Sunday, January 24, 2016


Monday, January 18, 2016
MLK day - No Seminary! The only thing I really relish about it is that I can sleep in. Otherwise, I miss my class!

We all slept in. Ken and Jonathan worked yesterday evening, so they were very tired. Analiese and I, well, no excuse, but it was nice...

I lent my Back-to-the-Future DVDs (the whole set) to a brother in our ward who just had shoulder surgery. He's been bored out of his skull (as his FB page attests) and while I couldn't convince him to read a book, I did offer him about six hours of entertainment. I think his wife was grateful, too, because he must be driving her crazy between times!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Busy bee, me! Besides doing two loads of towels, blankets & jackets, I baked two loaves of bread, did two hours of data entry, and made a big pot of ham-and-beans soup. Hey, the house smelled great!

We had Family Home Evening tonight. With Ken & Jonathan working odd schedules, it's been hit-and-miss lately.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Analiese calls me a "Seminary Shark" because I pounce on every new youth in the ward about coming to Seminary. I do not think I am "that bad," but can justify my efforts with two reasons:
1) Our class is so small, and will probably get smaller. We NEED more people!
2) Seminary is awesome! Who wouldn't want to go? I've seen these students learn, understand and grow. There's nothing like it.

When I went to pick up Analiese from YW, one of the parents of  my students accosted me about yesterdays lesson (David & Bathsheba, with an emphasis on the dangers of pornography). I told her what I told the kids - if it wasn't a problem today, would we need to talk about it? Painful, uncomfortable, but if I can spare them some future sorry, I will have succeeded!

Thursday, January 21, 2016
Yeah, Seminary kept on going great with "fun" topics. I jokingly refered to today's lesson as the Old Testament Soap Opera. Rape. Murder. Intrigue. I promise tomorrow will be better.

KEN GOT A JOB! He had an interview today as an assistant manager at the local Taco Bell and basically swept the interviewer off her feet! He will have to have six weeks of training in OKC, It sounds weird (cuz it's fast food), but the pay is fairly equivalent to what he was making when he started at the prison up in Granite. And there are future possibilities. **WHEW!!!**

Friday, January 22, 2016
Today is my Daddy's birthday, so I called him. Analiese thinks I shouldn't be using kiddy words like Mommy and Daddy, especially since my kids are grown (ha!). She doesn't realize that as we and our parents grow older, they become ever so precious to us. That, and the distance between them and us makes is especially more so. The words Mommy and Daddy and terms of the sweet value we place on them!

Rabbit Club was tonight, which is part rabbit stuff, and part adult mingler. Next month is the Rabbit Show, so we had a lot to discuss. Analiese, having only one rabbit, doesn't require a lot of supervision from me, so I volunteered to run the Concession Stand that day (February 13). Might as well make myself useful; I have to be there the whole time, anyway!

Saturday, January 23, 2016
I really slept in today...past nine o'clock! That is rare for me, even on the weekends. I guess I was tired. But time's a tickin', and there's always work to be done.

Like more bread baking. I have judiciously doled out the last two loaves (two pieces per person per day except when Jonathan is working and needs to take a sandwich to school & work - then he gets four). So there are still a few pieces of the last loaf in the fridge. But will they last the weekend? Probably not.

NOTE: Pieces means I sliced it myself, rather than let them do it. I'm not the greatest slicer, but I'm the best in the house. Plus, if I refrigerate the loaves first, they cut better. So it's better to bake, cool, then refrigerate a few hours and I have to keep track so I don't run out of bread in the meantime!

Tonight was the Ward Talent Show...and I FORGOT MY CAMERA! So you'll have a few cruddy pictures from my phone. Sorry.

But it was great. Nearly everyone participated. A couple from another church came and commented that they'd never get that much participation if they did that.  Well, yeah, our ward is like that. We had all kinds of performers, young and old, reading poetry, telling jokes, doing magic, singing, doing gymnastics (one flexible kid!), dancing. The funniest was a brother who dressed up as Elvis and did a great impersonation that brought the house down! The sister missionaries did a song and some cup action (tapping, moving, swapping) and one of the elders recited D&C 4 while juggling three tennis balls!

Plus there were displays, too. We put out a few things of ours, including Alice and the 4H ribbons. Also, I took a picture of Megan, my artistic Seminary student, with her work. Just cuz I love my kids and brag about them nearly as much as my blood own!

Sunday, January 24, 2016
Today was a pretty normal church day. Except, I was terribly distracted in Sunday School. I was sitting between two cute little baby girls who wanted my attention. How could I resist? The one is my especial friend and her mother always asks me if I want to hold her. She has such a light in her eyes! I bet she's super-smart, too!

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