our current four) for the baptism - almost more of them than ward members! Still it was nice to see them and they all remembered me. Ken didn't recognize one, but I know who I feed! LOL!

Speaking of missionaries, we fed our four tonight.'s what was in our freezer. I don't know if we'll be able to afford to feed them so often unless Ken gets a better job. But he's had two interviews this week, so I'm feeling hopeful. I told him I really feel the need to feed them. 1) Because they need meals. 2) Because we get blessings for feeding them. 3) Because they bring the spirit of missionary work (and other things) into the home. 4) Because my boy will be one of them soon and I'd want someone to feed him! Okay, the last one is really sappy, so I don't emote that one often. Unless I want to embarrass Jonathan.

Sunday, January 17, 2016
Coming out of church today, we were blown away by a powerful Arctic wind.  It was cold! The day had started out warmer, but by 2:00 p.m. was at 35 degrees. No precipitation, but plenty of chilling winds.

My strangest thing this week came today in a local residential neighborhood.  Not in the country, on the outskirts, but in town, a few houses away from our friends, the Doshers. How'd you like these fellas in your backyard:
Apparently there are no local hitching posts nearby!

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